Chapter 1423 Multiple Agendas.

Chapter 1423 Multiple Agendas.

She left him then. Her form returned to the realm. He didn't need to ask her what she meant by that reply, but he is still confused because it doesn't seem to have answered his question.

He gained the information about the competition among world gods for the end of the universe and the realm lord's plan to take part in it when Gehaldirah finished the trial of heaven and was rewarded for his success.

That information was in the library, and he thought it was open to anyone who could afford the points needed to access it. But Mother High Heaven is saying it was not so. That means he is one of the few privy to that information.

"What does she mean by it is not general information, and what does that have to do with Legion-9?" He asked himself and the other clones.

---- Soverick

While the other clones are busy preoccupying the Vampires and trying to achieve the second major agenda of Legion, Soverick is busy trying to achieve the first major agenda. This agenda has multiple aims packed into one main goal.

The main goal is for Legion to acquire enough power to rival Supreme Origin gods for the era of conquest and enough power to seal the Vampires. This can be achieved in many ways, hence why it has many aims.

They need more power even though they have Legion-7 and his spark of the soul, which is the equivalent of a Supreme Origin god, because Legion-7's existence is spiritual, as are his abilities. Manipulation of the soul is useless against Origin gods because Origin gods have immortal existence with immortal soul imprints.

He estimated confidently as he worked, "We should be ready before the era of conquest."

He is in his true form right now. He is a single eye with multiple multicolored tentacles extended out of him.

These tentacles work in accurate tandem with the eye to assemble the law matrix. They are able to weave quickly because the resistance of the law fragments has been removed thanks to the cosmic force from Legion-5. All in all, they are making good time.

What they are building is a work of art. It is a phantasmic structure of energy for operation, matter for form, information or laws that dictate what forms it takes, and forces that keep the individual parts together or apart to maintain its form.

Each part is tweaked in a specific manner and works together with the others, like the gears in clockwork. But unlike clockwork, what they are building can explode in their faces.

The world fragment is a very difficult thing to describe. Several parts of it exist in different states of matter that can only be imagined by a weak mind and not understandable. If they don't know that space has layers, how will they be able to understand or envision a twist in the fabric of space?


A/N: Don't forget that I will upload an extra chapter for every person with a golden ticket contribution above 20. This is aside from the normal contribution goals and will start next month.