Chapter 1424 Plans For Supreme Law.

Chapter 1424 Plans For Supreme Law.

It can't be described to the weak. Even its physical features cannot be described accurately because a weak eye cannot see everything that it is.

When combined with the fact that it is both a structure that has to be seen and felt, it makes the phantasmic structure nearly impossible to fully comprehend without experiencing it personally. Any explanation of it will fall short of its true description. And even then, most of it will be lost to the dim minds of the weak.

But if it is to be described after culling 90% of its features, then it is an infinity symbol composed of a black loop and white loop joined together that occasionally collapses in a devastating reaction encapsulated by a sphere of golden light that is orbited by nine rings of crystalized light woven with light of various wavelengths and yet intersects at several points where harmony is maintained.

The rings of crystalized light are the budding law matrix. They are the structures that will hold the shards of power. If they are sturdy enough and can withstand the backlash of the void universe, then Legion will be able to use the shards of power indefinitely instead of in short spurts. They might not be able to control the shards of power completely, but at least, Soverick would be able to keep his enhanced eyes open forever.

This is the current top-most aim of Legion. It is because a supreme law is still far away from them. Unlike a law matrix, where they just had to make sure that it didn't collapse on itself and could withstand a lot of abuse, a supreme law has to be able to go toe to toe with the law of order and not be destroyed by the resistance of the void universe.All latest novels at

That's just the minimum requirement for it to be capable of creating a world. Of course, Legion is not just aiming to meet the minimum requirement for their supreme law. If they didn't want to create something spectacular, they wouldn't have bothered to create concepts with multiple laws.

They knew before the conversation with Mother High Heaven that Supreme Laws can grow, but the growth is not limitless. A concept made of one law will be very powerful as a supreme law but will be stunted in potential and will be inflexible as opposed to supreme laws created from concepts with many laws.

Meanwhile, a Supreme Law that possesses those aspects in its a Supreme law can only create and operate one false law at a time.

natural state will be able to use all of them at once. This means that Supreme Laws without the aspect of dimension and entropy can simulate omnipresence with their Will, but they can still be trapped in a cage made of the difference in the coefficient of time and space. This is because even if the Supreme law can simulate the law of space or the Aspect of dimension, it can't break a barrier that requires space and time at the same time to overcome.

Legion doesn't want to be trapped the way they trapped CARNAGE and the Supreme Law of the First Sage, so they will make sure that they can easily utilize their Supreme Law across differences in dimensions and through the flow of time brought about by entropy.

The preparation for potential, power, and seven aspects means that the Supreme Laws that they plan to make are going to be very difficult. It is not an undertaking that can be taken lightly or achieved in a short period of time.

So their great plan for the future about supreme laws and worlds is for the future. For now, the world engine and the world fragment are the focus of their attention. This is the best use of their time because it is easier to achieve and because the world fragment won't go to waste.

Soverick plans to upgrade it with their Supreme Laws in the future, and they may be able to upgrade it into a Universal artifact.

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