Chapter 725: Do it yourself again

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
A lunch was enough for Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping to thoroughly see Feng Yifan's cooking skills.

The art of real cooking.

The two old men were completely convinced.

They are already very clear, Feng Yifan should be the rumored, the shadow chef who once allowed Pervence restaurant to regain three stars and regain the favor of a certain royal family.

Just because of his two original Western-style dishes today, the two elderly people feel that they are enough to achieve three-star quality.

Of course, if it is a three-star dish, the two dishes must be presented separately, and some modifications are required.

But even though Feng Yifan made it for his family and didn't make a special presentation, it was still difficult to hide the exquisiteness of the two dishes.

When Feng Yifan and the others had lunch and were sitting in the dining room for a break, Walsh took the initiative to look for him.

"Chef Feng, I want to ask about the last two dishes you made today. Can we buy the right to use them? Of course, we will pay you the same as before."

Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping heard the words, and the two old men looked at each other.

The two old people also had some accidents in their hearts, but they did not expect to witness the so-called "buying menu".

To buy a menu is actually to buy a license to use original dishes.

If the general public is familiar with dishes, there is no such thing as authorized use. Only like the last two dishes of Feng Yifan today, he used some of his own original cooking methods, and the design of the finished dishes also has his originality.

At this time, if a restaurant wants to cook and sell this dish, it must be authorized by the chef.

And when the dishes are on sale, the creator's signature must also be added.

is like the one-star menu of a hotel restaurant, with the signature "Feng Yifan" on it.

This kind of original dishes, especially those that have been awarded a star, are not allowed to be used to open a store for profit without the author’s authorization and signature.

What's more, for top chefs, they don't care about other people's imitating.

A dish is not cooked according to it, it can make the taste that the original creator himself cooks.

Therefore, when the restaurant cannot invite the chef himself, it is naturally impossible to buy a cooking method for a dish, because the dishes imitated in that way may be very different in taste.

Feng Yifan looked at Walsh and said with a smile: "Chef Walsh, you should understand that the menu of a dish, even if I give you all the recipes, and tell you how to cook it, but if it is in the cooking process With a slight deviation, the taste will be completely different."

Walsh nodded: "I understand, but we still hope to get your authorization to use it."

Feng Yifan was a little helpless: "Actually, I just cook these two dishes casually and give them to my daughter. If they really want to serve them, some areas need improvement."

Walsh said again: "No, Chef Feng, we know your craft very well, and please don't be humble."

Feng Yifan is really a little bit dumbfounded.

Lu Xiguo smiled and said at this time: "Yifan, since they are so sincere, you can authorize them. Besides, if you adjust the two dishes on the plate, they will definitely be two very good dishes. Add some different choices to other people’s restaurant menus."

are both chefs, and Walsh and Yu Quan are the viewers of the whole process, so they are naturally still sure to make a copy.

is just some seasoning, and the two people may not be able to fully grasp it.

But Walsh and Yu Quan are still very insistent, hoping to get the authorization of Feng Yifan's two Dao, and they also have certain confidence in some of their respective crafts, and feel that they can research the appropriate heat and seasoning.

Feng Yifan finally nodded: "Okay, since you want to authorize, then give it to you. The two dishes are actually not worth much."

Walsh breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I will report to the headquarters together with the general manager of the hotel here, and the headquarters will give you a suitable quotation after the evaluation."

Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping watched from the sidelines, and the adults, including Shi Jiahui, were also a little shocked.

For Shi Jiahui, this is also the first time she has witnessed such a purchase of menu authorization.

After Walsh left, Feng Yifan saw that everyone was silent, but smiled and said, "No need to do this? The authorization fee for two dishes is actually not much, not like my one-star menu. The licensing fee is still considerable."

Shi Jiahui thought for a while and suddenly said, "So, all your income in these years comes from this aspect?"

Feng Yifan didn't hide it, and nodded, "Forget it, there are two three-star menus in my authorized menu, and there are about four or five one-star menus, but it seems that there is only one two-star menu."

Lu Xiku and Quan Chengping were taken aback, Shi Jiahui also found it incredible.

And Feng Yifan smiled and said, "In fact, the income is not as high as you think."

Quan Chengping suddenly asked: "So, is your name on the signature of your authorized menu?"

Feng Yifan shook his head: "No."

Speaking, Feng Yifan wanted a restaurant menu and handed it to Quan Chengping.

The latter glanced at the signature on the restaurant’s one-star menu, and was suddenly surprised.

"Sure enough, let me just say it. We often see this name in some top restaurants abroad, but we never know which restaurant this signature chef is in."

has an English name of Long Fei Feng Wu on the menu, and standard English and Chinese annotations beside it.

Cai alone creates a chef: Ai Xi.

If you didn't see Feng Yifan today, and didn't hear him say that the menu was his, many people might think of this signature as a female chef from abroad.

But knowing that it is Feng Yifan’s menu, and then comparing the Chinese characters above, you will understand the meaning of these two words.

Yang Zhiyi instantly understood, looked at Feng Yifan and said: "Yifan, you really have been thinking of your wife for a few years abroad, and even the signature of the menu is "Aixi"."

Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping still don’t understand, what does it mean to ask Yang Zhiyi?

Yang Zhiyi explained with a smile: "Chef Feng’s wife is called ‘Su Ruoxi’, so I think the two elderly people should know what’s the meaning of ‘Aixi’ in this signature, right?"

The two old men suddenly heard this, Feng Yifan's signature shows that he loves his wife deeply.

Even if two people have not seen each other in five years, and separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, he still loves and misses his wife deeply.

Feng Yifan smiled calmly and said: “At the beginning, because of some things, I couldn’t go back to China, so when I gave this one-star menu authorization for the first time, I signed the name, and later asked everyone who used my menu. Restaurant, sign this name on the menu."

Lu Xigu sighed: "Remember, we had tasted Yifan's menu when we were in the Perovence restaurant. At that time, we asked if we could meet the chef, but the answer was that the menu was created. The person has left the Perovence restaurant."

Quan Chengping said: "Yeah, we were quite disappointed at the time, thinking about when we can see one another in the future."

Lu Xigu looked at Feng Yifan and said, “I didn’t expect that the creator of the menu would be my grandson.”

Feng Ruoruo approached her father at this time and asked with a smile: "Grandpa, is my father really good? Did I tell you? My father's dishes are so delicious."

Yang Xiaoxi leaned in and said to a good friend: "Yes, Feng Dad’s cooking is the best."

Feng Yifan hugged the two little girls, with a petting smile on their faces.

"Thank you for my two good daughters."

Lu Xiguo responded to Feng Ruoruo and said: "Yes, your father does delicious dishes, and they are all dishes that we can't eat elsewhere. Thank you father very much."

Quan Chengping said: "Well, I have to thank Ruoruo and Xixi. Without our two little babies, we could not have such delicious dishes."

Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi were very happy after hearing this, and they happily waved their little hands and shouted in unison: "Dad (Daddy Feng) is great."

Feng Yifan made the little girls yell twice to stop them from saying, "Well, let's not disturb others eating. Should we go upstairs? You two should take a nap in a while."

The two little girls immediately lowered their voices and responded softly to Father Feng.

"Okay, dad, let's go, we are all done anyway."

"Let’s keep your voice down."

Everyone got up. When Feng Yifan went to check out, the restaurant didn't want to collect money, but Feng Yifan still insisted on paying out the cost of the ingredients.

Feng Yifan when they left the restaurant and took the elevator back to the room upstairs.

In the back kitchen of the restaurant, Walsh and Yu Quan are trying dishes.

The two of them did exactly what Feng Yifan did before and cooked the two dishes again.

After    is made, let the chefs in the back kitchen help to taste it.

After a taste, everyone in the back kitchen is relatively silent.

Walsh said, "Just say what you have. Don't hide it. Take a look at the taste restored by your chef and me. Does it meet your expectations?"

There was another silence, and a young cook in the back kitchen spoke boldly.

"Chef, chef, we have not tasted the taste of the dishes made by Chef Feng, so we have no way to accurately judge, but the two dishes you made have some flaws, among them the grouper It feels a bit old, the juice is not well maintained, and the lobster also feels a bit old."

Walsh and Yu Quan glanced at each other. In fact, they had already discovered this problem when they ate.

After    grouper meat was fried, it really made them feel that the juice was not enough.

The lobster is obviously older, and it feels like it has lost its juicy and chewy texture.

Walsh said: "It seems that we may still need to explore for a long time, or we still need to consult Chef Feng, otherwise the two of us will not be able to fully grasp."

At this time, the young chef who stood up boldly said: "Chef, chef, I saw at the time that when Chef Feng was frying the fish, it was not completely cooked, but it seemed to be left to dry for a while. During that time, he made the sauce and then put the fish directly on the plate."

Hearing what the young chef said, Walsh and Yu Quan fell into deep thought, and they thought about it for a long time.

Walsh said suddenly: "I understand. Chef Feng first fry the fish skin until crispy with a low fire, then fry the fish on the surface of the high fire to lock the juice inside the fish, then put it aside and fry it over a high fire. With the remaining temperature, slowly let the internal fish meat mature by itself."

Yu Quan also immediately understood: "Yes, the same is true for lobsters."

When the two people figured it out, there was a clap in the back kitchen, and everyone turned their heads to see Feng Yifan had returned.

"Unexpectedly, you have really researched it out. In the back kitchen of your restaurant, there is such a young cook who is very observant. Chef Yu Quan, this is your baby."

Yu Quan hurriedly recruited the young cook to his side, and was a little embarrassed to introduce him: "Chef Feng, this is my nephew, who has just come here to learn how to cook for half a year."

The young cook said to Feng Yifan quickly: "Hello Chef Feng, my name is Yu Chao."

Feng Yifan proactively stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, your observation is very careful."

Yu Chao and Feng Yifan shook hands, their faces were full of excitement.

And Feng Yifan then put on the chef’s uniform and walked to the stove and said: “Well, let me demonstrate it again. By the way, I will tell you some of the details. I think the two chefs and chefs are here. I can see it clearly. If there is anything I don’t understand, I have a week to go. You can ask me anytime."

Hearing this, Walsh was a little surprised: "Chef Feng, we have not finally confirmed your authorization to purchase."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "It's just two dishes. Don't be so nervous. Besides, do you think that if I don't cook these two dishes, my restaurant won't be able to operate?"

Such a sentence made Walsh and Yu Quan, as well as all the cooks in the back kitchen, a little surprised.

Then, Walsh realized that his pattern was too small.

The creation of two dishes is indeed the effort of Feng Yifan, but as a chef, you should prefer dishes to spread more widely Let more people taste the dishes.

Instead of sticking to your own original menu, make it only in your own restaurant.

When Feng Yifan was preparing, he said: "However, I still hope that all my colleagues in the cooking industry can use their own efforts to create your own delicious dishes."

This sentence may not be taken seriously by most of the chefs present, but Yu Chao's eyes glowed when he heard it.

After   , Feng Yifan did it again seriously. Although there were no fresh ingredients this time, he used Walsh and Yu Quan leftovers to make it.

But even so, when two dishes are made, after Feng Yifan's presentation, they are still very exquisite.

When placing the plate, Feng Yifan did not hesitate to remind: "This fish, you have to pay attention, the outer layer must be trimmed when the plate is placed, because the outer layer has been fried in a hurry, the meat is already old, if it is left It will affect the overall taste, so it must be removed when serving dishes."

Such small details have also taught Walsh and Yu Quan a lot in an instant.

Next, everyone tasted two dishes made by Feng Yifan.

Take a bite, and instantly you can taste a completely different taste from before.

The meat of    grouper is fresh and tender, and the oil and juice in the fish are well preserved. When eaten with hazel jam, it is really unique in flavor and does not feel greasy at all.

Similarly, lobster meat is also very firm and Q bomb, and there is plenty of juice inside after biting it open.

The two dishes are really perfect in Feng Yifan's hands.