Chapter 726: Continue to understand the pastry chef

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Feng Yifan made the dishes again, and let everyone in the kitchen to taste them.

Walsh and Yu Quan are very grateful, and the two are also determined to let the hotel headquarters authorize the purchase of these two dishes.

After finishing the things in the back kitchen, Walsh and Yu Quan accompanied Feng Yifan out of the other door of the back kitchen, and went to the outside of the dining room kitchen together.

The three were silent for a while, and Yu Quan said, "Master Feng, if you really want to recruit Luo Yu, you may need to make a dessert that she cannot surpass temporarily, and you may also need to convince her to convince you. Luo Yu is a very arrogant woman."

Feng Yifan listened to Yu Quan and asked, "You have a deep impression of her too?"

Yu Quan nodded and said: "Yes, in fact, everyone in the back kitchen of the restaurant is very impressed by her, not only because she succeeded in stealing the chef, and squeezing out the past dessert chef, more importantly, in her life She is very cheerful and seems to be able to be friends with anyone, but she is very serious when making snacks, and even some of the six relatives do not recognize it.

Through Yu Quan's recount this time, Feng Yifan has a deeper understanding of Luo Yu.

Feng Yifan originally thought that Luo Yu might be a very conceited person.

But from what Yu Quan said, Luo Yu is not only an arrogant person, but a very cheerful and friendly person. She can get along well with all departments in the hotel.

Even some people at the front desk of the hotel would receive some desserts made by herself at that time.

When she was studying, she would give her desserts to many people to help them taste.

After that, she was successful, and she will continue to send it, and she is not complacent about her success in the slightest.

Yu Quan said: “If you want to know more about her, you can talk to the little girls at the front desk of the hotel. They are all Luo Yu’s friends. They will pass by Luo Yu’s dessert shop after get off work and buy some dessert tapes. Go home to eat."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Okay, thank you."

Walsh asked at this moment: "Feng Yifan, are you really not coming to Shanghai? With your cooking skills, you will definitely become a leading chef in Shanghai. Even if your restaurant is opened in the corner of the corner, you will be caught If diners from all over the world find out, business will be booming."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Do you think I still lack that money and name?"

Walsh was speechless when asked.

Feng Yifan said: "Walsh, you should see that life is what I want now, because I have more time to spend time with my daughter, and I also have a wife, parents and father-in-law at home, so I It is impossible to leave them behind and run to Shanghai to open a shop."

Walsh understood that Feng Yifan's focus now is on family.

"Where is your restaurant now?"

Feng Yifan replied: "In Huaicheng, a small city that is not very developed."

Yu Quan said immediately: "I know that Huaicheng is also one of the birthplaces of Huaiyang cuisine. It can be regarded as a very cultural heritage. The previous Chinese cuisine menu selection seems to be held in Huaicheng. It was a good start, ah, yes, at that time, Chef Feng, you also went to the scene?"

Yu Quan finally remembered it at this time. He had always felt as if he had seen and heard of Feng Yifan somewhere before.

Now I finally remember that at the first stop of the Chinese cuisine menu selection held in Huaicheng, Feng Yifan appeared at the finals and made a red house dish.

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, I went to the scene at the time. In fact, I was just pushed out. At that time, my teacher and uncle were also on the scene. He is the real master of domestic culinary arts."

Yu Quan asked curiously: "Chef Feng is your teacher-uncle?"

Feng Yifan said: "Old Mr. Zhuang Daozhong."

Yu Quan instantly respected.

"Ah, I know that Mr. Zhuang is the master of the national banquet cuisine in our country. The first master I used to learn cooking is the nephew of Mr. Zhuang, but I am relatively dull and I have no chance to see Mr. Zhuang in person, let alone Chance to learn how to cook with him."

Then Yu Quan asked curiously: "Chef Feng, your teacher-uncle is Mr. Zhuang Daozhong, then who is your teacher?"

Feng Yifan did not hide: "In fact, my master is my father-in-law, my father-in-law's master, and his father, my wife's grandfather, Mr. Su Quansheng."

This time, Yu Quan was completely shocked, and he finally understood why Feng Yifan was able to make such an authentic three-eat eel.

"Chef Feng, it's no wonder that you can learn things and integrate Eastern and Western culinary skills. It turns out that you have a family background. Mr. Su Quansheng was the first person at the national banquet. No one in the domestic culinary circles knows. "

Walsh asked curiously: "Why do you call Su Quansheng the first person of the state banquet?"

Yu Quan said earnestly: "I heard from my master that many of the dishes on the state banquet menu were finalized at the time of Mr. Su Quansheng, and many of them included cooking skills and various flavors. It was also decided by Mr. Su Quansheng."

Feng Yifan also said: "This is really true. Because it is a state banquet, it needs to take care of the tastes of different groups and ensure that the food is healthy. Therefore, the cooking methods and the seasoning need to be improved. Grandpa did a lot in this regard. Power, but it can’t be said to be the first person.”

Yu Quan is very serious: "No, Mr. Su Quansheng is definitely the first person."

Feng Yifan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Grandpa is a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune, otherwise he would not stay away from the hustle and bustle and return to his hometown to run his own small restaurant."

Yu Quan also said: "I also heard Master say about this. Later, Mr. Su Quansheng left Beijing and returned to his hometown to run a small restaurant. It seems that the restaurant was uploaded by Mr. Su’s ancestors, and there is a very rare piece. Old plaque."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, the restaurant is passed down from generation to generation by my wife's ancestors, and the old plaque does exist."

Walsh exclaimed: "Oh, Feng Yifan, you are really from a family."

Feng Yifan responded: "That was my wife's house, but my wife has no brothers, so I can only inherit it. I have been abroad for five years and I want to find the beauty of each country. Now I have found it, so I want to come back and support. The old restaurant in my wife’s house."

Yu Quan said: "Well, speaking of it this way, chef Feng, you are the same as the old Mr. Su Quansheng. After you have achieved fame, you will go back and continue to run a small restaurant."

Feng Yifan was said to be so, and he felt that it was really the same.

"In fact, small restaurants are very good. In small places, there is not such a big competition. You can study the dishes more quietly and make more delicacies that the neighbors like."

Hearing these words, Walsh and Yu Quan almost believed them.

If it weren't for knowing, Feng Yifan would invite two dim sum chefs to his restaurant.

Walsh said with a smile: "No matter what, Chef Feng still wants his restaurant to be recognized, otherwise you don't have to go all the way to Shanghai, right? And your goal is very clear, to be the two talented dessert chefs."

Feng Yifan did not hide: "Well, that's the case. I hope that my restaurant can bring you the deliciousness that everyone wants, so I need to expand the number of people, so that some aspiring young chefs like me can be in my restaurant. Show their talents."

Walsh asked: "But if you don't want to get three stars again, why should you invite two dessert chefs like that?"

Feng Yifan replied calmly: "Because only two of them can create desserts beyond Samsung."

After a pause, Feng Yifan continued: “Our restaurant must become a restaurant that can prove Chinese cuisine and will never lose to any Western dishes. We don’t need others to rate us, because we are the standard and we don’t need gourmets. Our judgment."

Walsh and Yu Quan finally realized Feng Yifan's true ambition at this moment.

He wants to create a set of criteria that is unique to Chinese cuisine.

Feng Yifan looked at the two people in surprise and smiled and said: "When it opens, you are welcome to taste it. Maybe we may not be able to reach the standard of Samsung, but we will try our best to present the delicious food that everyone will like."

Walsh and Yu Quan looked at each other, and then they both agreed, "Well, we will definitely try it."

Feng Yifan then bid farewell to the two and walked to the front desk of the hotel lobby alone.

came to the front desk of the hotel, several receptionists in charge of the front desk immediately got up and asked.

"Mr. Feng, what can I do for you?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to find the fault, I just want to ask, do you know Luo Yu?"

I have to say that Feng Yifan's smile on his face still relieved several front desk staff.

Then he heard him ask "Luo Yu", and several people nodded together to show that they knew each other.

One of the more cheerful service staff said: "Luo Yu is the past dessert chef of our hotel. She is very good and she is totally self-taught, but the desserts she made, even the professional pastry chefs in the hotel were defeated, and she was finally defeated by her. It was squeezed away."

Hearing what the female receptionist said, Feng Yifan smiled and asked: "Have you all eaten Luo Yu's desserts?"

Several people nodded together.

Feng Yifan then asked: "Then do you think her desserts are different from the desserts you usually buy elsewhere?"

Several front desks looked at each other, not knowing how to answer for a while?

For a long time, the female receptionist who spoke before said: "Luo Yu's desserts are not as sweet as those bought in the shops on our street, but her desserts will have some unique fragrance."

Feng Yifan asked: "Oh? What is the unique fragrance?"

The woman seriously thought about it and said: "It's like the Montblanc made by her, it will have a strong chestnut aroma, like eating a whole chestnut, and then the bread she made will have a strong wheat aroma, although It's not very sweet, but it tastes delicious. We all like it."

Several other people also nodded one after another, saying that they prefer to eat Luo Yu's dim sum.

Feng Yifan asked down: "Will Luo Yu still come to give you snacks now?"

Still the woman said: "Not now, because her shop is very busy, but if we pass by after get off work, we will buy some, and sometimes we will buy them specifically."

Others once again agreed, and even one that didn’t go along the way would make a special trip to buy it.

Feng Yifan finally looked at the woman who had been answering and asked: "You and Luo Yu have a very good relationship?"

Other people helped answer this time: "She is Luo Yu's best friend, and the two of them are high school classmates. They have a very good relationship. The snacks we got from Luo Yu before were all taken by her."

The woman said immediately: "Why, Luo Yu clearly has exactly one copy for each person every time."

Feng Yifan smiled and asked, "May I ask, what is your name?"

The woman also replied generously: "My name is'Wu Tongtong', Luo Yu is indeed my best friend, Chef Feng, I heard that you want to invite Luo Yu to your restaurant? Are you going to open a top restaurant in Shanghai? "

Feng Yifan laughed when he heard the words: "Hahaha, I may disappoint you. I will not come to Shanghai to open any top restaurants, but I do want to invite Luo Yu and Chen Xu to my restaurant, but my restaurant Not a top restaurant, just a small restaurant."

Hearing this, Wu Tongtong was a little disappointed, and then said: "Chef Feng, then you definitely can't invite Luo Yu. She has said that if you want to go to a restaurant as a dessert chef, you must go to the top."

Feng Yifan didn't argue, but smiled and said, "That can only mean that we don't have that fate, but some things are often not necessarily true."

Then, Feng Yifan thought of Chen Xu, and he asked Wu Tongtong: "You and Luo Yu are best friends, so what do you think of Chen Xu? Does he match Luo Yu well?"

Wu Tongtong is an outspoken woman, so her evaluation of Chen Xu is not hidden in the slightest.

"Chef Feng, I actually don’t like Chen Xu, because he is very arrogant. Although our family Yuyu did lose to him, one day, our family Yuyu will definitely defeat him. Then I must Let our Jia Yuyu leave him."

Feng Yifan heard these words suddenly couldn't help but laughed: "You say that, why does it seem that Luo Yu and Chen Xu have no relationship between men and women? I heard that this is not the case?"

Wu Tongtong said seriously: "In the beginning, there was no emotion. It was Chen Xu who deliberately lied to her in order to get Yuyu."

Feng Yifan asked: "How did you cheat?"

Wu Tongtong continued: "He told Yuyu what kind of dim sum master and apprentice he was, he could teach Yuyu traditional dim sum methods, and let Yuyu understand the traditional Chinese dim sum skills, but in fact, how can those traditional dim sum compare with western desserts? Well."

After hearing Wu Tongtong say this, Feng Yifan also had a wry smile in his heart.

This is obviously because you have not really tasted traditional handmade desserts before you feel inferior to Western desserts.

Feng Yifan said: "In fact, traditional dim sum often needs some improvement. It has to keep up with the progress of the times and combine tradition with modernity. While not losing tradition, it can also be more in line with modern tastes. What a chef needs to pursue."

Such a remark, I heard the women at the front desk seem to understand, but Wu Tongtong didn't understand it very well either.

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Thank you for telling me about Chen Xu and Luo Yu. When I have time, I will invite you to have a snack. Then you will be busy first, and I will not disturb you."

After saying this, Feng Yifan turned and left. The women at the front desk looked at his back and still didn't understand the purpose of his last remarks?

Wu Tongtong had already decided in his heart that he would go to Luo Yu after get off work today, relay those words, and ask Luo Yu what he meant.