v3 Chapter 1075: Father and daughter get up early and prepare for the new year banquet

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Time flies. The so-called Laba is a year. In the blink of an eye, time has arrived.

On the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, Feng Yifan still got up very early in the morning.

Because today is a small year, there are more things to be busy.

The most important thing is to sacrifice the stove.

Perhaps entering the modern era, for many families, sacrificing the stove is no more than a formality. Relatives and friends have time to get together for a meal, and if they don’t have time to have a good meal at home, it’s just a holiday.

But for Su Ji, this day is definitely not that simple to deal with.

Who is the stove lord?

That is the **** in charge of the stove.

Traditional restaurants like Su Ji rely on the craftsmanship on the stove if they want to continue their business. So Su Ji has been a very formal sacrifice to the stove since its ancestors.

This day is not only to prepare various sacrifices. At the same time, when Su Quansheng was alive, the brothers also had to show off their skills on this day. They had to cook a dish, one as a sacrifice to the stove, and the other as a sacrifice for the stove. Show Master the results of learning in the past year.

Later, Su Lanxin led someone to break with his father, and Su Ji did not engage in such activities for some years.

However, whether it was Su Quansheng alive, or Su Jinrong later took over Su Ji.

Even if Feng Yifan was not in the country in those years.

Su Ji still attaches great importance to Xiaonian, and still needs to purchase the freshest ingredients, and then make a table on the same day, dedicated to offering sacrifices to the stove.

Now that Feng Yifan is back, he is naturally going to be more grand, and even the rules set by Su Quansheng before have to come again.

Although Feng Yifan’s apprentices are not yet capable of becoming a teacher, after all, Su Jinrong is still there, so everyone can cook together and let Su Jinrong take everyone to sacrifice the stove.

Feng Yifan got up gently, got out of bed gently, and walked out of the room with his clothes.

just closed the door again, and a small figure appeared behind him.

"Hehehe, Dad, Ruoruo is also up."

Seeing the little figure standing behind him, Feng Yifan also had a smile on his face. He knew that his daughter had heard the discussion between his father and grandfather before, and he also knew that his father would get up early today to make purchases. The little girl did not wait for her father to come back to tell the story last night. , I will go to bed early and obediently.

Obviously, just to get up early and go shopping with my father.

Feng Yifan knew his daughter's careful thoughts, and said with a smile: "Okay, Dad knows, then let's wash our faces and brush our teeth."

Feng Ruoruo immediately agreed: "Okay, okay, hurry up."

So the father and daughter entered the bathroom together and brushed their teeth in front of the sink together.

Dad washes his daughter's face seriously, and then washes his face well.

Feng Ruoruo will say after his father washes his face: "Dad, don't forget to put on incense."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, Dad won't forget it."

Then, Feng Ruoruo would put a little bit of his fragrance on his father.

"Hehehe, dad can use Ruoruo's fragrance. Grandma and mother said that Ruoruo's fragrance is very good. It is used by children and won't hurt the little face. Dad should wipe a little too."

Feng Yifan squatted down and asked her daughter to put her fragrance on her face.

After applying this for a while, the father and daughter also packed up their things and changed clothes to go out.

Feng Yifan did not make breakfast at home today, but after the purchase came back, the whole family went to Su Ji for breakfast. This was also agreed in advance.

Feng Yifan dressed his daughter one by one.

Although Huaicheng is not in the north, it is actually colder in winter.

So when you go out, you need to wear a lot of the inner and outer three layers.

Because neither grandma nor mother got up, and no one combed Ruoruo's hair, Feng Yifan tied her daughter's hair casually, then put the woolen hat knitted by grandma on her head and hid her hair in the hat.

put the hat on for the daughter, and also covered the hair with the hat.

Feng Yifan looked at his daughter, but felt a little embarrassed.

"Ruoruo, are you uncomfortable like this?"

Feng Ruoruo shook his head and said, "No."

Feng Yifan said again: "Then if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell your father, or else your father will try to tie Ruoruo's hair well?"

Feng Ruoruo quickly said: "No, dad, let's go quickly, or we will be late."

My daughter still knows very well that my dad is really bad at tying his hair.

And letting father braid himself, it will definitely waste time very much.

Because there was one time before, when my father braided his daughter in the morning and tried hard to tie his daughter's braids, he almost missed the time to purchase.

So after that experience, Feng Ruoruo stopped letting his father braid himself.

Fortunately, it’s winter and it’s cold outside. Feng Ruoruo wears a woolen hat knitted by her grandma when she goes out, so she just hides her hair at once, and then she can also wrap her face and ears.

Just like that, the father and daughter changed their shoes together, and then went out.

After going downstairs, the sky outside is still dark.

Feng Ruoruo was very happy. She cleverly took her father's hand and ran towards the outside of the community.

came to the intersection outside the community, the pickup truck still stopped by the side of the road and waited.

Feng Yifan led his daughter to get into the car.

There are still three apprentices in the car, and Shi Tao will be there every time now.

Feng Ruoruo greeted everyone cordially after getting in the car, sat on his father's lap obediently, and then asked the driver to start the car.

A group of people drove directly to the farmer’s market.

When I came to the market, I still went to the vegetable stall in the old Zhang's house.

After giving the order to Lao Zhang, the next step was to buy some top-notch goods.

Feng Yifan personally went out today, choosing very fresh fish and shrimp, as well as various chickens, ducks and geese, and even bought some special ingredients, which can be said to be all prepared for the table of Xiaonian Festival.

When the purchases were over, the number of people in the farmers' market continued to increase.

Obviously, everyone also came to buy and prepare for today's New Year's Eve.

When some people see Feng Yifan, they will take the initiative to say hello to Feng Yifan.

Chef Feng is indeed very famous in Huaicheng now.

Almost all the purchases were complete, Feng Yifan and his party also hurried back to the ancient street and carried all the purchased items to the Su Ji kitchen.

At the same time, other people in the back kitchen have also rushed over.

Even Quan Jie came here specially from Fujinglou.

Feng Yifan entered the back kitchen, first of all he called everyone together and told everyone about today's more important activities.

"After breakfast, according to the old rules of Su Ji, we are all going to worship the Lord Stove together. Some tributes were prepared yesterday. After the worship, everyone should start preparing for the evening. Remember , One dish for everyone."

Quanjie couldn't help but ask at this time: "Brother, can I cook a dish?"

Feng Yifan looked at Quanjie, and asked with a smile, "What? My hands are itchy?"

Quanjie shook his head and said, "No brother, I just thought, I am here today to represent my master, so let's take part in the rules passed down by Su Ji."

Feng Yifan thought for a while and said, "Okay, then you can prepare a dish."

At this time, Feng Ruoruo suddenly asked: "Dad, are we closed at night?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said to his daughter: “It’s not that it’s closed. We will close the business earlier in the evening, and today is a small year, so many people have to go home for dinner.”

Feng Ruoruo nodded and said, "Oh, Ruoruo knows."

After the explanation, everyone started to prepare breakfast.

Because the kindergarten is on holiday now, every morning, not only Feng Yifan’s family come back here for breakfast, now even Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei’s family will come to eat.

In addition to the staff who came to Su Kee early in the morning, it can be said that there are many people who want to eat breakfast.

Fortunately, Su Ji’s back kitchen staff is sufficient, so it’s no problem to make breakfast for many people.

When the breakfast was almost ready, several families also arrived one after another.

Feng Ruoruo happily at the door, waiting for the family to come, and also waiting for Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei's family to come.

Seeing Ruoruo waiting at the door, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also complained a little bit.

"Ruoruo, you went shopping with Father Feng again in the morning, then why didn't you call me?"

"Yes, Ruoruo you and Father Feng don't call us every time you go."

Feng Ruoruo quickly explained to the two little sisters: "Because I have to get up early and early, so I can’t call you guys, and my dad and I hope that Xixi and Feifei can say good things. Only when I sleep well, will it be during the day. Energetic."

Yang Xiaoxi asked: "If you get up so early, aren't you sleepy?"

Feng Ruoruo said: "It's not sleepy, Dad and I are used to it, and don't we take a nap at noon?"

Chen Yaofei said: "If you are so good, you can get up so early."

Feng Ruoruo said with a smile: "It's okay, I will also be called Xixi and Feifei in the future, and you also went with me and dad before?"

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also nodded and agreed: "Okay, we will go together again in the future."

Feng Ruoruo then formally invited everyone in: "Please come in, we are going to have breakfast."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also entered the door together.

The three families are here, and Feng Yifan and the others have also prepared breakfast.

I have to say, Su Ji’s breakfast is really very rich.

I am afraid that most places can't eat so much.

seems to be a must-have for dim sum, as well as special three-ding buns, and very beautiful small wontons. If you want to eat noodles, you will also have noodles to eat, and even porridge to drink.

Even Lin Ruifeng made some pot stickers as everyone's choice in the morning.

Such a rich breakfast really made everyone feel very satisfied.

After a breakfast, Feng Yifan kept the back kitchen and the people in the restaurant busy. He took the children together, posted some festive stickers at the door, and then put out the news that the business was closed early today.

Of course, today Xiao Nian, Su Ji not only only has a special dinner, but also many relatives and friends are coming.

was also when Su Ji started to prepare for Xiaonian, a group of people were discussing very important things in a conference room of a hotel in Shanghai.

These people are members of the International Gastronomy Association.

The things they discussed were recommended restaurants this year and a list of recommendations for some unique cuisines.

The key to the discussion is Feng Yifan’s Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with Su Ji being recommended.

It’s just that these people are discussing how to position Su Ji?

Mrs. Potter was also present.

According to Mrs. Potter’s idea, both Su Ji and Ruo restaurants should be recommended as this year’s restaurants, and Su Ji’s noodles should also be included in the list of food recommendations this year.

It’s just that there is no precedent for this in the past. According to the rules, the restaurant should be recommended, and the dishes will not be recommended separately.

And the point is, I have never recommended a staple food before.

So the so-called gourmets present felt that they should not recommend Su Kee like this.

At the same time, everyone also thinks that although the overall quality of the restaurant is very high, especially the dishes are really amazing, but because the decoration and tableware are not up to standard, they should not be recommended.

Mrs. Potter saw that everyone said that, she also directly relayed Feng Yifan's words.

And she said seriously: "I don't think Feng's words are arrogant, because he does have that strength. If we don't recommend it, it may put our authority into question. I hope everyone can consider it carefully."

Then, Mrs. Porter said: “As for noodles, I also insist on my point of view. Suji’s noodles should be included in the food recommendation list, because that bowl of noodles is indeed worth recommending.”

Mrs. Porter finally said: "I want to say one last thing, we are to recommend food to people around the world, rather than just stick to the so-called rules All rules are not unchanged. Yes, since there are good food and restaurants, we have an obligation to let more people know and let more people enjoy the food."

Mrs. Potter's last remarks really caused everyone present to fall into contemplation.

Next, everyone had something to discuss.

Finally, after connecting with the people at the headquarters, the global gourmet restaurant recommendation association finally determined a new year's restaurant and gourmet recommendation list.

Without the knowledge of Feng Yifan and Fujinglou.

Among the recommended restaurants on the list, there are Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant and Fu Jing Lou.

As for the noodles of Su Ji, it is also listed on the food recommendation list.

Today's Su Ji He Ruo restaurant, because Feng Yifan is already well-known, I believe that after the announcement of this list, Su Ji He Ruo restaurant may further become a world-renowned restaurant.

Similarly, Fu Jing Building, where Sun Mingxing is in charge of the back kitchen, will also become a recommended restaurant.

In this way, Sun Mingxing is one step closer to getting a star.

In   Su Ji, everyone is still busy. Although the business will be closed early in the evening, everyone still has to do their best during the business hours of noon and evening.

But today, Feng Yifan didn't do much in the back kitchen, and gave more things to the others in the back kitchen.

This is also a test for everyone, Feng Yifan, on this day of the new year.

So everyone in the back kitchen is also very serious.