v3 Chapter 1076: Sit at the door and wait, apply for a dish

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
After the little girls had dinner in Su Ji at noon, they went home with their grandparents to take a nap as usual.

Because the kindergarten is off, now the little girls choose one place to take a nap every day, and the three take turns as the place for the little girls to take a nap, so that the three little girls can sleep together at noon and wake up together in the afternoon. Come to Su Ji together.

Today is a small year. After the girls woke up from a nap, they began to make their own small plans in bed.

"Xixi and Feifei, today is a young year. Dad and they are all busy in the back kitchen. Then Dad said, "Everyone wants to make a dish, so can we children also participate? Three of us." Let’s make a dish together."

"But Ruoruo, we don't know how to cook."

"Yes, Ruoruo, we haven't learned how to cook."

Feng Ruoruo saw that Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei hesitated, and continued: "We have never cooked, but we can learn from my dad. Let dad teach the three of us to cook a dish. We don’t learn difficult things. Let’s learn from simple dishes. Yeah, the three of us learn together."

Yang Xiaoxi asked: "Then what kind of dishes should we learn? What kind of dishes are simple?"

Chen Yaofei said: "It seems that cold salad is the easiest, otherwise we can learn a cold salad."

Feng Ruoruo shook his hand and denied this choice.

"It’s okay, it’s not a cooking. We should learn a little bit simpler, and then it’s also a dish that we need to cook together."

Yang Xiaoxi asked with some worry: "But Ruo Ruo, will Father Feng teach us?"

Chen Yaofei also has the same concern: "Yes, Father Feng is willing to teach us, and we may not be able to do well. In such a short period of time, we can't learn."

Feng Ruoruo saw that the two little sisters were not confident, and immediately began to cheer on the little sisters.

"Xixi, Fei Fei, let's cheer together, we work hard together, we can definitely learn, and we can definitely cook a dish."

Feng Ruoruo cheered up, but it made Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei gradually confident.

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Naruoruo, let's let Father Feng teach us a simple dish."

Chen Yaofei nodded and said: "Yes, yes, let Feng Dad teach us simple, we can learn, and then make the dishes tonight."

Feng Ruoruo said with a smile: "Okay, then we'll make a deal like that, let's go and talk to dad together."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei had no objection, and the three little girls also got up together.

Today at noon, I was taking a nap at Yang Xiaoxi's house. After the three little girls got up, they came to the living room and saw their grandparents drinking tea in the living room and waiting.

The little girls rushed out together, and let their grandma tie their hair.

After everything was cleaned up, the little girls went out with their grandparents.

Along the way, the three little girls had a tacit understanding, and none of them told their grandparents.

Then the grandparents also found it strange that after getting up for a nap today, the little girls were not as lively as usual.

So although the girls didn't say anything, the grandparents still felt that there was a problem.

After Su Ji, the little girls couldn't wait to rush in the door, and then rushed directly to the back kitchen.

But the little girls ran into the back kitchen, but did not find Feng Yifan.

Shi Jiahui saw the little girls standing in the back kitchen with a blank face, and couldn't help but smile and asked: "You three come in such a rush, are you looking for your father Feng?"

Feng Ruoruo stood up and asked, "Auntie, where did Dad go?"

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Auntie, we are looking for Dad Feng."

Chen Yaofei said: "Yes, we are looking for Dad Feng, auntie, do you know where Dad Feng has gone?"

Shi Jiahui smiled and said, "Where is your father Feng, he went shopping, he hasn't returned yet, so he may have to wait a while."

Feng Ruoruo pursed her little mouth suddenly and was very unhappy: "Dad is really good, why don't you take Xixi and Feifei with me when you go out to buy things?"

Yang Xiaoxi persuaded from the side: "Ruoruo we are sleeping, so Father Feng can't take us there."

Chen Yaofei also persuaded: "Yes, if we don't feel unhappy, we should be back after waiting for Father Feng."

At this time, Luo Yu brought the dim sum and said, "Okay, let's go out for dim sum first, and when the dim sum is finished, your father Feng should be back soon."

Seeing that the dim sum is coming, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei are immediately more enthusiastic.

However, Feng Ruoruo was not as enthusiastic as usual. Instead, he walked out of the back kitchen, sat on the chair in front of the door, and looked out the door with his small face in his hands.

Seeing Feng Ruoruo's appearance made everyone a little surprised, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also hurried to comfort them.

"If Ruo, it's okay, Feng's father definitely didn't know that we would be here so early, so we won't be in the restaurant. Feng's father will definitely be back soon."

"Ruoruo, don't worry, Feng's father must be working hard to come back."

Feng Ruoruo looked at the two little sisters, but calmly said: "I know, I'm sitting here waiting for my father, Xixi and Fai Fei are also waiting together."

After hearing Feng Ruoruo say this, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also moved over to chairs and sat side by side with Feng Ruoruo and waited.

Luo Yu, seeing this, also brought out the snacks on his hand to the girls.

"Okay, have some snacks and wait while eating."

Yang Xiaoxi stretched out his hand for a snack and said, "Thank you Aunt Luo."

Chen Yaofei also stretched out her hand, she took two snacks, and said to Luo Yu, "Thank you Aunt Luo."

Then, Chen Yaofei passed a snack on her hand to Feng Ruoruo.

Feng Ruoruo saw the dim sum, stretched out a small hand to take it, raised his head and smiled at Luo Yu and said, "Thank you Aunt Luo."

Then, Feng Ruoruo said to Chen Yaofei next to him: "Thank you, Faey."

The adults didn't bother the three little girls either, watching them sitting in front of Su Ji's door, leaning against each other side by side, and then eating the snacks in their hands while staring outside the door, waiting for Feng Yifan to return.

Tian Lang looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but approach Su Ruoxi and said, "Auntie, don't you care?"

Su Ruoxi raised her head and asked strangely: "What the hell?"

Tian Lang pointed to the three younger sisters sitting at the door.

"You just let Ruoruo, Xixi, and Feifei sit there?"

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, “It’s useless for me. The most important person in the three of them must be your little uncle, so let them sit there and wait. It won’t be cold, and there are snacks to eat, don’t worry about it."

Tian Lang is really a bit surprised.

And she observed that the three younger sisters are indeed behaved, just sitting there slowly eating snacks and waiting quietly.

Seeing Tian Lang's surprised expression, Su Ruoxi smiled and asked, "Are you surprised? Don't be surprised. The three of them are like this. You need to see your little uncle every day, because your little uncle can say that they can always tell them. The three are very happy."

was talking, Feng Yifan opened the door curtain and walked in.

Seeing father enter the door, Feng Ruoruo immediately jumped off the chair to meet him.

"Dad, you are back."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also followed suit.

"Papa Feng, Papa Feng, you are finally back."

When Feng Yifan saw the three little girls greet him, he smiled and said, "Oh, Ruo Ruo, Xixi and Fei Fei are all up? The three of you are sitting at the door waiting for me. Is there anything I want Dad Feng to help? Ah? But, I have to wait a moment."

The three little girls were very strange, and asked in unison: "Why wait?"

Feng Yifan then hugged the three little girls to the table.

He took out what was in his hand and placed it on the table.

What Feng Yifan brought back also surprised most people in the restaurant.

What I took out of the bag was like a ball, and a little bit like a small pumpkin. The round looks very interesting.

When you look closer, you will find that the surface of the ball is full of sesame seeds.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, even Tian Lang looked closely at it curiously, not knowing what it was?

Feng Ruoruo looked for a while and stretched out her father's hand and asked, "What is this?"

The girls, including others in the restaurant, looked at Feng Yifan and waited for answers.

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "This? This is called sugar melon. I went to many places in the afternoon and finally found it and bought it."

Hearing Feng Yifan said it was sugar melon, the old people immediately gathered around to take a close look.

Feng Jiandong looked at it for a while and said, "It's really a sugar melon."

Then the three little girls, including Tian Lang, asked curiously: "What is sugar melon?"

Then a few old people explained to the children.

Candied melons are made of maltose. They have to be boiled and stretched and stretched to make them look like a round pumpkin, so they are called "sugar melons." ".

Su Jinrong was a little curious and asked, "Yifan, where did you buy this?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "I didn’t have anything to do in the afternoon, so I scoured the Internet about things that everyone said about Xiaonian, and then I accidentally scoured one, saying that in the suburbs of Huaicheng, there is one that is still using very traditional Craftsmanship, making this kind of sugar melon, I rushed over."

Hearing this, everyone immediately understood.

Before Feng Yifan went out suddenly, everyone was a bit weird. After asking him, he didn't say where he was going.

Now I understand that Feng Yifan made a special trip to buy such a few candies.

Feng Ruoruo stretched out her father's hand at this time and asked: "Dad, how do you want to eat this?"

Feng Yifan smiled, and walked to get a porcelain cup, and then suddenly tapped the porcelain cup, smashing the whole candy melon.

"Wow... Yeah..."

At the moment    smashed, the little girls all exclaimed.

The adults were also a little surprised.

After Feng Yifan was smashed, he also let everyone eat together.

"Well, everyone has a taste. When I bought it there, I tasted some. I think it tastes really good. I haven't seen this kind of thing for many years."

Everyone also squeezed a piece, put it in their mouths and tasted it.

Feng Jiandong said as he ate, "I haven't seen it for many years. When I was in the country, there was a family that made this every year."

Feng Yifan said: "Yes, I know that Grandpa Jiang will do it. Every year I start preparing for the new year. When it comes to the new year, I will make it and sell it in the town."

When everyone eats sugar melon pieces together, they finally have a new year’s taste.

Especially the old people present, as if they had regained their childhood feelings.

Then, the grandparents also told the little granddaughters some things in the past.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were eating sugar melons while listening to their grandparents telling stories.

After eating for a while, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei suddenly got together and muttered a few words. They remembered important things.

The three little girls came to Feng Yifan's side together, and asked their father Feng together.

"Dad, we want to cook."

"Papa Feng, can you teach us how to cook?"

"Yes, Papa Feng, we also want to cook a dish tonight, please teach us Papa Feng."

Feng Yifan was also a little surprised when he heard what the little girls said: "The three of you are going to cook?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded and said, "Yes, we also want to cook, we want to cook a dish together, so everyone can eat together."

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Didn’t you say today that everyone is going to cook?"

Chen Yaofei said: "Yeah, so we also want to make a dish with everyone."

At this time, Lu Cuiling smiled and said: "So, I said, these three little girls must have something to do today, or why have they been absent-minded on the way here, and they will look for Father Feng immediately after they come. ?"

Li Xiuchun said: "I have planned it a long time ago, and I want to learn how to cook with Dad Feng."

Wenhong asked: "Are you still young?"

Yang Huaicheng said: "Do it symbolically can't discourage children's enthusiasm."

Chen Shoulin said: "Yes, so I need to work hard for Father Feng."

Feng Jiandong said: "Well, let the children do it together, just participate."

Feng Yifan saw the children look expectant, and other people also entrusted this task to themselves, and it was obvious that grandparents would also look forward to it.

He thought about it, and felt that it was indeed possible for the children to participate.

So Feng Yifan nodded and agreed: "Well, then I will bring Ruoruo, Xixi, and Fai Fei to cook a dish tonight."

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei listened, and they immediately clapped their hands together and cheered.

"It's great, dad, let's start quickly."

"Yes, daddy Feng, let's start."

"It's great, Ruoruo, Xixi and I can also cook."

Feng Yifan saw that the little girls were already eager to try, so he asked them first: "Have you all eaten? Are you ready to cook with me?"

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei nodded together, and said in unison: "Ready."

Feng Yifan said: "Okay, let's wash our hands first, and then let's cook together."

The three little girls were very well-behaved and followed Feng Yifan and went into the back kitchen together. They first washed their hands carefully, and then followed him to prepare for the cooking.