Chapter 119: The curse against ghosts

Chapter 119 The Curse Against the Ghost

"A ghost is a trace of the death of a resentful wizard." George now realized the heaviness behind this sentence, thinking that there are tens of thousands of ghosts around the world. They represent tens of thousands of grieving wizards.

What a terrible sorrow is behind this terrible power!

Thinking of this, even a somewhat indifferent George could not help clenching his fists.

Not everyone can see these terrible phenomena, the truth behind them, Harry and the three are slowly wandering around the edge of the dance floor. Their experience and experience are far from enough to be able to see through the information behind them, they are just children attending a wonderful party.

They passed a group of glum nuns sitting idly by, and passed a man in a rags with chains.

They also saw an acquaintance, the ghost of Hufflepuff, the fat monk. It was a ghost with a lively and happy temperament. It was hard to imagine that it would turn into a ghost with resentment instead of dying quietly. The fat monk was chatting with a knight with an arrow in his head.

In addition to the fat monk, Barrow, the blood man, is also here. He is the ghost of Slytherin, who has great fame and prestige among ghosts. He was skinny, his eyes were dull, and his body was stained with silver blood. Wherever he went, other ghosts would make room for him.

"Oh, bad." Hermione stopped and turned around. "Let's go back. I don't want to see the crying Myrtle, and I don't want to talk to her."

"Who is that?" Everyone returned the same way, and Harry asked in a puzzled way, who is so terrible? She was so scared that Hermione could run away.

"She's the ghost in the girls' bathroom on the first floor." Hermione said angrily.

"A ghost in the bathroom?" Ron felt that his ears were crazy. How could there be a ghost in the bathroom? How could the school allow it?

"Yes, the bathroom breaks down every three days, because Myrtle keeps losing her temper and splashing water everywhere. As long as I have a way, I will never go there. You can't believe it. When you go to the bathroom, she It would be screaming at you, that's horrible. "Hermione rarely feels so anxious, you can imagine how terrible Myrtle is.

"I can imagine that if I had a ghost yelling at me when I went to the bathroom, I would give him a death curse and let it rest completely." George felt very sympathetic to Hermione's experience. Fortunately, boys' toilets would not have this. Monster, otherwise the super-low fertility rate in the magic world would have to drop drastically.

A child, the most terrifying scene from his childhood memory, will always be included.

In the dark and silent night, a man crept into the darkness and went to the toilet in a panic. If it is in the magic world, there are ghosts in this world, and ghosts will yell in the toilet, this is really scary.

"Can Death Curse really kill ghosts?" Hermione asked curiously, she was really interested in this.

Harry and Ron looked at Hermione dumbfounded, didn't she really want to learn? Although they were a little unbelieving, they did not dare to ignore Hermione's resentment that seemed to be visible to the naked eye.

George also stared at Hermione’s eyes carefully until she blushed and turned her head away, “The death curse is not suitable for you to learn for the time being, but there are many curses that work on ghosts. I can teach you to silence it and drive it away. You can even attack it."

Although ghosts are difficult to touch, they are not invulnerable, otherwise the world should be ruled by ghosts. And because ghosts cannot change reality, they can only touch certain things. In fact, they have very few direct conflicts with human beings, and usually they are not considered threatening.

As a special kind of existence, they are difficult to contact and hard to be hurt, and most attacks have no effect on them. But they are only a specific existence after all, as long as a specific method is found, it is not difficult to deal with them.

In George's view, ghosts are in a special waveband, just like electromagnetic waves from different radio stations. Only from the same frequency can ghosts be contacted.

He has developed special spells for this purpose in order to deal with such troubles in the future.

Ghosts have no weight, no mass, and their existence is not firmly connected to the real world. You only need to find the right frequency, and a gentle wave of magic power can drive the ghost far away. Even if you want, the frequency completely opposite to the ghost can even annihilate the ghost.

In fact, among the existing spells, the patron saint can harm the ghosts, although it cannot completely kill them. And the spells aimed at souls, such as Su Ming Curse, can directly kill ghosts.

"It's better to go back and talk about this. Surrounded by a group of ghosts, talking about how to deal with them, it's weird." Harry looked embarrassed and looked a little nervous.

He is also very interested in spells that can be applied to ghosts. If there is a way to deal with Pippi, it would be great. However, in the current demons and ghosts of Hyakkiye, talking about how to deal with ghosts, he always feels cold behind his back, and he has to be careful about being heard.

There was a gleam in Hermione's eyes, and she was so satisfied with the answer, she thought she could only endure the torture of Myrtle. Not only her, but other senior girls also endured the torture of Myrtle.

If the ghost does not do bad things, then everything is fine. But if they make up their minds to play a prank, it will be a nightmare.

She has tried all the methods in fantasy novels, crosses, scriptures, spells, garlicsunshine, etc., all of which are not suitable.

These things can't touch the ghosts at all, but ghosts can scare people unscrupulously.

She will suddenly float behind you quietly when you go to the bathroom, making a ghost-like howling in your ears. If it is late at night, people will even fall into the toilet with fright. She will also pour water on you, do all evil things, and in the end she will pretend to be the victim, crying and screaming desperately.

Myrtle created too many bitterness and fear in Hogwarts, she was simply a devil. Thinking of this, Hermione was still more interested in the death curse. If she could... it would be a good thing to save all the girls.

Seeing the terrible resentment that seemed to be visible to the naked eye on Hermione, even Harry and Ron, who were protected by elemental resistance, felt cold all over. They felt they couldn't make Hermione think anymore. Otherwise, she would take out her magic wand in the next second and rush towards Myrtle, using all the attack spells.

"Look, there's food over there." Ron looked around to see if there was anything that could turn the topic around.

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