Chapter 120: Momogane Musume

Chapter 120 Myrtle

On the other side of the underground classroom is a long table with a black velvet blanket, which looks decent.

"What does the ghost eat?" Everyone was attracted by this magical idea for a while, and they couldn't wait to rush over. Soon they regretted it again, it was really disgusting. As soon as they approached, a rotten, strong stench permeated.

Large pieces of rotten flesh were placed on a beautiful silver plate, and cakes with black paint and black stinks were piled on a large plate. There are also lamb belly stuffed with maggots, and smelly cheese covered with green hair.

The only thing that is normal is that in the middle of the table, a huge gray cake like a tombstone, with icing spelling the purpose of today's dinner: Sir Nicholas Deminsey-Sir Popington died on October 31, 1492.

Seeing this strange scene before me. Everyone really understands the boundary between life and death represented by today's party, and the separation between the living and the dead.

A **** ghost floated over, squatting on the ground and passing through the middle of the table. The huge open mouth tried to swallow an unsmelling salmon. From its translucent mouth, the salmon swept across the back of its translucent head without change.

"Can you feel the taste if you go through this way?" Harry asked curiously, the salmon at this moment looked unchanged.

"Maybe." The fat ghost turned and floated away with sadness on his face.

It can be seen from its body size that food once occupied multiple positions in its body. But now, whether it has been eaten for decades or hundreds of years. How long will this endless torture last on it.

"I guess they made the food rot to make the flavor a little stronger." Hermione said seriously, clutching her nose and leaning up to look at the rotting lamb's belly.

"The ghosts obviously don't have the same five senses as humans. They get their feelings through other means." George quickly turned his mind. Today's evening will open his eyes and have a lot of understanding of the world of ghosts.

Since ghosts can come into contact with some ghosted things, and spells can also drive them away and kill them, can you use spells to ghostize items? If he can master the method of ghosting food, this ability alone can give him countless more ghosts that he can drive around the world.

I have to say that sometimes, strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge can make people very scary.

"Let's go, I'm about to vomit." Ron's voice was like a bag of air, he didn't like the party at all.

They were about to leave when a little funny ghost suddenly got out of under the table and floated in front of them.

"Hello, Pippi." Harry greeted carefully. Pippi is a ghost in the college who specializes in pranking. It is different from the ghost, it can touch the entity, and it is not pale and transparent.

Pippi was wearing a bright orange-red pointed party hat, with a big bow tie around his neck, and a wicked wide face grinning mockingly. It looks weird and funny.

"Would you like some?" He said gently, and handed a bowl of peanuts covered with mold.

"No, thank you." Hermione responded politely.

Although he knew that Pippi was not well-intentioned, it was better to ignore it.

"I heard you talking about the poor Myrtle." Pippi smiled smirkly, his eyes flickered, and he wanted to play a prank again. "It's impolite to talk about that poor stupid girl."

Pippi was very upset now, and none of the ghosts at the party paid any attention to it. It helped set up the venue for the party, lighted candles, and arranged food.

But these stupid ghosts lacked enough respect for it, neither let it go to the party to address, nor arranged to greet it, and no one even came up to thank it or flatter it, which made it very unhappy.

It will play pranks when it is upset, and of course it will play pranks when it is happy. Now it has found its target.

Just when it was under the table, I was hearing Hermione say, don't see Myrtle, don't talk to Myrtle, and they ran away.

Pippi spent a little time thinking about how to make a prank, and just saw these students bumping back into it again. Now, it really can't be justified without carrying out his own prank.

He took a deep breath and shouted, "Myrtle."

"Don't, don't do that, Pepy Ghost, don't tell Myrtle, she will be sad." Hermione begged Pepy Ghost anxiously.

Seeing this scene, George was amused secretly. Everyone was worried that Hermione's resentment would make her rush to Myrtle and throw all the attack spells on it.

As a result, it was only Pippi that told her to hate Myrtle, and she panicked.

After all, she was just a kind-hearted 12-year-old girl. You can lose your temper behind your back, you can have many complaints, and even give birth to the idea of ​​destroying this tormenting Myrtle.

But it is still difficult for her to really let her hurt someone in person instead of venting her grievances behind her back. After all, she is just a little girl who is more accustomed to wronging herself.

Regarding such a situation, George is noncommittal, and everyone's growth can only be experienced by themselves. Kindness is certainly not a disadvantage, but kindness is definitely not an advantage compared to reason.

For a nasty nuisance, everyone secretly isolates it, but refuses to say anything embarrassing it. Still uprightly telling him that his behavior is abominable, and asking him to change it. This is a different choice for different people and different abilities.

"I'm just talking about it, I don't mind those, I don't hate her, oh MyrtleHello." Hermione was still begging Pippi, a short girl The ghost of has floated over, it is Myrtle.

It was also the first time that George saw this ghost that could make Hermione angry. It was not easy to provoke Hermione to such a degree.

At first glance, it can be seen that Myrtle is an unwelcome ghost. Its face is so gloomy and terrible, it reminds people of the evil spirits in ghost movies. The chubby face was mostly covered by straight long hair and thick pearl-colored eyes, making it look blurry and unclear.

"What?" She pulled her face, an ugly expression that everyone owed her.

"Myrtle, hello." Hermione said insincerely, pretending to be relaxed.

"It's nice to see you outside the bathroom." Hermione said this from the heart. If Myrtle never showed up in the bathroom, she could still be forgiven.

Myrtle sniffed, but did not answer. She is not a good ghost, no one wants to see her, everyone knows it, and she knows it herself.

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