Chapter 123: Dark undercurrents

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 123: Dark undercurrents

The book made it clear right at the start that this was not a guide to alchemy which made Nick chuckle. The book's contents weren't about the art of alchemy either but rather a list of the best known alchemical items and what they did. It was an interesting and light topic to read as it wasn't teaching anything but rather was just a picture of the item and a description of it. Not all the entries had a picture to go along with them for obvious reasons like the philosophers stone but the descriptions were very informative.-

Nick took his sweet time reading the book until lunch time and headed to the great hall to fuel up and maybe hang out with his friends a bit. Things were going fairly normally for the meal before a glowing leopard entered the great hall and bounded up to Dumbledore before dissipating and leaving the man with a concerned expression. Nick recognized the leopard as a Patronus and could guess that it's owner had used it to deliver an urgent message to the headmaster. Whatever the message was seemed to have the man very concerned as he left the great hall in a hurry.- Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Flash back to earlier today in a small town on the outskirts of France that was enjoying a normal winters day when a tall man with a thin build neatly combed white hair and cleanshaven face walked into the town in a dark green suit. The man had eyes with two different colors and a peaceful smile on his face. This was Grindelwald but unlike the aged and feeble appearance he once had he now appeared youthful and full of strength. "POP! POP! POP!" Three loud popping sounds appeared near Grindelwald and in the now occupied space around the dark lord three people with eager expressions appeared out of thin air.-

'I need to improve my power as fast as possible.' Nick thought seriously as he left the great hall and turn many short cuts straight to the seventh floor. Walking to the tapestry of Barnabus the barmy he paced back and forth in front of a blank wall all while thinking 'I need a place to safely create poison smoke.' over and over. Soon a wooden door appeared on the previously empty wall and Nick wasted no time at all entering the room with a serious expression.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro