Chapter 124: Training

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 124: Training

The room was pretty much empty save for the single cage in the center of the room that held a very confused but normal rat. Nick made sure that he hadn't accidentally gotten Peter Pettigrew as that would be quite awkward. The plans he had to free Sirius early were very dependent on that particular rat not being any the wiser until it was far too late to react. Technically all Sirius was in Azkaban for was blowing up a street and killing Peter along with a few muggles so with the rat being proven to still be alive he will have served the sentence and then a lot more for the crime.-

Once that rat in the room was proven to not be Peter , Nick transfigured his robes into a hazmat suit with an air filter and face shield. "FUMOS TOXICUS!" he said but stopped himself when he noticed the spell about to back fire thanks to his magical senses. 'Hmm , either the wand movement or the word choice were off.' he deduced seriously before trying a different set wand movements with the same word choice but the result was the same. 'So it's the word choice , perhaps toxic smoke is a bit too on the nose?' he pondered with a frown.- The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"HYDRAE FUMICANT!" he said and this time the spell activated but was clearly struggling to be produced so he canceled it and tried other wand movements until he got the one that worked. Pointing the wand at the cage in the center of the room he cast the spell and dark purple smoke with green streaks in it began to come out of the end of his wand before creeping across the room towards the cage. The rat looked cautious of the smoke rolling towards it but that changed when the smoke actually reached it.-

Nick of course read each of the books entirely before deciding on any spells to practice. From this he learned that most shield spells were created exclusively to protect oneself by cowards mostly. People afraid of harm but unwilling to learn how to properly protect themselves channeled their energy instead into shield spells to repel outside attacks. Nick found it funny how it was cowards who created the very spells that brave men use to battle without worry. He couldn't really cast judgment on these people however as everyone has something that they fear and the fact they did something to confront their fears was impressive enough in his opinion.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro