"I feel a little bit at last!" Finally, Zhang Tianshi, who finally gathered his vitality, also cut out the first distinctive sword spirit in his life.

"Come on! Bang bang After Zhang Tianshi's sword spirit also joined the battle, it finally caused a big explosion of the long-standing stalemate between the two sides.

"Run Ye Huaqing saw the dust and fog that had been scattered in front of him because of the explosion, and immediately said to the people.

"Chief, what are we going to do now?" A masked man who was also in the dust asked the masked man in the sword God realm.

"Don't chase them blindly. Send someone to keep an eye on them." The masked man of sword God realm replied.


the next day -

when the first ray of sunshine in the morning sprinkled on Zhang Tianshi and others, they realized that they had been running all night.

"Let's have a rest first. They should not have come." Ye Huaqing said to the crowd.

"Hooray! I'm so tired. I'm so tired! Gosh! I didn't expect that your sword will shine Ren Yifan sat on a stone and said to Zhang Tianshi.

"Ha ha... I don't know why that happened." Zhang Tianshi said.

"Who are those people? Why kill you Asked the lion princess.

"I don't know, but I always think it must have something to do with the people in the capital." Zhang Tianshi replied.

"If it's related to the people in the capital city... Are they the schools that will lose the martial arts test to us?" Ren Yifan questioned.

"I don't think it's like those people from different sects. After all, there's no need to hurt us if we lose in the martial arts test." Ye Huaqing said.

"If it's not those sects, it's Sima Ji's father, or it's the devil clan's people!" Ren Yifan said.

"No matter who they are, we'd better hide the identity of Shushan disciples first." Zhang Tianshi said.

"Well, we pretend to be ordinary people, and then secretly go to the East China Sea to look for Zhonghuan island." Fang Weixue said.

"The leaders of those masked men who want to kill us are supposed to be experts in the sword Kingdom, so we must not act alone." Ye Huaqing said.


within the demonic clan -

"demon Jun, according to the news from the man (the mysterious man in red envelope), the lion princess was with the disciples of Shushan mountain, and it seems that they did not return to Shushan after the martial arts examination The heart demon said to the demon king Dugu Xuan.

"Well, you let the ghost go in person, and you must bring the lion Princess back!" Dugu Xuan said.

"Yes Said the demon.

"By the way, send someone to inquire about Tingting's situation. It's been such a long time since the martial arts test meeting in Beijing has ended. I don't know what happened to her and the poison devil." Dugu Xuan said.


somewhere outside the capital -

"elder sister, it has been so many days since the martial arts test meeting in Beijing. Should we really go back Asked the demon queen.

"What's the hurry! I still have some things to deal with! " The queen replied.


"young Xia Yunxing, here is a letter from you." When Yunxing came out of Tianshen Jianxia mansion, a stranger delivered a letter to him.

"Letter? Who gave it to me? " Yunxing received the letter, found that the envelope did not have the signature of the writer, then asked the messenger.

"I don't know. Since the letter has been delivered, I'll leave first." The messenger said it and left.

then, after opening the letter, Yun Xing saw that it was written in front of Town God's Temple outside the capital.

"Tingting! It's really her After reading the letter, Yunxing was very excited to read to himself.

is going to die tonight.

Yun Xing has arrived in Town God's Temple outside the capital according to the agreement. At this time, his heart is very disturbed because he is afraid that he who wants to see is the one he can not see.

"Peng Jie!" An almost forgotten but very familiar sound passed through Yunxing's ear.

"This... Is really you..." Cloud Star turned to the sound source and saw the Witch King, then he saw the scene he didn't want to see.

"Yes, I am Dugu Tingting! But I never thought that Teng Pengjie, who used to cry, is now a famous Cloud Star Dugu Tingting said.

"Ha ha..." Cloud Star didn't know what to say, so he had to reluctantly smile.

"What's the matter with you? Isn't it nice to see me Dugu Tingting asked Yunxing.

"Are you... Of the demons?" Yunxing asked Dugu Tingting.

"This... Yes." The queen replied.

"You... You'd better go back and stop staying in the capital." Cloud Star says, at the same time the heart also began to slowly colic.

"You... Hum!" Dugu Tingting wanted to say something, but she stopped. Then she turned around and left."Tingting, if only you were not from the demon clan!" Looking at the back of Dugu Tingting's leaving, Yunxing reads to himself in his heart.

In the face of this scene, Yunxing has imagined many times in his mind. How he hoped that Dugu Tingting was not a demon. However, he also knew how small the chance of meeting someone who was not a demon in the demon kingdom. However, no matter how small the rate was, he had always been hopeful.


"go! Let's go back now! " Dugu Tingting angrily returned to the rest place and immediately said to the poison devil.

"Ah! It's so late now, or we'll start tomorrow. " Said the poison devil.

"No! Let's go now! I don't want to stay in this place for a moment! And you didn't always urge me to go back! " Dugu Tingting said, and began to pack.

"Good, good! Let's go now After the poison devil said, he also began to pack his luggage helplessly.


more than a month later -

"Wow! How beautiful The lion princess came to the east beach and said.

Zhang Tianshi and others walked on the soft golden sand beach and felt very comfortable with the sea breeze blowing again and again, and their fatigue due to the long journey seemed to be blown away.

People watched the waves rolling slowly and forcefully from the sea level. Some of them scattered like broken jade on the reef, some rolled back like white paper on the shore, and some beat on the beach like meat buns and dogs.

Looking at the waves, they found that the sea and the sky were very calm, and the vast sea level and skyline were very close together.

"Wow! A lot of shells Fang Weixue pointed to those strange shells on the beach and said.

"Ah! How hard it is The little white tiger picked up a shell and said with a bite.

"Wow! Tiger sister! Why do you eat everything When Zhang Tianshi saw that the little white tiger even ate shells, he really admired him.

"Let's find a place to settle down first." Ye Huaqing said.


"please come inside, ladies and gentlemen." After that, Zhang Nei and others came to the inn.

"Waiter, what do you have to eat?" The lion Princess asked the waiter.

"Oh! It seems that you are from the mainland. Of course, the seafood of this beach is the best to eat The bartender replied.

"What kind of seafood do you have?" Asked the lion princess.

"We have steamed crab, black pepper squid, scallop, spicy lobster, spicy crayfish, hot and spicy shrimp, spicy abalone, boiled live fish, sweet and sour hairtail, fried shark, 18 spice grilled fish and so on The bartender replied with a little excitement.

"Wow! You should be reserved, sister tiger Zhang Tianshi said to the little white tiger whose saliva had dropped to the ground.

"That one, take what you just said!" The lion princess said to the waiter.

"Good! Ladies and gentlemen, please sit in first Said the bartender.


"OK! Your dishes are all served. Please help yourself, my guests The bartender put the last dish in front of Zhang Tianshi and others, then left.

"Wow! It's delicious! There are so many delicious things on the beach The little white tiger picked up a whole crab and ate the shell together.

"It's delicious. I didn't expect the fish could be cooked like this!" Zhang Tianshi said after eating all the fish on the table.

"The seaside is not only beautiful in scenery, but also delicious in seafood." Fang Weixue said.

"Wow! It's delicious! In any case, this trip is worth it Ren Yifan said.

After that, ye Huaqing asked the bartender, "Xiao Er, do you know where Zhonghuan island is in the east sea?"

"Zhonghuandao? I have never heard of such an island in the East China Sea. " The bartender replied.

"This... OK." Even the bartender at the seaside didn't know the news of zhonghuandao. Ye Huaqing was surprised.

"Ah! You can ask the people of the Donghai gang. The Donghai Gang is a well-known big gang in Donglin town. It has been established for hundreds of years. Therefore, they should know where you are looking for, my guest. " Said the bartender.

"Well, you can help us arrange some rooms." Ye Huaqing said.

"Good! If you are full, please go upstairs! " Said the bartender.

Later, after all the people settled down, ye Huaqing said to Fang Weixue, "younger martial brother Zhang and younger martial brother go to ask the people of Donghai gang. Younger martial sister Fang and younger martial sister Yin go and ask the people around here.""All right, be careful." Fang Weixue said.


"sister tiger! What are they looking for? " The lion princess, walking in the street, asked the little white tiger.

"It seems to be looking for the whereabouts of a sword. I don't know exactly." The little white tiger replied.

"Sword? Damn it! Find a sword and return it to God. It's so mysterious that I won't know. " The lion princess said a little tangled.

"Let's leave them alone. There seems to be something delicious there." Little white tiger said, and also took the lion princess to a grilled squid stand.


"according to the shopkeeper, this wharf should be the gathering place of Donghai gang." After they arrived at the dock of Donglin Town, Zhang Tianshi said.

"Hello, brother. Are you from Donghai Gang Ye Huaqing asked a man who seemed to be standing guard in front of the wharf.

"Yes The man replied.

"Do you know where zhonghuandao is Ye Huaqing then asked.

"Zhonghuandao? I haven't heard of it. " The man replied.

"Well! Can you show us your leader Ye Huaqing continued.

"Who are you? Why do you want to see our leader? " The man asked.

"We are merchants from Shu... Shu. Would you like to know if your guild leader knows?" Ye Huaqing replied.

"Our leader is not here. You can come back another day." The man replied.

At the same time, another man came out of the dock and asked the man in front of Ye Huaqing: "seal, what do these people do?"

"Don't be in charge. These people say they want to find the leader." Answered the seal.

"It's you." The young leader of the Donghai Gang said to Zhang Tianshi and others.

"Ah! Do you... Know us? " Zhang Tianshi asked the young leader of the Donghai gang and had a bad feeling for a moment.

"Aren't you the disciples of Shushan?" The young leader of the Donghai Gang replied.

"Ah... Run!" Zhang Tianshi found out that his identity had been found out, and he started to run away. Ye Huaqing and Ren Yifan followed suit.

"Ah! What's the situation? " The young leader of the Donghai Gang felt confused when he saw Zhang Tianshi and others fled for no reason.