In the inn where Zhang Tianshi and others are located --

"what do you get today?" Ye Huaqing asked Fang Weixue.

"No, I've asked almost everyone in the town. No one has ever heard of zhonghuandao." Fang Weixue replied.

"It seems that zhonghuandao is really extraordinary!" Ren Yifan said.

"What do you get from going to Donghai Gang?" Fang Weixue asked.

"We went to Donghai Gang, not only did we get nothing, but also revealed our identity." Ye Huaqing replied.

"It's strange to say, how can the people of Donghai Gang know us?" Ren Yifan doubts.

"I remember! The Donghai Gang also took part in the military test meeting in the capital city, and it seems that they lost in the first game. " Zhang Tianshi said.

"I see. It's not surprising that they recognize us." Ren Yifan said.

"Ha ha... We'll go again tomorrow." Zhang Tianshi said, and suddenly felt that what happened in front of donghaibang wharf today made him a little embarrassed.


that night --

"ah... It's so hard..." said the little white tiger, who had changed back to white tiger, lying on Zhang Tianshi's bed.

"Who made you eat so much seafood today? You deserve it now." Zhang Tianshi sat at the head of the bed and said to the little white tiger who had diarrhea several times.

"No way! The seafood is so delicious Small white tiger said, and also did not eat seafood and fell ill and reflect.

"Do you have any other problems besides suffering?" Zhang Tianshi asked.

"I'm still weak and dizzy." The little white tiger replied.

"Wow! It's so hot! It's a fever! Don't move Zhang Tianshi touched the little white tiger's forehead, felt very hot, then left the room.


"Wow! How comfortable Little white tiger said after feeling a cool towel on his forehead.

"Sister tiger! I didn't expect you to have a fever with a white tiger! I thought you... "Before Zhang Tianshi finished speaking, he found that little white tiger was already asleep.

Zhang Tianshi looked at the sleeping little white tiger in front of him at this time, just like a seven or eight year old girl, so naive and lovely, and also felt that if other people did not know to see it, it would not have thought that it was usually capricious and tricky.

The next day --

"where's younger brother Zhang?" When the disciples of Shushan gathered to go to Donghai Gang again, ye Huaqing found that Zhang Tianshi was not present.

"The tiger sister of Tianshi family is ill, so Tianshi has to take care of it, so let's go first." Ren Yifan replied.

"I didn't expect younger martial brother Zhang would be so concerned about the spirit beast." Fang Weixue said.

"It should not be too late. Let's start now." Ye Huaqing said.


"knock!" After ye Huaqing and others set out, there was a knock on the door of Zhang Tianshi's room.

"Lion poem girl!" Zhang Tianshi opened the door and saw the lion Princess and was surprised.

"I heard that sister tiger was ill, so I came to have a look." The lion princess came into the room and said.

"Thank you very much for your concern for sister tiger, but she is still awake." Zhang Tianshi said.

"What's wrong with tiger sister? Is it all right now? " The lion Princess asked Zhang Tianshi.

"It should be yesterday's seafood ate bad stomach, now it should be nothing." Zhang Tianshi replied.

"Seafood spoils my stomach! It ate a lot yesterday The lion princess said a little embarrassed.

"Did sister tiger go out with you yesterday and have any more seafood?" Zhang Tianshi asked the lion princess.

"Well... I ate some... Roasted squid..." the lion Princess replied awkwardly.

"How many are some?" Zhang Tianshi then asked.

"More than 200 strings..." the lion Princess replied awkwardly.

"Wow! More than 200 strings Zhang Tianshi almost didn't startle when he heard the number.

"Ha ha... It seems to be a bit of Doha!" The lion princess said very embarrassed.

"Miss Shishi, please don't take sister tiger to eat any more." Zhang Tianshi said to the lion Princess very seriously.

At the same time, the little white tiger woke up and saw the lion princess in front of and behind the face, and immediately said to it: "lion poem, you are coming!"

"Tiger sister, you... Wake up! Now you're not... OK? " The lion princess is still a little embarrassed to ask the little white tiger.

"There's nothing wrong with it now. It's just that you don't have much strength." The little white tiger replied.

"That's good. You have a good rest. I'll go first." Said the lion princess.

"Well, when I'm all right, you'll go with me to eat grilled squid." Said the little white tiger.

"Ha ha..." the lion Princess listened to the little white tiger and felt that she had nothing to say, so she had to smile and left."You still eat! You can eat more than 200 strings at once Zhang Tianshi said to little white tiger.

"What's wrong with more than 200 strings? If the boss didn't only have more than 200 strings yesterday, I could still eat them again!" Said the little white tiger.

"Wow! You... "Zhang Tianshi heard little white tiger say so, then he was really surprised and speechless.


where the donghaibang wharf is located -

"you are brother Haigou, I would like to visit your young leader." Ye Huaqing said to the seal.

"You again? Yesterday you saw that I was a little head of the family, didn't you all run a long way? Why is it coming again today? " The seal asked Ye Huaqing.

"Well, yesterday, we were suddenly... Suddenly in a hurry! That's why I ran away Ren Yifan stood up and replied.

"It's strange of you to wait!" When the seal finished, he went to the dock.

"Hoo... It's lucky that this big, stupid (seal) swindles." Ren Yifan said to the disciples of Shushan.

"What happened to you when you came here yesterday?" Fang Weixue asked Ren Yifan.

"Yesterday that... All blame Tian Shi, he... (yesterday came here)" Ren Yifan replied.

"I see. It seems that younger martial brother Zhang is more vigilant." Fang Weixue said.

"Here they are." When ye Huaqing saw that the seal dog had brought out the young leader of the Donghai Gang, he said to the disciples of Shushan.

"Ye Shaoxia, Ren Shaoxia, Fang nvxia, Yin nvxia, I am Tang bin, the young leader of Donghai gang." The young leader of the Donghai Gang said to Ye Huaqing and others.

"Hello, brother Tang." Tang Baoquan said to Ye Qing.

"Why didn't you see young Xia Zhang today?" Tang bin asked Ye Huaqing.

"My younger brother Zhang didn't come here today." Ye Huaqing replied.

"Oh, what are you doing here for the disciples of Shushan?" Tang bin then asked.

"We are here to look for an island called Zhonghuan island in the East Sea." After ye Huaqing finished answering, he then asked, "do you know, brother Tang?"

"Zhonghuandao? This... I grew up here as a child, but I've never heard of such an island. " Tang bin replied.

"So..." Ye Huaqing heard Tang Bin's reply, and he couldn't help being disappointed.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can stay in the town for a few days and wait for my father to come back from the sea. If my father doesn't know about zhonghuandao, no one else will know about it." Tang Bin said.

"How many days will your father come back?" Ye Huaqing asked.

"About a week, I'll send someone to inform you." Tang bin replied.

"Well, thank you, brother Tang. I'll leave first." Ye Huaqing clasped his fist and said.


"what did you get from your trip to Donghai Gang After ye Huaqing and others returned to the inn, Zhang Tianshi asked people.

"They don't know, so they have to wait until the leader of Donghai Gang comes back." Ye Huaqing replied.

"How long does it take to wait?" Zhang Tianshi then asked.

"About a week or so." Ye Huaqing replied.

"Oh! If you don't even know the leader of the Donghai Gang, you're going to look for a needle in a haystack. " Ren Yifan sighed and said.

"Since we have to wait for a week or so, let's have a good rest here." Zhang Tianshi said.

That night -

in the night, the east coast was not as youthful as the day, but rather very quiet, and the sea was also faded from the golden armor of the day and replaced with white wind yarn.

Zhang Tianshi, who has something on his mind, walks on the beach and looks at the cool sea breeze and the harmonious small waves. The melancholy accumulated in his heart seems to be slowly dispelled by the unique beauty.

"What are you doing here alone?" The princess of the lion asked, sitting on the edge of the sand, sitting alone at the edge of the sky.

"Ah! It's a lion poem girl! I just came here to blow the sea breeze. " After a long time, Zhang Tianshi responded.

"Is it? But it seems to me that you have a worried face? " After sitting on the beach beside Zhang Tianshi, the lion Princess questioned him.

"Ha ha..." after Zhang Tianshi was so speechless by the lion princess, she had to smile reluctantly.

"I see you are staring at the broken sword all the time. Is it related to the broken sword? Can you show me? " The lion Princess asked Zhang Tianshi.

"Yes." After Zhang Tianshi answered, he pulled out the broken sword from the sand and handed it to the lion princess.

"Well, this broken sword is nothing special, but it seems to be in your hands, but it is very powerful." The lion princess looked at the broken sword and said."This... Any weapon that has been used for a long time will feel different." Zhang Tianshi said.

"Well... It makes sense, but I don't think you and the broken sword are so simple." After the lion princess said, she returned the broken sword to Zhang Tianshi.

"Maybe..." Zhang Tianshi said.

"Remember when I was in the capital last time, I said I wanted to compete with you? So it's better to do it now! " Said the lion princess.

"Ah? Now? " After listening to the lion princess, Zhang Tianshi suddenly felt confused.

"That's right. Get ready to take the move." Said the lion princess, and pulled out the crescent knife.

"Well, please give me some advice." Zhang Tianshi picked up the broken sword and said to the lion princess.

"If you want Tianshi, you can give me more advice!" After the lion princess said, she began to attack Zhang Tianshi.


demon clan boundary -

"poison demon, what did you find in the capital? Why did Tingting shut herself up in her room as soon as she came back and didn't go anywhere? " The demon king asked the poison devil.

"Demon Jun, I don't know exactly. I guess it's related to the cloud star." The poison devil replied.

"Cloud Star!" As soon as the evil king heard the poison devil mention Cloud Star, he immediately began to ponder.

"Demon Jun, I think Tingting has something to do with that Cloud Star before." Said the poison devil.

"I see. You go and ask the devil to come." Said the devil.


"knock!" After a period of time, there was a knock on the door in Dugu Tingting's room.

"Tingting, you open the door, brother has something to look for you." After knocking several times, the demon king didn't respond, he said outside the door.

"What can I do for you, brother?" Dugu Tingting opened the door and asked.

"Ah! You see what you're crying like. Let's go in and talk about it. " After seeing Dugu Tingting's swollen eyes, he pulled her into the room, and then he followed her in.