Chapter 71 71. Judgement

"Cough! Mr Lucius."


Looking up Lucius could see a guard in front of a large set of wooden doors speaking to him.

"Cough! Erm sorry." Replied Lucius in embarrassment.

I was lost in my own thoughts and wasn't paying attention."

"It's okay Mr Lucius, I was speaking to you to inform you that you don't have to wait around anymore. The professors are calling for you to enter."

Hearing this, Lucius nodded and didn't wait around any longer.

Stepping forward, he placed his hand on the wooden double doors and walked inside.

As Lucius walked in, he could see a room with a slightly curved panel table in front of him with several stern faces professor suiting down

The Judicial council for the academy.

Due to the nature of the incident, that being only involving two students and being amongst first years of the Hero Class,  there were not too many professors called her today, but Lucius could at least count 7 of them.

As Lucius walked inside, deep down, he was feeling a little nervous.

Although the incident was pretty violent, Lucius knew the rules and knew that punishment wouldn't be too severe at least, unless he was truly unlucky, expulsion would not be brought up this time. But even with that, the heavy atmosphere created by the stern faces of the numerous professors added some invisible pressure onto Lucius 

But as Lucius walked in, he could feel someone sending him a murderous glare.

Looking over, he could still see the bruised and bandaged man glaring at him like a demon from hell and when he laid eyes on such a sight a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

Looking at this, Lucius just nodded like a farmer satisfied with his day's harvest.

'Mh I really did a good job today' 

See, even though some high-ranking healing magic and first aid were applied to Xander's face, his injuries had still lot completely healed leaving him with a black eye and a few bandages wrapped around his head.

Remember, this was AFTER healing magic, for this to be his best state after high end treatment. With things this bad,  his original conditions could only be imagined.

Seeing the face wrapped in bandages grimacing, Lucius wanted to laugh and if it were not for the current disruption, he would have laughed till tears burst out of his eyes.

Unfit tank top, he could just send a haughty sneer in Xander's directions

'You see you bastard! I told you wouldn't have a good ending if you mess with me!'

Although Lucius's and Xander's relationship wasn't so good that they could communicate with their eyes, the disdain in Lucius's eyes was abundantly evident, causing Xander to flare up.

But even if his balls were magnified by 10, Xander still didn't dare make a commotion in front of so many professors and could only glare a burning hole into the side of Lucius's face.

Lucius just ignored this and sat down comfortably next to his raging enemy.

After all, how could he be angry? He wasn't the one who got his ass beat.

But as Lucius sat down, his leisure aura disappeared from the man in the centre of the table, Mr. Hoffman.

Soon Mr. Hoffman Started Speaking  I think you should take a look at

"First I would like to inform you that due to the urgent nature of the situation, it was impossible to assemble a full council of professors to judge your matter, but I can assure you that the judgement will be fair and just."

After saying this, the polite atmosphere disappeared and was replaced with Steel-like sternness.

"Well, let's begin the discussion then."


Hearing this, both Lucius and Xander gulped nervously.

"First, Lucius, let's begin with you." Said Mr. Hoffman

"Is it true that you assaulted Xander earlier today and is it also true that you were the one to start and throw the first blow in the conflict."

Faced with Mr. Hoffman's question, Lucius took a deep breath before responding

"Yes sir, it's true I attacked Xander and also true I struck the first blow."

As Lucius admitted this, the faces of the few professors on the judgement panel frowned as Xander behind him burst out in a bright smile.

"Ha! You bastard today you will face judgement!'

But as Xander thought Lucius was going to confess and admit his crime, things didn't go in any direction he predicted.

"Teacher, but the claims I attacked with malicious intent are false. Not only did I 

Hearing this, Xander wanted to jump out of his chair.

'Bastard! After beating me up like this, you stills are saying it wasn't with malicious intent and even went against the rules


But before Xander could finish speaking, Mr. Hoffman cut him off

"Student Xander is still speaking. Let him finish his pint before you object. Student Lucius,  you may continue."

"Thank you Mr. Hoffman. As I was saying, this was all a simple act of self-Defense and not assault."

Saying this Lucius took a deep breath and looked at Mr.Hoffman confidently.

"Sanctuary cadet code Section 3 article 4

In case of an action of a person with magical or supernatural abilities against a much weaker opponent. The person in danger may act first and has the right to employ all non lethal methods of self defence if their life feels threatened." Stated Lucius calmly 

"It has only been 2 days since the academy started and my stats are still currently below that of a 3rd class fighter. In addition to this, before I attacked, Xander came up to me displaying his abilities and even attacked me 2 times forcing me to make a move. If I don't act in self defence I'm afraid I may have lost my life and wouldn't even be here to give this explanation right now."

Hearing this, Mr. Hoffman's eyes suddenly narrowed before he turned to look at Xander.

"Student Xander, is this all true?"

Faced with Mr. Hoffman's question Xander nearly coughed up a mouthful of blood.?ℯ

'What the hell? What is this bullshit!'