Chapter 72 72. Punishment

'What the hell? What is this bullshit?'

But when faced with Mr. Hoffman's inquisitive gaze. Xander could only meekly raise his head as he replied 

"Yes it's true I used my abilities, but I never threatened Lucius's life in any way."

In this aspect, Xander was telling the truth. Although he was haughty and arrogant,  his brain wasn't broken enough to try to take the life of someone in the classroom.

It's just that he was unfortunate, he hadn't predicted that Xander would actually be a weak fraud using magic equipment and he could never predict that he would meet someone as shameless as Lucius.

He had clearly given enough time to dodge each attack, but Lucius wouldn't admit it.

If he says his life was in danger, then his life was in danger! 

Even if they beat him to death he wouldn't admit otherwise!

So when Lucius heard Xander's words he quickly  objected 

"Impossible!" Said, Lucius 

"Xander clearly threatened me with his abilities. There were countless witnesses you could ask for that would prove that fact. In addition, Mr. Hoffman can testify to the fact that I'm not even a 3rd class fighter yet m. With such a difference, it's natural that a few attacks would make me fear for my life.

It's impossible for Xander to say that he wasn't posing any threat to me in those conditions. After all, if someone like him, born with golden rank talent and displaying high-ranking magic, can't even threaten someone who's not even a 3rd class fighter, what right does such trash have to be in the hero class?"

As Xander heard Lucius implicitly calling him a piece of trash, he completely exploded.

"How dare a filthy commoner! A pathetic commoner like you dare's run your mouth. If it wasn't because of a despicable sneak attack, how could someone like me ever lose to trash like you!"

Xander was about to go off on a bloody rant and release all the grief and hatred he had built over these past few days, but before he could…


Mr. Hoffman's roar shook the room, causing Xander to shut up completely.

"Student Xander, you know the rules of the academy. In front of the rules, all titles are worthless. What we care about is abilities and the fact that you lost to a child you deem as trash can only make you even worse than this piece of trash you do despise"

Hearing the blunt and straight words of Mr. Hoffman, Xander wanted to rage.

How could Mr. Hoffman ever compare him to such a bastard?!

It was not just an insult to himself, but to the very family name he possessed!

But even with  all his anger, Xander could only stifle his breath 

Xander knew his reality.I think you should take a look at

In the past, his father had always been one to indulge and clean up his every action, but before he left for Sanctuary, his father had told him one thing: 

'Don't mess with the professors of the hero class. A mere Count family is not something they will take into consideration.'

After exchange of words between Mr. Hoffman and his two students, the discussion continued with each teacher investigating a lot of questions but during the entire time Lucius constantly emphasised that he was weaker and he also painted Xander as the aggressor, referring to his past behaviour provoking duels earlier that day and even the duel beforehand to emphasise Xander's aggressive nature.

During the entire time, Xander also tried to plead his case and prove his innocence, but Lucius could also see that as time went on the teachers were becoming less and less on Xander's side 

After a while, the group of professors and teachers finished their discussion. 

They used a magic artefact to speak silently so Lucius and Xander couldn't  hear a single word they said and eventually, Mr. Hoffman stepped up to give the verdict 

"The laws and rules of The Sanctuary are paramount and infallible. Every student is subject to the law regardless of status and every broken rule must be punished.

Lucius and Xander Caldwell, as a result of your both of you will be fined Academy contribution points due to it being your second day your point count is pitifully low putting both of you in debt. In addition, both of you will have to take up extra lessons to re-educate yourself and repent for your actions."

Hearing this, both Lucius and Xander felt like they had been plunged into a cold pool of water

Fuck! Debt!

It was already the second day and they already had a fat debt in their heads

Unfortunately for Lucius, things weren't over just yet.

"In addition to this, Lucius was the main assailant in this incident even though you acted due to fear and a sense of threat your actions have been deemed excessive."

As he said this Mr. Hoffman couldn't help but glance at both black panda eyes of Xander and his mirth twitched.

"Student Lucius, your punishment will be heavier in addition to the previous stated, conditions your punishment will include compulsory community service and volunteering during the weekends for the rest of the term."

"Is that understood? Is there any objection?"

"No teacher." Replied Lucius and Xander in unison 

By the end of things Xander's face looked like a pile of tenderised meat and although Lucius suffered some damage due to the electric shock. Most of the true damage. Came from the pseudo-rage state making his most serious injury more self inflicted.

In truth, all Xander did was get beat up and they nearly had the same level of punishment.

Of course Lucius would be satisfied.

But Lucius knew that after recovering this punishment he would have to lie low for a bit.

Although he could kiss his free time good bye, in truth he had got off lightly with this punishment so if he got in trouble again it wouldn't be a good look and the next punishment would be nowhere near as lenient.