Looking at the backs of his subordinates, Shen Hongxuan took a deep breath. Since the situation was already like this, he could only hold his nose and accept it.

On the other side of the border, a few masked people were still discussing how to get the treasure from the Wang family. They had also investigated on the Wang family's old man's tone, but the other party rejected their suggestion without hesitation.

"Yes, leader. I'll go arrange it now."

"Remember to do this. China is not something we can afford to offend." The leader did not forget to tell him.

"Alright, I understand."

The people of dragon-group were famous for being "sharks". As long as there was even the tiniest bit of the smell of blood, they would immediately rush over and settle these illegal invaders without any room for negotiation.

After seeing their subordinates leave, these people started to discuss the matter of the Wang family. These people were very tacit understanding and did not directly say that they were kidnapping the Wang family's granddaughter.

After the death of the death warrior they sent, their mission was not completed yet, but it had already greatly weakened them. If they were to let some people report it now, their organization could be directly disbanded.

Lu Fei, who was on the other side, did not know anything about this. As for the matter of the Shen Group cutting down their jobs, he had heard about it before and had only laughed it off. Back then, the Ni's group had treated them so well, but in the end, they had received a heartless betrayal.

However, the treatment of those people, on the other hand, gave the people of Ni's group a warning.

Regarding what Shen Hongxuan had done, even Lu Fei wanted to thank him personally. If not for him, Ni's group would not be so cohesive right now.

Lu Fei didn't choose to live with Ni Xier. Sometimes, he still had to cultivate and maybe would look for Liu Xuefeng at night, so he continued to stay at the same place as before.

Ni Xier also expressed her understanding, and did not force it. Lu Fei going to her place for her every two or three days was something she could barely take, if she came here every day, she did not even dare to imagine the consequences.

On this day, Lu Fei returned to his room after work and became vigilant. Although he did not notice any changes in the room and the other party had been very careful, but if one observed carefully, it was still different from when he went out.

Because he woke up a little late in the morning, the milk that dripped onto the chair didn't hurriedly wipe it. But now it was gone, and the mat by the door had also become a lot cleaner.

Ordinary people might not know about this, but who was Lu Fei in the past, living a life of licking blood on the edge of a blade every day, if he was not vigilant, he would probably die many times.

However, all of these things that had happened did not scare Lu Fei at all. He did not believe that his opponent could kill him directly.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei immediately rushed towards the house and shouted: "Don't hide, come out and talk to me."

Just as he finished speaking, a person came out from underneath the sofa, with a puzzled look on his face as he looked at Lu Fei and asked: "You're really quite capable, but I really don't understand how you found me. I think I've already done it very carefully."

"Seems like you are really stupid. You actually dared to assassinate me without even knowing who I am. Let me guess, what organization are you from, Di Tian?" No, they were not that stupid. Shadow? It should be this organization, only they can be so arrogant, otherwise they would not have been in line for God's Day for so long, and would have been the number two in the last ten thousand years. " Lu Fei said with disdain.

"Bullshit!" That's because we, Shadow, disdained to fight with them. If not, what else could Di Tian be? How can they be ranked above us? " The masked man said angrily.

"Seems like my guess is correct. You don't have to deny it. I'm more familiar with the conflicts between Shadow and Di Tian than you are." Lu Fei said calmly.

"Oh yeah, tell me, who hired you to kill me, but aren't you looking down on me a little too much? You only hired a gold killer, why didn't the only one from your organization, the diamond killer, come? I think that's right. Three years ago, he was beaten to the point where he didn't even dare to leave his lair. Now, he should still be hiding in the shadows, right? " Lu Fei continued.

Hearing these words, the masked man did not know what to say. In the end, you are a shadow, how do you know more than him?

This made him realize that he had messed up today. He cursed in his heart that he shouldn't have coveted this amount of money, or else he wouldn't have fallen to this level. He didn't believe that Fang Xingjian could understand so much without any skill at all.

In the Underground World, it doesn't depend on how much money you have or how many people you know, it only depends on your skill. Unless you have enough money to help the gods, you won't know so much and won't receive the respect of others.

At first, he was tempted by the fact that the commission was in gold and the reward was in platinum. Even though he was only missing one segment, his chips were ten times higher.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken such a huge risk to come to China.

"You … Who the hell are you?" The masked man said with fear.

"I believe you should have heard of the title of 'Murder'. Do you still want me to continue?" Lu Fei said meaningfully.

Lu Fei believed that even if he did not stay in the Underground World for a year or two, he would not be able to make everyone forget. After all, what he had done before was to shock the entire Underground World, just like how the Shadow's only diamond killer was killed by him.

If it wasn't for him, the shadow wouldn't have been suppressed by Di Tian for so long.