"What?" You are actually a murderer! " The masked man said in shock.

"Don't I look like one? Forget it, I'll just give Ao Site a call. " Lu Fei laughed.

"Ao Site, I have been an old friend for so many years, do you still remember me?" Lu Fei said with a playful expression.

"I can recognize you even if you turn into ashes. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so embarrassed. But, aren't you retreating?" "Why did you still think of calling me? There's something you need me for. If you apologize to me for what happened that year, I can definitely help you." Ao Site said somewhat excitedly.

Being stuck in Lu Fei's Shadow Nest was the shame of his entire life, but what could he do?'s fist was big, so after suffering such a loss, he could only swallow it down, but if the other party apologized to him for the past, it would also help him balance out a lot.

Hearing their conversation, the masked man could confirm that the person in front of him was the murderer and not lie to him. However, this made things even more difficult for him, the minimum rule for assassins is not to sell out their employers.

Ao Site was somewhat unable to say anything, he could only smile awkwardly: "Then I wonder what business do you have with me? I don't seem to have offended you before."

"You didn't offend me, but your organization has already treated me as their target. Now, shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation? Otherwise, you can continue to hide at your old nest and pray that I won't see you." Lu Fei said without care.

"What?" How could such a thing happen? It's because that fool actually dared to set you as the target of an assassination attempt. " The phone trembled from anger, and kept thinking about how Lu Fei could take this lying down.

"I don't know if the person who tried to assassinate you is still here. If he is, then get him to pick up the phone." After a moment of silence, Ao Site continued.

"This is China, I definitely won't do anything illegal, but it's hard to say what I will do at your place." After Lu Fei finished speaking, he handed the phone over to the masked man.

"Shi Shi, this is a misunderstanding. Please listen to my explanation." Ao Site immediately said.

"Lord, I am number 26. I received a mission to go to China to assassinate a person. I didn't expect him to be the murderer. How should I solve this problem?" The masked man said in a low voice.

"Are you a stupid pig? "You can do this kind of thing. Fuck, if I don't go well, don't think about stopping. No matter what you do today, you must get the other party's forgiveness. Otherwise, you can go yourself." Ao Site scolded loudly.

"But, if sire wants me to name my employer, then I should …" The masked man said carefully.

He did not want to destroy this kind of rule in his hands, so he could only ask Ao Site how he should resolve it.

"Just tell Shi Mu that if it wasn't for that employer, I wouldn't have offended such a great god. Remember my words, as long as he is satisfied with what he wants you to do, it doesn't matter what he wants you to do." Ao Site roared.

"Ao Site, this time you know how to handle things, I will not pursue the matter regarding the past with you, but with regards to the matter of pursuing me, I want you all to do it yourselves, I do not request you all to eliminate the employer, at least give them a lesson, if you guys are unable to do this, I think there is no need for the Shadow Group to exist anymore." Lu Fei slowly said.

"Shi Shi, don't worry. I'll definitely give you an explanation for this matter." Ao Site promised.

Compared to Lu Fei, Ao Site felt that his opponent was more like an assassin. Usually, because of a single goal, he would not eat for a few days and just stay where he was, waiting for the arrival of his prey.

Of course, Lu Fei's brothers were not weak either, he was not Lu Fei's match, so he accepted it. But the other party's brothers could also chase after him, which was the main reason why he was afraid of Lu Fei.

"Alright, let's forget about this matter. I don't want to see you guys in China again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." With that, Lu Fei hung up the phone.

"F * ck, how do these idiots do things? Call the person who receives the mission over." Ao Site who had just put down the phone shouted.

After he asked for the reason, Ao Site thought for a while, then ordered two people to kill the other two, giving them a warning.

That year, he at most owed himself a little, and had Lu Fei chase after him to kill off half of Earth. If he didn't handle this matter well, then Lu Fei probably would have directly come to their lair's entrance to look for him.

This matter had already become a disgrace to the world of assassins. It had also sounded a warning to those people that no one would ever come looking for trouble again. The other party was simply a madman. If they offended him, then the best outcome would be both sides suffering.

"Alright, now that you are certain of my identity, you can tell me who made you assassinate me." Lu Fei looked at the masked man and laughed.

Lu Fei thought that he did not offend anyone when he came back, as for Shen Hongxuan and the rest, Lu Fei did not think that they could invite anyone from the Shadow Clan. If it was the Hong Sect, Lu Fei would believe it, but the other party did not know his identity, and would not make such a big move.

He was not afraid, and did not want to implicate the people around him with this matter, just like how if the masked man were to kidnap Ni Xier today, Lu Fei would be in deep trouble when the time came.

Otherwise, Lu Fei would not even bother to help the other party. Who exactly hired the Shadow Squad to assassinate him?

"It was a person from Southeast Asia who found us. We don't know who exactly, but they have one characteristic that is that they always cover their faces." The masked man recalled and said.

Hearing that, Lu Fei suddenly remembered that these were the people on the plane. It seemed like the other party had found him and was planning to avenge his dead companion.