During the freshers’ meeting, Liu Mingyu noticed Wang Yongzhi.

At that time, Liu Mingyu was sitting next to his little girlfriend, listening to her and her roommates chatting about all kinds of gossip in the class. He was bored playing with his girlfriend’s tender pink phone, so he opened the folders called selfies in her phone one by one, and then made fun of the pictures with her tongue sticking out, her eyes wide staring in the camera and scissors hands posing nonstop.

“Nasty, stop playing with my phone!” Liu Mingyu’s little girlfriend was a freshman and her name was Lin Jiao. She was cute and sweet looking, with a doll-like head and a small round face, and she loves to be pampered. Liu Mingyu was already in his third year of university when he met her and he was not in the same department as her. 


It was only when he saw her at the reception that he had the idea to pursue her. Liu Mingyu was a good-looking man, with a height of 1.78metre, so he didn’t have to do much to chase after such a young girl, who had just entered university.

“Zsw esd’v oydv y bwpcyde obld usw byhl y qaklde, yde usw esd’v yzzso xl vs rzyu okvb uswa rbsdl, bwb?” Nkw Ykdtuw vlyple bla.

Fbl rswvle wr, yde ydsvbla nsxrzykdv nyxl swv sq bla xswvb. Nkd Kkys oyp nwvl zssjkdt yde vldelazu ealpple yde okvb yzz rsoelale wr pbl zssjle zkjl y zyatl eszz. “R’x fwpv vyzjkdt vs y qaklde, yald’v R?” Fbl nbydtle vbl pwcflnv yde zsolale bla hsknl, “Nlv xl vlzz usw, vblal’p y csu kd swa nzypp obs nyxl kd yp y prsavp pvweldv. Tl rzyup hszzlucyzz yde kp ycswv 1.90 xlvalp vyzz.”

“Gktss, obyv’p vbl xyvvla, alyeu vs nzkxc vbl oyzz?”

Nkd Kkys tzyale yv bkx, “Tlya xl swv – R’x vlzzkdt usw, esd’v zssj yv bkx yp y ckt, vyzz twu, cwv bl’p ynvwyzzu ……” pbl vaykzle sqq, y zssj sq rasqwdekvu sd bla pxyzz qynl. “R blyae qasx vbl csup kd vbl pyxl esax yp bkx vbyv bkp cleekdt kp yzz rkdj! Vkdj pbllvp, iwkzvp, rkzzsonyplp, yde xspv sq vbl M-pbkavp kd bkp oyaeascl yal rkdj vss!”

Liu Mingyu burst out laughing, “This guy is a pervert, right?”


Lin Jiao punched him with her small fist, “Don’t talk nonsense if you haven’t seen him before, I heard he is quite handsome and has a good physique, and he could hold down pink!”

Liu Mingyu didn’t care about Lin Jiao’s words, just stretched out his hand to pat her head. Rubbing her little head, he took her mobile phone into his hand and said, “Your freshman meeting will start in ten minutes, right? I, an outsider, will not bother you. I will wait for you in the classroom next to you. Lend me your mobile phone to play with for the time being.”

These words naturally provoked Lin Jiao to complain again, but seeing that the class president had already walked up to the podium, Lin Jiao could only sit in her seat with both cheeks in her eyes.

Liu Mingyu was in a happy mood and he left through the back door with that soft pink mobile phone. Probably because he was in such a happy mood that he completely failed to notice the way ahead and as a result he slammed into someone’s arms. Consequently, the mobile phone in his hand didn’t hold on and fell straight to the ground with a crisp sound.

“Ugh ……!” Liu Mingyu rubbed his nose and hurriedly jumped out of the other person’s arms and thought to himself- who was so blind to cause him such a painful collision? But when he looked up and saw his opponent’s face, he couldn’t say anything – the young boy he had collided with was half a head taller than him, roughly estimated to be at least 1.9 metres tall !

But that was not the main thing, the main thing was that this 1.9 meters boy was wearing a bright pink T-shirt and the front of the T-shirt was decorated with shiny rhinestones that could blind people.


Liu Mingyu looked up at his opponent’s face, then at his body, and finally at the clothes on his body, and realized with chagrin in his heart – Lin Jiao was really right, a guy who could hold down pink like this was really too rare.

The other guy looked like he was in a hurry to visit the freshers’ meeting, so Liu Mingyu said in his heart that it was not good for him, a senior, to bully a fresher’s kid (in fact, the other guy was too tall and didn’t look easy to mess with), so he could only sulk and grab his little girlfriend’s pink mobile phone from the ground and stuff it into his back pocket, then leave in a hurry without even saying a polite word.

But he who was walking so hastily had no idea that the tall boy in the pink T-shirt was staring at the pink phone in his butt pocket for a long, long time.


Liu Mingyu and his girlfriend had broken up. She was the one who dumped him.

Liu Mingyu had at least had many girlfriends, some older than him, some younger, and had dumped people as well as been dumped, so he didn’t care that much about his little girlfriend dumping him.


But sometimes men were so selfish. It’s okay to break up, but after the breakup, other party shouldn’t live better than themselves. This was the basics.

So when Liu Mingyu found Lin Jiao in the arms of a big, tall, pink guy from their class, getting a meal in the canteen, Liu Mingyu’s heart instantly rolled over like a million rivers and he felt very unpleasant.

His eyes were firmly fixed on the pair and he couldn’t move from them.

In fact it wasn’t just him, almost the whole canteen was looking at them – Lin Jiao’s top was a small white camisole with a soft pink thin jacket over it and her bottom was a deep pink skirt that didn’t reach her knees. On her feet were white socks accompanied by nike pink board shoes and in her hands, she was carrying a small white pink-trimmed clutch bag. She looked just like a big pink doll and it was extremely eye-catching.

But the tall man beside her was no ordinary man either. At least he looked almost 20 years old with a pink short-sleeved hoodie over a long dark pink sleeveless waistcoat, and normal dark blue jeans under as his trousers. But the clothes on his upper body alone were dazzling enough – although the boys’ sturdy physiques could easily hold down the pink without looking the least bit effeminate, when such a pair of pink men and women appeared in the crowded cafeteria, they were still extremely eye-catching.

Liu Mingyu’s classmates pointed at them and teased him in a whisper, “I kind of know why you got dumped by the little girl – if you could also wear pink with her, she would definitely love you more than anything!”


These words were completely nonsense. Liu Mingyu was handsome because he was from the south. If he wore all pink, he would not be able to hold it down and would definitely be looked at as a pervert.

The more Liu Mingyu looked at the pair of flamboyant man and woman, the more angry he became. Add to that the fact that the good students beside him have been rubbing fire into him, and it would be too unmanly of him if he doesn’t do anything then.

He stood up from the table with a sullen face and walked quickly towards Lin Jiao and her new boyfriend and tapped with his hand on the table with a little force.

Lin Jiao’s face took on a timid expression for a moment when she saw him coming.

The tall, pink man opposite her, on the other hand, looked up with a calm expression, “Is there something you want?”

Liu Mingyu squeezed out a smile and said, “It’s nothing – you and I didn’t hit it off the right way at the first sight, let’s make friends.” He took out his Nokia mobile phone and indicated that he wanted to take down the other party’s mobile phone number.

The tall pink man scanned him from head to toe, and his eyes lingered on his phone for a moment, his expression seeming a little confused for a while. It took half a second before he gave his name, “Wang Yongzhi. My name is Wang Yongzhi.” He said and gave out a string of mobile phone numbers.

Liu Mingyu nodded his head pretending to be indifferent, entered his mobile phone number into his black mobile phone, and then saved his name—Pink Perverted Man.