In the next month, something big happened to Lin Jiao’s family-her grandfather passed away. Lin Jiao was one of her grandfather’s most beloved granddaughters, and naturally she had to fly back to attend the funeral. After returning from half a month of funeral leave, Lin Jiao seemed to be a different person. She threw away all the pink clothes in the closet and replaced them all with dark dresses.

She broke up peacefully with Wang Yongzhi, who soon afterwards found a new girlfriend, a girl who was very much like Lin Jiao, with the same love of dainty and playfulness, big eyes and double eyelids, and a small round face with a flush curtain. She also loves to wear pink.

Everyone said that Wang Yongzhi was so badly in love with Lin Jiao that after Lin Jiao’s had a change of heart because of the accident in her family and broke up with him, he found such a stand-in.


Liu Mingyu laughed at this, he was not a fictional lover and what was with “find a substitute if you are badly in love”, it was simply a joke.

Tsolhla, Eydt Zsdtgbk bye y qlo tkazqakldep sdl yqvla ydsvbla yqvla vbyv, yde vblu olal yzz rlvkvl rkdj tkazp okvbswv ydu lmnlrvksd.

Gqvla blyakdt ycswv vbkp, Nkw Ykdtuw cltyd vs cl kxralpple cu Eydt Zsdtgbk’p kdqyvwyvksd.

Tl byp bye xydu tkazqakldep, cwv lynb sq vblx byp clld kd y alzyvksdpbkr qsa zlpp vbyd y xsdvb, yde vbl pbsavlpv sdl oyp QGYO XAOS kd y ollj. Ysalshla, vbl tkazp obs casjl wr okvb bkx yzz jknjle bkx swv sq vblka sod ynnsae, yde obld ypjle obu, vblu yzz pyke vbl pyxl vbkdt, “Tl eslpd’v zshl xl!”


In the blink of an eye, the end of the semester was approaching and all classes were due for exams. The cultural classes were fine, but the physical education classes gave Liu Mingyu quite a headache. Their school’s physical education classes also need to choose courses online. At that time, it was a crucial time to fight for RP and internet speed and computers. However, Liu Mingyu’s semester was not going well, and when he could finally log on to the course selection website, he found that the only class left was the soft volleyball, which was known for its strict teachers.


The final exam for soft volleyball was a test on ball turning and serving. The boys got a pass with 50 and a distinction with 100.

But Liu Mingyu couldn’t even do thirty, let alone fifty.

Liu Mingyu’s new girlfriend practices with him every day after school in the gym, but seeing how useless her boyfriend was, her patience was running out. She suggested that her roommate’s boyfriend was on the school’s volleyball team and she could ask if she could get him to come over and give some help.

Liu Mingyu thought about it and agreed, it was too humiliating to make a fool of himself in front of his girlfriend.

A few days later, his new girlfriend sent word that the other side had agreed. The time was set for Saturday night at 7pm, just when the school’s team training was over, so they could use the varsity field and professional volleyball.

Liu Mingyu gladly accepted and made up his mind that he would treat them to a meal after bothering the kind-hearted brother.


He arrived at the training ground at 6.50am and saw a group of boys of about 1.9m and 2m standing in a corner with their hands behind their backs, listening to the coach’s lecture, while his new girlfriend was waiting for him on the other side of the ground.

Liu Mingyu took a few quick steps to reach his new girlfriend, who quickly introduced her roommate to Liu Mingyu, “Mingyu, this is my roommate Xiaohua, her boyfriend is on the school team.”

As soon as Liu Mingyu saw Xiaohua, he felt a thud in his heart – he saw that this girl named Xiaohua had big eyes with double eyelids, a round face with flush curtains, and most of all, the most important thing was that this petite girl was actually wearing all pink!

Just when Liu Mingyu felt that something was wrong and the world was really small, he heard a familiar low male voice ringing out behind him.

“Senior Brother Liu, it’s been a long time.”

Wang Yongzhi didn’t say much, but he did his best when he was coaching Liu Mingyu.


Liu Mingyu’s posture was not right, his wrist was too tense, and sometimes he even subconsciously touched the ball with his palm, so naturally he couldn’t turn it over.

Wang Yongzhi showed him a few times, but Liu Mingyu still couldn’t do it properly, and even tended to do it worse and worse. In fact, this was entirely due to Liu Mingyu’s inability to let go of the ball. Liu Mingyu unilaterally believed that the two of them were some kind of love rivals, both having been friends with Lin Jiao, so he naturally had a stiff attitude towards Wang Yongzhi.

——Wang Yongzhi loves Lin Jiao so much, even all his girlfriends afterwards look so much like Lin Jiao, he will definitely find a way to torment me!

Liu Mingyu had the heart of a villain and the belly of a gentleman. Every time Wang Yongzhi showed him how to turn the ball over, he had to be distracted.

“Senior …… senior!” Wang Yongzhi lowered his head and called out to him for a long time before he brought Liu Mingyu’s mind back.

“Ah ……? Ah!” Liu Mingyu pulled out a stiff smile, “What’s wrong?”


Wang Yongzhi lowered his head and looked at him for a while, then slowly said, “Senior brother, did you watch my demonstration or not?”

Liu Mingyu gave him an awkward look.

Wang Yongzhi wasn’t annoyed, he just looked at him steadily for a moment, then actually sighed, turned around and walked behind Liu Mingyu, then when Liu Mingyu didn’t react, he hugged him into his arms from behind him.

“You, what are you doing!” Liu Mingyu’s whole body jolted with fear. Hey …… this pink freak wouldn’t like men, right? No, if he likes men, why does he have a girlfriend? If he didn’t like men then why was he hugging him?

Once again, Liu Mingyu proved to have overthought.

“Senior brother, since you’re not concentrating, then I can only demonstrate to you like this.” Wang Yongzhi was half a head taller than Liu Mingyu and when he lowered his head and spoke, the hot wind blew in Wang Yongzhi’s ears.

Liu Mingyu never knew that his ears were so sensitive. But the fact that someone was blowing on his ears from above to downwards made his neck flush.

But Wang Yongzhi didn’t seem to notice and didn’t do anything to poke fun at Liu Mingyu’s reddening neck. Instead, he had Liu Mingyu in his arms, straightened his arms and pressed the wrists of his two hands together in a single motion.

Wang Yongzhi’s hands were so big that he could easily hold both of Liu Mingyu’s wrists with one hand, “Right, that’s it, keep this position and touch the ball with your wrists.”

He said as he wrapped his other arm around Liu Mingyu’s big arm, “The big arm and the small arm should swing in a wave shape, so that you can touch the ball with less effort.”

Although he felt that Wang Yongzhi was too intimate with him at first, once he had practised and found that the movements he had taught himself were really accurate, Liu Mingyu devoted himself to practising the ball.

Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty ……

In just one hour, Liu Mingyu’s ability to turn the ball over had improved by leaps and bounds, and he even turned over seventy-five balls at a time.

Dripping with sweat after the exercise, he lay down in the middle of the training ground and let out a laugh. He even gave a thumbs up to Wang Yongzhi.

Wang Yongzhi also laughed and came over to pull him up.