“Oh, I can’t do it anymore, I’m exhausted.” Liu Mingyu rubbed his forearm, feeling so sour that he couldn’t lift it up.

“This is normal. Just take a shower later and I’ll use our team’s massage oil to massage your shoulders.” Wang Yongzhi said, putting his arms around Liu Mingyu’s shoulders and taking him to the team’s dedicated bath at the side.

Liu Mingyu’s whole body was shocked again, and his vigilance came back all of a sudden, “This, I don’t need my junior brother, I can go back and wash myself.”

But Wang Yongzhi interjected, “How can it be? If you don’t rub the stiff muscles today, you won’t even be able to lift your arms tomorrow.”

Thinking of how bad tomorrow might be, Liu Mingyu could only bite the bullet and follow Wang Yongzhi to the bathing hall.


Everyone in the bathroom has their own locker. Liu Mingyu opened a locker and put all his mobile phones and wallets he had on him in the locker.

Wang Yongzhi looked at him and asked, “By the way, senior brother, I wanted to ask before, you changed your phone, didn’t you?”

“Ah? No,” Liu Mingyu was stunned, “It’s always been this one.”

“…… Jwv clqsal, obld ol olal yv vbl sakldvyvksd sq vbl qalpbxyd xllvkdt, R pyo vbyv usw bye y ekqqlaldv nszswa sdl.”

Nkw Ykdtuw vbswtbv ycswv kv qsa y obkzl yde qkdyzzu alxlxclale. Tkp qynl nbydtle y qlo vkxlp, yde yqvla nyalqwzzu tzydnkdt yv Eydt Zsdtgbk’p qynl, bl pyke blpkvydvzu, “Mbyv oyp Nkd Kkys’p rbsdl, R csaasole kv vs rzyu okvb yv vbl vkxl.”

Ms bkp pwarakpl, Eydt Zsdtgbk eke dsv clnsxl qwakswp. Tl sdzu qasodle pzktbvzu yde vbld pjkxxle shla vbl pwcflnv kd y ektdkqkle xyddla.

Nkw Ykdtuw eked’v jdso lmynvzu obu bl oyp ypjkdt ycswv xsckzl rbsdlp, ps bl nswze sdzu pyanypvknyzzu nbydtl vbl pwcflnv.

Gqvla yzz, vblu’al yzz csup, yde vblu’al yzz vbl pyxl obld vblu vyjl sqq vblka nzsvblp.

–Mbyv oyp rwal cwzzpbkv.

Nkw Ykdtuw oyp pvydekdt pkel cu pkel okvb Eydt Zsdtgbk kd vbl pbsola byzz, yde dyvwayzzu bkp lulp eyavle shla vs Eydt Zsdtgbk’p pkel okvbswv alyzkgkdt kv.

Xwnb, vbkp rbupkiwl.

Aigooooo, this look.


Aigooooo, this skin.

Aigooooooo, this muscle.

Aigooooooo, this …… big guy.

Liu Mingyu awkwardly moved his eyes away from the other party’s black forest, then took a careful look at his own white cut chicken, and sighed deeply in his heart.

When the two of them were taking a shower, Wang Yongzhi also gave Liu Mingyu a back rub. Liu Mingyu was depressed to find that Wang Yongzhi’s scrubbing towels were all pink……

After leaving the shower hall, Liu Mingyu put on his underwear and plopped down on a lounge chair while Wang Yongzhi gave his shoulders and arms a layer of massage oil, and then carefully massaged them.

Wang Yongzhi’s hands were big and hot, and it was very comfortable when he massaged Liu Mingyu’s shoulders.

Liu Mingyu looked sideways at Wang Yongzhi’s serious expression, and his heart moved somehow, and he said uncontrollably, “I’m sorry.”

“What?” Wang Yongzhi didn’t quite understand Liu Mingyu’s words.

Liu Mingyu’s face instantly turned red and he cursed himself for being a fool in his heart. Do you mean to say, ‘When I saw you massaging me, I thought you were a good man and I felt very guilty that I had the same girlfriend as such a good man as you?’

Liu Mingyu did not answer, and Wang Yongzhi did not ask.

After another moment, Liu Mingyu finally couldn’t help himself and spoke, “Do you really love Lin Jiao that much?”


“What?” This time, Wang Yongzhi was even more puzzled.

Liu Mingyu glared at him, without realising how unmanly such a look was. “Don’t pretend, don’t you love Lin Jiao to death?”

Wang Yongzhi looked at him for a long time before he rested his hot palm on his shoulder, “Brother, you really look like a gossipy girl now.”

Liu Mingyu moved his head into his arms angrily.

Wang Yongzhi rubbed his shoulders and arm, rubbing his fingers in circles on his skin, and replied half-heartedly, “I don’t love Lin Jiao, what makes you think so.”

Liu Mingyu looked up at him, “You don’t love her? If you don’t love her, why do you always find girls just like her after she dumped you?”

Wang Yongzhi looked at him dumbfounded, then went through the girls he had dated in his head, surprised to find that it seemed that in other people’s eyes, his several girlfriends were all carved out of the same mold.

“You really misunderstood, I didn’t love Lin Jiao to death, we broke up peacefully. About my girlfriend after that …… that was just coincidence too.”

“Coincidentally all like pink?” Liu Mingyu spat.

Wang Yongzhi laughed, “That’s not a coincidence. I pick girls who like pink to date.”

Liu Mingyu was depressed, “How much do you like pink, how come everything is pink? Clothes are, even girlfriends are?”

Wang Yongzhi was silent and didn’t say anything.


Liu Mingyu suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his heart, wondering in his heart that he was not usually a talkative person, how could he disagree with people’s choice at this time? That was someone’s preference, so it was inappropriate for him to do so.

Liu Mingyu was embarrassed and was just about to apologise when he didn’t expect Wang Yongzhi to actually speak up.

“Because I can only see pink ah.”

“…… ah?”

Wang Yongzhi laughed a little, “I’m colour-weak, I’m only sensitive to pink, I only recognise pink.”

Liu Mingyu was silent for a moment. He had wondered why Wang Yongzhi had to use that bright pink colour, questioning his sexuality and thinking in his mind that he was a pervert, but he didn’t know it was actually because of this kind of reason.

“I always get confused between my own and my roommates’ T-shirts of similar styles. The socks and underwear that are hung up to dry, I can’t tell the difference between them at all. Pens and books as well as electronics, if it’s not pink I get the wrong one ……”

“I’m sorry, you don’t have to say it…..”

“Even to the extent that I look for girlfriends who love to wear pink, because – for me – if they don’t dress in pink, I can’t recognize them at all ah.”

Liu Mingyu finally understood why after breaking up with Wang Yongzhi all his girlfriends said that he didn’t love them anymore— a man who can only find his girlfriends by the colour pink and can’t find them without wearing it, such a man was indeed unattractive.

“It’s not just girls, it’s boys too. In a world of monochrome colours, all the boys have two eyes and a nose, short hair and are tall.” Wang Yongzhi said, “It took me so long to rub shoulders with my teammates and finally recognise them.”

When he said this, he lowered his head and put his face extremely close to Liu Mingyu, “Do you know, senior brother, you are the first person that I remembered the looks of at just the first sight. I used to think that it was because you had a pink phone, then I finally knew that it was not at all.”