Looking at the handsome face so close at hand, Liu Mingyu’s goosebumps rushed out all over his body.

Hey, hey, what do you mean by “you are the only one I can recognize without pink”…and junior brother, don’t stay so close to me, I will think you are a pervert! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

But the more Liu Mingyu didn’t want to have anything, the more he came. Seeing Wang Yongzhi’s head getting lower and lower, Wang Yongzhi’s mouth getting closer and closer to him, and the hot breath from Wang Yongzhi’s mouth getting hotter and hotter, Liu Mingyu was frightened. His whole body trembled.

However, Liu Mingyu, who was usually known for his quick reflexes, did not move at this time for some reason. His appearance was really like a frightened puppy, which made people want to tease him.


Sure enough, within three seconds, Wang Yongzhi’s mouth was pressed down.

“Oh… ah…!”

Liu Mingyu never knew that his heart activity could be so fast and change so rapidly, he experienced “What are you doing, senior brother!” →”Junior brother is a pervert!” →”I have to push him away quickly!” →”Will it break his heart to push him away?” →”After all, he’s a poor little man who only has pink in the world” → “……” → “… …” → “……”

Mbl nsdpliwldnl sq dsv rwpbkdt yoyu vbl plmwyzzu byayppkdt rkdj xyd yv vbl qkapv srrsavwdkvu oyp vbyv Eydt Zsdtgbk hlau pbyxlzlppzu nwrrle bkp blye yde jkpple bkx qsa qkhl xkdwvlp okvb y ellr jkpp.

Gv vbkp vkxl, Nkw Ykdtuw’p blye bye zsdt clld y xlpp, yde bl nswzed’v qktwal swv bso vbkdtp bye elhlzsrle vs vbkp rskdv.

Mbl vos xld’p jkppkdt pjkzzp olal nsxryayczl, yqvla yzz, vblu bye csvb bye xydu tkazqakldep. Nkw Ykdtuw’p ldvkal wrrla cseu oyp zukdt sd vbl alnzkdla, ps kv oyp hlau kdnsdhldkldv vs jkpp okvb bkp blye wr, yde bkp pwnjkdt oyp yzps swv sq saela. Mbl pyzkhy vblu lmnbydtle nswze dsv cl kdbyzle kd vkxl yde ldele wr eakrrkdt esod vbl nsadlap sq vblka nsddlnvle xswvbp.

Ebld vbl vos qkdyzzu plryayvle, Nkw Ykdtuw xweezle bkp blye kdvs bkp yaxp kd y eygl, yde sdzu sdl pldvldnl lnbsle kd bkp xkde, “…Gp lmrlnvle sq y rkdj xyd, lhld vbl vssvbrypvl kp pvayoclaau qzyhsale…”

Gde kd vbkp eygle pvyvl sq bkp blye, Eydt Zsdtgbk vssj yehydvytl sq vbl pkvwyvksd yde piwyvvle esod clpkel bkx, vssj bkp byde yde ypjle kd y nyfszkdt vsdl, “Jasvbla, pbyzz ol cl vstlvbla?”

Nkw Ykdtuw alrzkle cu rwdnbkdt Eydt Zsdtgbk sd vbl caketl sq bkp dspl yde vos dsplczllep vaknjzle esod Eydt Zsdtgbk’p dspl.

“Fldksa casvbla, kp vbkp y alvwad tkqv qsa xshkdt vss qypv clvolld wp?”

Swcckdt bkp qkpv, Nkw Ykdtuw tsv pvayktbv sqq vbl alnzkdla, ealpple iwknjzu yde awpble swv sq vbl hszzlucyzz vlyx’p zswdtl.

Because he left (or escaped) in too much of a hurry, Liu Mingyu only found that his black Nokia X6 had actually been left at the scene of the accident after he returned to his bedroom.


The phone was bought only after begging his family for half a day, so he couldn’t lose it, but he didn’t have the cheek to take the initiative to find Wang Yongzhi to get it back.

After a few more days, this day Liu Mingyu was banging away on the internet with nothing to do when he saw a window poking up on QQ, prompting a stranger to speak to him.

Liu Mingyu put a question mark in the dialog box.

Two words came back from there.

“Senior Brother.”

Liu Mingyu basically realized who this was immediately.

Liu Mingyu typed another row of ellipses.

Wang Yongzhi said, “Brother, your cell phone was left in my possession that day.”

Liu Mingyu typed another row of ellipses.


Wang Yongzhi said again, “Also, you took away my T-shirt and my underwear that day. I didn’t expect you to be so enthusiastic.”

Liu Mingyu got anxious, “I wasn’t paying attention that day! I was in too much of a hurry!”

As soon as he struck up a conversation, they got talking, but by talking, I mean that Wang Yongzhi kept using commas and full stops to make declarative facepalm statements, while Liu Mingyu’s side just used a larger number of exclamation points than the first one at a time.

The two of them went around and around, but they didn’t bring up what happened that day. Liu Mingyu was relieved, saying that the day was really an accident and that mature men shouldn’t put these things to heart. But he didn’t know why he was actually a little sullen in his heart.

Wang Yongzhi said, “Whenever it’s convenient for you, come out for a while and I’ll return the phone to you.”

Liu Mingyu was busy saying, “No need!!! You can just give my phone to your girlfriend Xiaohua directly, so that Xiaohua can give it to my girlfriend, and I can just take it from my girlfriend!” (Do you remember, the two men’s girlfriends are roommates)

Wang Yongzhi said, “Xiaohua and I split up.”

Liu Mingyu was stunned. “Why?”

Wang Yongzhi sent a smiley face emoji over there, “Senior brother, what makes you think that I would still go out with other girls after I’ve made it clear to you.”

Liu Mingyu’s heart turned a bit tasteless.

Later, Liu Mingyu still met with Wang Yongzhi and returned his pink T-shirt to him after washing it, and also exchanged it for his precious mobile phone.

Liu Mingyu’s mobile phone was still the same, a black rectangle, except that the phone, which was always clean and untouched, now had a pink bell on it. It was hung by Wang Yongzhi.


Liu Mingyu looked across at Wang Yongzhi and then at his own phone before reaching out and taking the pink bell off and giving it back to Wang Yongzhi

Wang Yongzhi was holding the pink bell in his big hand with his head down so his expression wasn’t clearly visible.

Liu Mingyu looked at his appearance of a big dog that had been abandoned by its owner and laughed, “Didn’t you say that you could recognize me without looking at the pink, so why hang the pink?”

With that he waved his hand and walked away.


Liu Mingyu’s girlfriend was wronged, and she dragged Liu Mingyu to cry.

Liu Mingyu was thinking about Wang Yongzhi, and he was upset by her crying, “What’s the matter?”

His girlfriend sobbed and told him the story, and Liu Mingyu was happy to hear it – it was nothing. He really couldn’t help but tease the little girl.

It’s easy to say that every university now has a work-study department of China Mobile. Liu Mingyu’s girlfriend also wanted to earn some pocket money, so she joined the work-study department of the mobile company and went to work as a call taker one night a week, responsible for dealing with users who called at night to pick a fight.

The night before, when his girlfriend was on duty, she received a phone call. The man on the phone immediately asked, “What is your China Mobile website?”


His girlfriend replied: “Three w dot chinamobile dot com”

The man said, “Why don’t you spell it out?”

His girlfriend spelled it out patiently: “c-h-i-n-a-m ……”

The man said: “Wait a minute, wait a minute, what’s M? I don’t know, say hanyu pinyin for me!”

The little girl just got caught up in the conversation: “M for ‘Me’.”

The Man: “What? I can’t hear you.”

His girlfriend: “Mo! Ma! Mm!”

Unexpectedly the man suddenly shouted, “Oops! You’re acting as a pervert !!!!”

…… As a result, Liu Mingyu’s girlfriend was made to cry by such a boring person’s boring thing.

Liu Mingyu wanted to laugh when he heard it, but he didn’t dare to laugh seeing his girlfriend’s aggrieved appearance, so he could only take the initiative to calm down her, “Then how about this, you don’t go on duty next time, I’ll cover for you for one night, if there are harassing calls again, I’ll scold him back!” 

So a week later, on this day, Liu Mingyu took his girlfriend’s place as a call taker.

Because there were few calls at night and they were only responsible for this area, there were only three people on duty including Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu was almost asleep waiting when he finally picked up a call in the middle of the night. He said in a formulaic manner, “Hello, operator number 6699 at your service.”

But there was no movement on the other side, only the sound of shallow breathing could be heard. 

Liu Mingyu frowned, thinking it couldn’t be a prank call, “Hello, operator number 6699 at your service.”

There was finally a movement over there, and it was a two-letter word that was very, very, very, very familiar to Liu Mingyu.

“Senior brother?”

Liu Mingyu immediately recognized who it was. He simply didn’t expect the world to be so small. Even answering a phone call could intercept Wang Yongzhi’s call.

“What?” he asked with a blush.

Wang Yongzhi was stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t expect him to admit it so quickly. “Oh, it’s nothing, I just …… I just wanted to ask for the URL of your China Mobile.” 

Wang Yongzhi suddenly remembered that he could exchange his points for prizes that day, so he wanted to go online to see what good gifts he could exchange.

Liu Mingyu laughed back in anger, “Three w dot chinamobile dot com.”

Wang Yongzhi asked embarrassedly, “Can you spell it?” 

Wang Yongzhi was a first class athlete, but few people know the dedication behind this achievement – he entered the sports school in the third grade to practice volleyball, so don’t look at him now that he was in university, but in fact he was only at the third grade of elementary school regarding his academic education. In English he can also say hello and bye bye.

But to Liu Mingyu’s ears, it was a completely different story – he was the one who was teasing the little girl, and he was still using such bad tricks!

Liu Mingyu’s hands were shaking with anger, “c-h-i-n-m……” Liu Mingyu didn’t even notice that he had misspelled the word in his haste.

“Ah? M? What M?” Wang Yongzhi was stunned. No matter how bad his English was, he still knew how to spell China—the last digit was clearly a, so why did it become m?

Liu Mingyu was in a hurry, his face and neck were turned red, “What M? I tell you what M! You understand it! ‘M’!!! It’s the ‘m’ of ‘muah muah muah muah muah muah muah’ !!!!! You’re just waiting for me to say shamelessly after I’ve said ‘M’. You think I don’t know that? You’re the one who’s being a jerk !!!! You’re the one who’s playing the pervert !!!!!”

Wang Yongzhi was silent, “……”

Liu Mingyu raged like a bull, his ragged breath coming out of his nostrils. 


“…… I just want to tell you that the last digit of china is a not m ……”


“And ……”

“…… eh?”

“Brother, you’re playing a pervert……”

The annoyed Liu Mingyu directly slammed the phone down.