Chapter 1204 Jin vs Michael I

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1204 Jin vs Michael I

When Shar arrived, everyone, including Gaya, was shocked, but Michael remained calm, almost amused. Unlike the others, he had known Shar was following them ever since they arrived here. He had pretended ignorance to give Shar the illusion of an upper hand and the element of surprise.

As Shar materialized, she raised her staff, and a green mist shot from its tip.

"How is she using magic here?" Gaya growled, perplexed.

"That is not Celestial energy," Michael explained calmly. His eyes of darkness had already revealed the nature of the energy she wielded. It wasn't the Celestial energy, which was nullified in the pocket dimension. Instead, the staff emitted worship energy.

"Let Morbus's energy decimate you all," Shar declared, continuing to release the worship energy of Morbus stored in her staff.

"Who in the hell is worshipping the god of plagues?" Gaya continued to fire her bolts, her frustration growing.

"You have no idea how many worshippers Morbus has, dear," Shar chuckled darkly. The green mist began to affect everyone: the undead, the headless corpses, and the living adventurers.

Michael swiftly tapped his chest, and half of a skull mask covered his mouth and nose. Flicking his wrist, he produced a mask and tossed it to Gaya, who caught and donned it quickly.

With their masks on, Michael and Gaya were protected from the green mist, but the other adventurers weren't so fortunate. Those who stumbled into the area slowly turned into undead with glowing green eyes. Meanwhile, the corpses that Michael and Gaya had beheaded rose up, headless. Follow the latest novels at

"Nice trick with the masks," Jin mused to himself, watching from afar. He was curious to see how Michael and Gaya would fare against Shar, Morbus's worshipper.

Jin had already noticed how the two of them had performed in the pond earlier and how they had managed to make money while defeating the doppelgangers. So now Jin wanted to see how they would face and survive Shar, the worshipper of Morbus.

"Don't resist, young ones. Embrace the essence of Morbus," Shar intoned as the undead she created encircled Michael and Gaya.

"What's your end game, Shar?" Michael asked, his tone probing.

"Power, my dear. Power is always the end game for all beings in this world. We all disguise our desires, but in the end, we all crave power," Shar responded.

Michael, however, remained unphased. He cracked his neck, waiting for the undead to draw nearer. Gaya stood confidently beside him, showing no fear or concern in her eyes.

"You have no idea who you're messing with, old dusty fucking bones," Gaya taunted with a snicker.

"My my, what a foul mouth you have. I'll have to sew it shut after this, deary," Shar responded darkly.

But just as the undead closed in, only a few meters away from Michael, he calmly raised his hand. Instantly, a ring of flames erupted around him in a circle, creating a fiery barrier that separated them from the onslaught of the undead.

As the ring of flames crackled to life around Michael, the undead hoard created through Morbus's essence was swiftly disintegrated. The flames hissed and popped, their intense heat turning the undead into vapor in mere seconds. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a testament to the immense power Michael wielded.

Shar watched in disbelief as her confidence shattered like fragile glass. In that moment, it dawned on her that she wasn't facing mere prodigies or resourceful adventurers. She was dealing with entities far beyond her comprehension. Jin, observing from his hidden location, shared her realization.

"No one can destroy puppets created by worship energy like that... unless they are... angels... of a powerful god," Jin muttered to himself. Even with this extraordinary display of power, his mind couldn't fathom the idea that he might be witnessing a god in action. To him, the most powerful beings he had ever encountered were angels, and he hastily concluded that Michael and Gaya must be angels in mortal guise.

"What the hell are you..." Shar stammered, her voice faltering for the first time since their encounter began. The usually calm Shar was visibly unnerved, her composure cracked by the display of power she had just witnessed. Meanwhile, Jin, still concealed in his vantage point, was caught off guard when a voice echoed in his head, chilling and unmistakable. "Kill those two and earn the right to become my angel." The voice was deep, commanding, and resonated with a power that Jin recognized all too well. It sounded exactly like Death, the God he worshipped.

Jin stood frozen for a moment, the weight of the command sinking in. The voice of his god, a rare occurrence, was not something he could easily dismiss or ignore. The proposition of becoming an angel, a being of immense power and status, was both a coveted honor and a daunting challenge.

The shock of hearing Death's voice directly, coupled with the gravity of the task set before him, left Jin wrestling with a mix of emotions. On the one hand, the opportunity to ascend to angelhood was the pinnacle of achievement for any worshipper.

On the other, the task of killing Michael and Gaya, who had just demonstrated power beyond his comprehension, seemed almost impossible.

The voice in Jin's head continued, its tone carrying the weight of authority and finality. "Morbus is my brother, just like Xyloth. As such, my protection extends to their worshippers, including Shar."

Jin's mind raced as he processed the information. The connections between the gods and their worshippers were intricate and often beyond the understanding of mortals. But the direct involvement of Death himself in this affair made it all the more significant and dangerous.

"Kill those two who threaten her life, and you shall earn the right to be my reaper," the voice of Death commanded. The title of 'reaper' held great significance in Jin's world - it was a title bestowed upon the most elite and powerful servants of Death, a position of honor and immense power.

"I will do as you wish, my lord," Jin said with a newfound determination and leaped down from the tree. Then, he began to dash toward Shar to save her and assassinate the two angels as he was ordered by Death...