Chapter 1205 Jin vs Michael II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1205 Jin vs Michael II

?Michael and Gaya quickly noticed Jin's sudden approach, his figure dashing towards them with an alarming speed. A flurry of shurikens whistled through the air, aimed directly at them. Their deadly metallic gleam was a clear indication of Jin's lethal intent.

Meanwhile, Shar watched the unfolding scene with a sly, triumphant grin. Her manipulation, perfectly executed by mimicking Death's voice and playing mind games with Jin, had worked precisely as she intended.

Michael reacted swiftly, raising his hand as the Black Shield extended from his wrist, forming a barrier against the incoming shurikens. Taking cover behind Michael, Gaya used him as a shield while uttering curses under her breath.

"That sneaky fucker is making a big mistake," Gaya growled, her eyes narrowed in anger.

What Michael and Gaya didn't realize was the depth of Shar's deception. Unaware of the mental manipulation she had inflicted upon Jin, they could only speculate about his sudden aggression.

As Shar swung her staff, a barrier of thick green flames, fueled by worship energy, sprang up around her. The barrier crackled with ominous energy, serving as a formidable defense.

Michael, with his shield adeptly blocking the incoming shurikens, moved agilely.

"We need to break that staff!" Close behind him, Gaya shouted. Her voice was filled with urgency, understanding the source of Shar's power.

"Stay behind Shar!" Jin shouted as he continued his assault. He began to target the areas not covered by Michael's shield, showcasing his skill and precision as an assassin.

Darting from tree to tree for cover, Michael wore an amused smile. He was curious to prod Shar further, to coax more information about her plans before dealing with Jin. His movements were calculated and deliberate, a dance of strategy and evasion.

Then, Michael gave Gaya a knowing nod from behind the cover of a tree, signaling her next move. Despite the pocket dimension's arrays that nullified celestial energy in the atmosphere, they were unable to affect the energy stored within celestial crystals. Gaya tapped into this stored energy, activating the cloaking mechanism of her armor.

As she vanished from sight, her form blending seamlessly into the surroundings, Michael remained behind the tree, drawing Jin's attention.

"Why are you doing this, Jin?" Michael called out, his voice calm yet inquisitive.

"Shut up and die," Jin responded tersely, his focus unwavering as he prepared another flurry of shurikens. Follow the latest novels at

Michael chuckled lightly, not intimidated by Jin's hostility. "We both know you can't do that," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Don't listen to him, Jin. He's just trying to play mind games with you." Sensing the atmosphere shift, Shar warned Jin. Meanwhile, Jin's frustration started to mount up.

"I have my orders," Jin growled. With agile prowess, he leaped onto a tree, using the branches to propel himself forward. He launched a shuriken at Michael, who appeared directly in front of him.

In a swift motion, Michael caught the shuriken mid-air and, without hesitation, flung it back at Jin. The shuriken grazed Jin's face as he was still airborne, leaving a thin cut. Michael then quickly moved to another tree, continuing his elusive maneuvers.

"Why are you supporting Shar? I don't think you're a fan of her," Michael called out, trying to unravel the motivations behind Jin's actions.

Shar, feeling the pressure but maintaining her composure, replied coolly, "It's always good to team up with the devil you know, my dear."

While observing the intense battle, Shar decided to intervene. With a swift motion, she swung her staff, and a sliver of green mist emerged, snaking its way toward Jin. The mist coiled around his legs and fists, enhancing his physical capabilities.

"I don't need your help," Jin growled, his pride as an assassin making him resent the assistance.

"It doesn't look like you can do without my help." Shar rebuked sharply.

Michael chuckled amidst dodging a now faster and more powerful punch from Jin. He was sure that Shar had something to do with Jin's sudden increase in aggression.

"Why is she helping you, Jin? Think about it," Michael prodded, trying to plant seeds of doubt in Jin's mind.

With the worship energy enhancing him, Jin's movements became quicker, his strikes more forceful. Yet, Michael's evasion was effortless. He read Jin's movements like an open book, each step, each punch, and each kick anticipated and avoided with precision.

"Something happened, didn't it?" Michael probed, skillfully ducking under a high kick from Jin.

Jin, his patience wearing thin, growled in response, "Shut up and die!" He was clearly not in the mood for conversation, his attacks growing more ferocious.

Michael couldn't help but relish the continuous stream of badass points he was racking up, and the fact that he was slowly cracking Jin's cold exterior added to his enjoyment.

"Why the desperation to kill me, Jin?" he asked, dodging another punch.

"You've been watching me.You had better chances than now. Yet you didn't take those chances because you didn't want to kill me then. So why now?"

In a strategic move to extract information, Michael let his guard down momentarily, allowing Jin's fist to connect squarely with his face. The impact forced Michael to take a step back, and he calmly wiped away a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. The slight taste of blood only fueled his determination.

The sudden success of his attack, the adrenaline rushing through his veins, made Jin blurt out.

"After killing you, I will become a reaper, as my god has promised!"

"Idiot," Overhearing Jin's outburst, Shar muttered under her breath.

Hearing the revelation, Michael connected the dots and came up with a guess. Then, he cracked his neck and re-engaged Jin in combat.

"Death promised you, huh?" Michael mused aloud, piecing together the puzzle. Amidst the intense combat, he maneuvered with a strategic mind.

"Is there a chance Shar is manipulating you into killing me using your god's name?"

As they exchanged blows, Michael deftly twisted his hands behind his back, away from Shar and Jin's line of sight. He quickly retrieved the crimson red invitation he had received from the reaper of Death who he met at Rainar's temple. In a swift movement, he brandished the invitation in front of Jin during a brief pause in their fight.

"Why would Death want me dead when he's already invited me to join the assassin's guild?" Michael questioned, his tone laced with skepticism.

The revelation hit Jin like a thunderbolt. He stopped his attacks abruptly, his eyes widening in shock as he stared at the invitation.

"It can't be," he uttered.