Chapter 1236 Complete Domination

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1236 Complete Domination

The moment everything turned dark, an oppressive, thick darkness enveloped the hall, swallowing every trace of light and making it impossible to see anything. In this realm of shadows, Michael's strength surged, the darkness amplifying his power as the God of Darkness. Valorix, aware of this advantage, felt a surge of apprehension.

Despite his growing fear, Valorix couldn't help but vent his anger and disbelief at Michael's actions. "You fucking monster," he spat out into the darkness, his voice tinged with a mix of anger and incredulity. "You killed all those innocents just to ruin my plan? You've truly lost it. The Dark Lord I knew... he had limits. But you? You're something else."

Valorix's words were laced with a bitter realization of the drastic change in Michael's character. The new ruthlessness, the willingness to sacrifice anyone and anything to achieve his goals, was something Valorix had not anticipated. It wasn't just the loss of his plan that stung. it was the understanding that he was now dealing with a God of Darkness who had embraced his darkest aspects without reservation or remorse.

"Enjoying the turn of tables?" Michael's voice cut through the darkness, a moment before his fist connected with Valorix, sending him flying through the air. The sound of Valorix's body hitting the wall echoed through the castle's throne hall.

"It's my turn to brag," Michael declared, his voice filled with a cold satisfaction as he moved unseen in the darkness. "You know, I've been keeping an eye on Jin. I watched him opening treasure chests, always looking for something more."

Valorix, struggling to regain his composure, spat out a curse. "How the fuck did you—"

Michael cut him off, "Goddess Marli was blabbering about getting Vedora's remains, along with the elder of the Kraken clan, before we entered this godforsaken dungeon. So, when Jin came searching through your castle, it wasn't hard to guess he was after the bones too,"

Valorix, now reeling not just from the physical blow but from the revelation, gasped, "But how—"

"Surprised? Yeah, you turning out to be Valorix, the God of Thieves, that caught me off guard. I'll give you that. But then, I heard you bragging to Jin about keeping some adventurers like the Ironfist beast tamers, Elrion, and Lysandra captured. Planning to absorb their souls, were you?" Michael's voice was tinged with disdain as he paced the darkness, his steps silent.

The sounds of punches landing were punctuated by Michael's revelations, each hit emphasizing his words. "Your hatred for me, your plans, they all unraveled today, Valorix. Did you really think you could outplay the God of Darkness?"

Valorix, cornered and beaten, could only groan in response, realizing that Michael had outmaneuvered him at every turn, using his own hatred and plans against him in the ultimate game of shadows.

"And let's not forget about those adventurers. If any of them who knew I'm the God of Darkness made it outside, they'd blab to everyone. That would've fucked up my plans. So, in a way, Valorix, you've helped me eliminate potential witnesses. How's that for irony?"

Amidst the tension and dark threats, Valorix managed to landed a punch on Michael with a burst of unexpected agility. The blow was solid enough to draw blood.

Michael wiped the blood away and chuckled, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, huh?" His amusement was evident, not at all diminished by the strike.

"There's no minotaur here to do your dirty work, to absorb my soul like it did Marli's. No matter what you do, I'll always be here, scheming, planning. And eventually, I'll be the one to end you." Seizing the moment to boast, Valorix sneered.

Michael's laughter echoed through the hall once more, a sound that held both amusement and a hint of pity. "Out of the loop? Oh, Valorix, you really are behind the times," he said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "I killed Rainar, the God of Rain. There was no minotaur involved. Just me."

The revelation hit Valorix like a physical blow, his previous confidence evaporating into disbelief and shock. "You... what? You killed Rainar? No, that's... that can't be. You're lying!" His words were a mix of denial and realization, struggling to accept the truth Michael laid bare.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 25,000 Badass points] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 35,000 Badass points] [Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 55,000 Badass points] ...

As Michael was delighting in giving Valorix metaphorical heart attacks, the continuous rings of the system notifications caught his attention. He couldn't help but feel a surge of delight at the rain of badass points flooding in, a testament to his strategic prowess and ruthless actions. Even the system seemed impressed, noting the quick and decisive manner in which he turned the tables on Valorix with nothing more than a Spyder and a demonstration of his merciless nature.

Ignoring the system's pings for the moment, Michael focused on Valorix, who was still reeling from the revelations. "No one can kill a god except the ancient beasts," Valorix mumbled, clinging to this belief as if it were a lifeline.

Michael's laughter cut through the tension, "You're so fucking wrong," he taunted, enjoying the visible shock on Valorix's face. "Can you guess what my next plan is?"

Valorix, desperation creeping into his voice, asked, "What? What are you planning?"

"I have multiple ways to kill you," Michael admitted with a predatory grin. "But it would be particularly poetic to use one of your ancient monsters in the dungeon against you. The very ones you put there."

"How?" Valorix roared, disbelief and anger mingling in his voice.

With another effortless slap, Michael sent Valorix flying. As Valorix struggled to regain his bearings, Michael's voice followed, dripping with condescension. "Did you forget already? My wife is the Goddess of Monsters. And soon, she'll be boss around the ancient beasts as if they were mere pups. So, guess who'll really be in trouble then?