Chapter 1237 End Of Valorix I

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1237 End Of Valorix I

After Valorix absorbed Michael's words, a desperate resolve took hold of him. He realized this might be his last chance to save his physical form from the inevitable wrath of the newly ruthless God of Darkness. With a defiant shout that echoed through the darkened hall, "You think you've won? Watch this!"

Summoning every ounce of his divine power, Valorix called forth every bit of treasure he had pilfered over the eons. In a dazzling display of light and magic, various items began to equip themselves over his already gleaming golden armor. A spear materialized in his other hand, gleaming with an ominous energy, while a mechanical hand attached itself to his back, its fingertips sparking with the promise of fiery destruction. Around his neck, several talismans appeared, each engraved with runes pulsating with ancient power.

Valorix, now fully armed with the artifacts of his thievery, stood taller, his form radiating a formidable aura. "Now, you will face the true God of Thieves in his full glory!" he boasted, the various magical items augmenting his voice with a resonance that filled the throne hall.

Valorix, now a walking arsenal of divine theft, wasted no time in demonstrating the might of his newly adorned treasures. "Let's see you dodge this, you fucker!" he bellowed, as he thrust the spear forward, unleashing a powerful gale force of wind aimed directly at Michael.

The wind tore through the throne hall with ferocious speed, but Michael, ever the embodiment of darkness, twisted and turned, his form melding with the shadows as he narrowly evaded the attack. "Is that all? You're going to have to do better than that," Michael taunted, his voice echoing from the darkness.

Not missing a beat, Valorix activated the mechanical arms on his back, which whirred to life before firing a barrage of energy beams in rapid succession. The beams sliced through the air, each one more precise and deadly than the last. Michael, however, anticipated each shot, moving with supernatural agility as he avoided the beams by mere inches.

"Fuck! Stand still and fight like a god!" Valorix cursed, frustration mounting as his attacks failed to land.

Each of Valorix's talismans pulsed with energy, one after the other activating their unique powers. One talisman unleashed a blizzard of ice shards, another summoned bolts of lightning, and yet another created a barrier of fire around Valorix, making him a moving inferno.

Michael, unfazed by the variety and intensity of the attacks, continued to dodge and weave, his laughter ringing out amidst the chaos. "You think these parlor tricks will stop me? I've seen better magic from a wee baby!"

As the fight escalated, Michael found openings between Valorix's attacks, exploiting them with quick, precise strikes aimed at the talismans and the mechanical arms. Each hit weakened the items' hold on their magical abilities, gradually diminishing Valorix's offensive capabilities.

Valorix, now visibly tiring from the effort of controlling so many powerful artifacts at once, growled in anger. "I will not be defeated so easily! I am the God of Thieves, and I will have your head!"

Michael, seizing an opportune moment as Valorix's concentration faltered, lunged forward, his own powers amplified by the darkness. "Your thievery ends here, Valorix. This is where you pay for your crimes."

Chuckling at Valorix's outrage, Michael couldn't resist jabbing at the god's hypocrisy. "You're bitching about me lying? That's rich, coming from the God of Thieves. Lying and stealing are in your job description, aren't they, Valorix? Or did you forget that part while you were busy playing dungeon master?"

He danced around Valorix, each dodge and weave as much a part of his taunt as his words. "I could rip your soul out any time I want, but why rush? This battle's giving me a decent workout, not to mention a good laugh. And, well, let's just say there's another perk to dragging this out."

Michael's had a sly smile spreading across his face as he thought about the additional benefit he hadn't mentioned— the steady stream of badass points flowing into his account, courtesy of the system rewarding him for effectively "talking shit" about Valorix and engaging in this drawn-out battle.

On the other hand, Valorix was seething, his anger amplified by Michael's mockery and apparent nonchalance. "You smug bastard," he growled, "You think you're so clever, playing these games."

Michael's only response was a chuckle, "Games? I thought you'd appreciate a good scheme, Valorix. Or is it only fun when you're the one pulling the strings?"

While they were locked in combat, Gaya took matters into her own hands. Raising her voice to cut through the silence of the cabin, she shouted at Elrion and Lysandra, urgently trying to rouse them from their enforced slumber. "Wake up! Valorix has lost his mind, severing all connections to the pantheon around this dungeon. The only way to defeat him is by praying to the God of Darkness!"

Slowly, Elrion and Lysandra began to stir, confusion and weariness evident in their movements. Elrion, ever the devout follower of Valorius, was initially resistant. "I will not forsake my god. Valorius has always guided my path," he declared, stubbornness lacing his voice.

"Listen to me! Valorix's madness has plunged this place into chaos. Valorius cannot hear you here; Valorix made sure of it. Your only hope is the God of Darkness." Gaya intensified her efforts, painting a dire picture of their situation. Elrion shook his head, trying to summon Valorius, but as Michael had predicted, there was no response. Silence met his prayers, a silence that spoke volumes of their dire situation.

Seeing Elrion's faith waver, Gaya turned her attention to Lysandra, hoping her calm demeanor would make her more receptive. "Lysandra, I know you understand the gravity of our situation. We need the God of Darkness. He's our only shot at getting out of this alive."

Lysandra, her voice steady and composed, weighed the options. "I see no other choice. If praying to the God of Darkness will save us, then so be it,"

Gaya, hiding her triumph with a snicker, watched as the plan unfolded just as Michael had anticipated. The desperation, the switch of faith, it was all playing into their hands perfectly.

Finally conceding to their grim reality, Elrion joined Lysandra in prayer. "God of Darkness, if you can hear us, we seek your aid."

"Now, Michael will end this battle once and for all," Observing the scene, Gaya couldn't help but chuckle softly to herself, marveling at the ease with which they had manipulated the situation to their advantage. The desperation had worked, the lies had taken root, and now, the God of Darkness would grow stronger from their unwitting worship.