Chapter 1271 Vedora, The King of Monsters vs Mugashuku II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1271 Vedora, The King of Monsters vs Mugashuku II

The battle froze as the clouds above darkened, the once heavy rain absent in the wake of Rainar's demise. The air grew tense, heavy with an ominous charge that even the most battle-hardened soldiers felt unsettling.

"What the hell is going on?" murmured a soldier from Noah's army, his voice laced with confusion and fear.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I don't know why but something's happening," another exclaimed, pointing upwards as a sense of unease spread through the ranks.

The sky then lit with a thick streak of lightning, not fleeting like nature's flash, but persisting, cleaving the sky in two. Eyes widened in shock as the reality of the phenomenon sank in.

"Shit, is that supposed to happen? That ain't natural!" a soldier yelled, stepping back as the air vibrated with the power of the tear.

Then, through the electrified fissure, a gigantic claw emerged, its massive size and fearsome strength visible to all as it began to pry open the tear wider, tearing through the fabric of the realm itself.

"Fuck, what is that thing?" screamed another soldier, terror evident in his voice as the claw's owner started to reveal itself.

"Gods above, save us!" one cried out, dropping his weapon, his bravado dissolving into pure fear.

As the monstrous claw pierced through the sky, even the angels felt an chill running down their spines. The claw was colossal, each talon larger than the tallest trees, its scales a dark, abyssal hue that seemed to absorb the light around it. This sight of a massive claw, like a hand of doom, tearing through the very fabric of the sky was nothing short of apocalyptic.

"Holy... what in the heavens is that?" one angel gasped, his usual composure shattered by the looming dread.

"This is bad, really bad," another muttered, his eyes wide with the raw realization of their impending doom.

On the ground, Eve, known for her indomitable spirit, clenched her hammer tightly, her gaze locked on the sky. For the first time, a flicker of genuine fear shone in her eyes as she gazed the scale of the hydra's claw. The sight was so unnervingly alien and powerful, it transcended the chaos of their current battle, uniting friend and foe in a shared moment of horror.

The sight of the claw tearing through the sky was enough to halt the violent battle to stillness. Every soldeir in Noah's army to the Immortal stage angels to Noah himself stood frozen with their gazes glued to the sky. The silence was thick, punctuated only by the sound of the realm itself tearing.

"Fuck, are we even prepared for this?" whispered a soldier, his voice barely audible, echoing the collective dread of those assembled.

However, the soldiers under Noah's command, could not mask their reluctance and sheer terror at the prospect of facing such a monstrous adversary. "Fuck, are we really going to fight that thing? It's massive!" one soldier whispered, his voice trembling with dread.

"Shit, I didn't sign up to battle monsters out of legends!" another exclaimed, his face pale as he stared at the monstrous form of Vedora in the sky.

The sheer size and the otherworldly presence of Vedora filled everyone with a deep, unsettling fear, casting doubts on their chances of survival, let alone victory. As the middle head, Sarba, drew in a deep breath, the air itself seemed to still in anticipation. Then, with a slow, deliberate motion, it unleashed a roar so potent that it sent shockwaves across the battlefield. The force of the sound alone was cataclysmic, crushing hundreds of Noah's soldiers into a bloody, pulpy paste, their armor offering no protection against the monstrous power of the hydra's voice.

The ground cracked and heaved under the immense pressure of the roar, creating fissures that swallowed soldiers and equipment alike. Eve and the angels, despite their immense power, were sent scattering, tossed about like leaves in a storm.

Blood spurted from the mouths of many as they tried to withstand the overwhelming force, their bodies wracked with pain from the internal injuries inflicted by the sonic assault.

"Fucking run!" one of the soldiers screamed, terror overriding any sense of duty or combat readiness. His shout became the catalyst for panic as others took up the cry.

"We can't fight this! It's a monster from the sky!" another yelled, his voice hoarse with fear as he scrambled to retreat.

Withstanding the roar, Noah shot toward the sky, his body enveloped in burning light flames, resembling a shooting star soaring toward Vedora. But compared to Vedora's colossal size, Noah appeared puny and insignificant. The immense radiation from Vedora's realm-of-gods cultivation level profoundly affected the world in unimaginable ways.

The soil beneath them scorched as the dark clouds overhead gradually shifted to a darker, greener hue. These clouds grew in number and density, cloaking Vedora so that only its shadow was visible with each flash of lightning.

Mid-air, Noah unleashed a powerful beam of light towards Vedora. However, Vedora remained unfazed; Sarba's head advanced and swatted Noah like an insect, sending him plummeting through the ground.

Without delay, Vedora launched another assault, this time from Ayag's white head. Opening its jaws slowly, it released thick golden lightning strikes mingled with sonic waves.

This devastating combination obliterated another portion of the army, and the angels' leader, caught in the onslaught, was struck by the lightning. He turned into nothing but ashes within seconds, showcasing the terrifying might of Vedora.

As Vedora readied itself for another devastating attack, with red lightning bolts crackling menacingly around its massive form, a roar rivaling Vedora's thunderous bellow echoed in the distance. Eve, gradually regaining her footing, directed her gaze toward the horizon, where another immense shadow loomed behind the dark clouds. This shadow seemed just as large, if not larger than Vedora, imposing a sense of impending doom.

Eve squinted, trying to discern the details of this new colossal figure through the thickening veil of storm clouds. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation as the shape became clearer, revealing the outline of another hydra-like creature, its presence commanding and terrifying.

"Mugashuku," Eve muttered under her breath, recognition dawning in her eyes.