Chapter 1272 Vedora, The King of Monsters vs Mugashuku III

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1272 Vedora, The King of Monsters vs Mugashuku III

The emergence of the second Mugashuku brought a visible concern to Noah's face. At the same time, he noticed Eve's demeanor relaxing slightly as he picked himself up from the ground. Despite Vedora lacking a soul or any intelligence beyond the pure instinct engraved into its being to destroy everything, it sensed the arrival of another formidable threat.

Consequently, Vedora halted its assault, with Ayag's head closing its gaping mouth to gaze toward the horizon in the direction of Mugashuku's approach.

Although the dark clouds obscured the full majestic sight of Mugashuku, glimpses of its colossal body were visible to some. Eve, who had only spoken to Mugashuku amidst utter darkness on Stormvile Mountain, stared up at the sky, her eyes seemingly fixed to the celestial spectacle.

Faint outlines of Mugashuku began to emerge through the gloomy veil, revealing not three heads like Vedora, but four. Each head was adorned with a pair of glowing red eyes, emanating an ominous light that pierced through the darkness. The sheer size of Mugashuku appeared even more imposing than Vedora, casting an even larger shadow over the battlefield. Its four heads moved independently, surveying the scene below with an air of authority and power that sent ripples of awe and fear through the hearts of those who beheld it.

As the terrifying outline of Mugashuku became somewhat discernible through the swirling dark clouds, a wave of sheer terror and confusion swept over Noah's soldiers and the angels. Their eyes widened in fear, mouths agape as they stared up at the vague, monstrous form dominating the sky.

"Holy shit! What the hell is that?" one soldier exclaimed, his voice trembling as he clutched his weapon tightly, staring at the four-headed shadow looming above.

"Are we fucked? That's another one, isn't it?" another yelled, panic-stricken, as he realized the enormity of the situation.

The angels, normally composed and authoritative, were visibly shaken, their celestial poise crumbling under the oppressive presence of the colossal creature. "This can't be! Two hydras? Are the gods angry with us?" one angel cried out, struggling to maintain his composure.

"We're in deep shit now," muttered another, his wings fluttering nervously. "One was bad enough, but two... how do we even fight this?"

The battlefield descended further into chaos as the soldiers and angels grappled with the reality of facing not one, but two god-like beings of destruction.

As the battlefield was enveloped in shock, a peculiar sensation began to overtake everyone present. A wave of dizziness washed over them, followed by a sudden and alarming disconnection from the arch and celestial energy that fueled their powers.

"What the fuck is happening?" one of Noah's soldiers exclaimed, staggering as he felt his cultivation strength slipping away.

"Shit, shit, shit! My powers... they're gone!" another panicked, frantically trying to harness the energy that had always been at his command.

The angels, too, were struck with confusion and fear, their divine composure shattered by the unexpected weakening. "By the heavens, it's the void effect...Fuck, we're defenseless!" one angel uttered, his voice laced with disbelief and terror.

"WATCH OUT!" The second in command shouted, but Eve's swiftness prevailed. With Mugashuku's void effect neutralizing everyone's cultivation, the battlefield was leveled, making the fight fair for all.

Eve's hammer, unaided by cultivation but still potent with physical strength, connected with the leader of the angels' head. The helmet did little to prevent the sound of his skull splitting from echoing through the storm's rage and the hydras' roars.

"Damn it, Eve!" Noah exclaimed, witnessing Eve's lethal blow. However, his priority lay with leading his army to safety, and Eve's strike was too swift for him to intervene. Moreover, without his Celestial Stage powers, Noah found himself without his usual advantage, unable to prevent the angel's demise at Eve's hands.


As the leader of the angels met his gruesome end, the remaining angels roared in shock and anger. "You fucking monster!" one screamed.

"She'll pay for this!" another bellowed.

Their outrage filled the air as they struggled to comprehend the swift downfall of their leader.

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of the battle and the raging storm above, Noah found himself torn. He had been about to intervene and prevent Eve from further carnage among the angels. However, his attention was abruptly drawn away by cries from his own army. "Supreme Guardian, we need you!" one of his generals called out, his voice laced with urgency and fear. "Noah, help us! We're dying here!" another shouted, the panic evident even amidst the tumult of the battlefield.

Torn between stopping Eve and attending to his soldiers' desperate pleas, Noah hesitated. The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control, with every second bringing more destruction and loss.

On the other hand, the battle between the two hydras in the sky reached a cataclysmic intensity, their primal roars shaking the very foundation of the realm. Ayag's head unleashed torrents of powerful lightning bolts, each arc crackling with devastating energy, illuminating the darkened skies and striking with precision that carved deep scars into the landscape below.

Mugashuku countered with its own terrifying display of power. From its four massive heads, it breathed out crimson red flames that seemed to set the very air ablaze. The heat emanating from the flames was so intense that it significantly raised the temperature around them, causing the ground to smolder and the remnants of nearby structures to ignite spontaneously.

Soldiers and angels alike could only watch in horror and awe as these behemoths of legend clashed above them. The sky was torn asunder by their energies. Mugashuku's crimson flames met Ayag's electric fury in midair, causing explosions that sent shockwaves rippling through the atmosphere and down to the trembling earth.

As the hydras tangled, the landscape below was ravaged, turned into a nightmarish place of fire and storm which was a testament to the terrifying power of these ancient monsters.

In the tumultuous mid-sky, one of Mugashuku's heads let out a roar that echoed ancient authority, reverberating through the realm. "You have no place in this realm, my child." These words, imbued with a strange and powerful resonance, shocked Eve and Noah. They stood bewildered, not understanding why Mugashuku referred to Vedora as its child.

Then, another of Mugashuku's heads growled deeply, its voice thick with disappointment and anger. "You were supposed to be our successor and a general of the queen." This revelation added layers of mystery and history to the battle, hinting at a complex relationship between these colossal beings and Vedora's connection to the Queen.