Chapter 1313 Qin Jiu, The Architect of the prophecy

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1313 Qin Jiu, The Architect of the prophecy

In the sky, Michael hovered as Harry's friends finally reached his side. Michael's imposing dark aura and his power dwarfed the teenagers. For a few moments, Harry didn't say anything. Instead, he just looked at his father, the Dark Lord, without batting an eye. Seeing his son, Michael felt a bit of calm wash over him. But Harry's innocent face, combined with the fear and determination in his eyes, made Michael sigh internally. He always wanted Harry to know the reality of the world, but even he wasn't prepared for this reality, let alone Harry.

"Harry..." Michael calmly uttered his name.

When Harry heard his father call him by name and recognize him without any introduction, he was both surprised and shocked. He didn't know that Michael had been watching him every single day until Lailah took him away to Mazeroth, cutting all ties with him.

"You know me?" Harry finally muttered, only to see Michael smile a bit. Instead of explaining to Harry how he had been looking at him through the Spyder pendant on his mother's neck, Michael calmly asked about Lailah.

"How is your mother?"

Harry's friends were stunned by the subtle change in the Dark Lord's demeanor. After witnessing Michael killing the elders without a second thought, they didn't expect him to inquire about Lailah with such kindness. Reêad latest novels at

"She is well..." Harry blurted out, caught off guard by Michael's question.

"Why aren't you with her now? You shouldn't be here, Harry... It's not safe for you...for now," Michael calmly said.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked, ignoring Michael's question. Before Michael could answer, he noticed the angels of the Skyhall looking at Harry like wolves eyeing sheep. Without wasting any time, Michael called in reinforcements to take down the angels while he talked to Harry. He knew the importance of answers and an open conversation. If he had one with Diana, he might not have lost her. He didn't want the same thing to happen with Harry. Whether Harry thought he was wrong or not, Michael wanted him to know the full story.

"Nithroel, release the demon army," Michael calmly spoke into his earpiece.

Nithroel's voice echoed in his head, filled with a hint of amusement. "Thought you'd never ask."

Harry and his friends exchanged worried glances, sensing that something significant was about to happen. Their apprehension grew when they noticed the warship above them whir to life. The massive ship's side door began to creak open, the sound reverberating through the air.

As though nothing was happening, Michael calmly turned his gaze from the demons to Harry and his friends.

"Why dont we go there and talk, Harry? It is time you get the answers you need," Michael said and gestured toward the top of Nithroel's ship. Without waiting for their answer, Michael flew to the ship as Harry flew behind his father without batting an eye and his friends too followed him behind.

The bruaity and the slaughter happening around seemed to fade away in the presence of his father to Harry. At first, Harry thought he would be angry at his father, then he thought he would feel love and then after seeing him killing the three elders, harry felt like he should feel the urge to bring the Dark Lord to justice. But at that moment, seeing his father's calm face, Harry's mind went blank.

"I wish we had met under different circumstances, Harry. Everty, you and I are in close proximity, and Skyhall always meddles in our affairs," Michael said as his voice turned colder.

"Can...can I call you father?" Finally, even without fully understanding his feelings, this question escaped Harry's mouth. Hearing Harry, his friends felt a wave of sympathy for him. Even Michael was surprised, but looking at Harry, he saw himself many years ago—an orphan who craved familial bonds. Despite Michael's desire to avoid forming a father-son relationship with Harry, at that moment, he couldn't deny Harry's request.

"You can..." Michael calmly answered.

It took Harry a few moments to collect his thoughts before speaking to his father. After all, Harry had so many questions and things he wanted to ask. He had been dreaming about this moment ever since he was little, but now that it had come, the words did not.

"Why did you leave me, Father?" Harry asked.

"I did not want to leave you, Harry. But I wasn't always the Dark Lord or the God of Darkness you see now. I was once weak, weak enough to be bullied by so many factions and people...If I had stayed with you, they would have hurt you to get to me, and I wouldn't have been able to protect you and your mother..." Michael's voice was steady but filled with the weight of his past struggles.

Harry looked into his father's eyes, searching for the truth. He saw the pain and regret there, which resonated with his feelings of abandonment and longing.

"Believe it or not, Harry, I am still not the strongest one here...there are gods in the realm of gods who would do anything to control the mortal realm..."

"But it is you who brought the darkness upon all," Clara interjected, her courage surprising even herself as she spoke to the Dark Lord.

"That was regrettable but necessary...But you kids don't know the things Skyhall has done and is capable of...But you all seem smart, so I won't bullshit you by making myself look like a good guy...I accept I'm a bad guy, but that doesn't make Skyhall good. They are evil," Michael calmly explained.

As they were talking, Wulfric and Lane were in the office, watching the demons. But Wulfric's eyes darted between the demons and the mirror behind him. That was not just a mirror; it was a gateway to meet the one who started all of this...Qin Jiu.