Chapter 1314 The Prime God Level

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1314 The Prime God Level

Inside the castle, Lane stood by the window, his eyes fixated on the chaos outside. The sounds of battle echoed through the stone walls, punctuated by the screams and clash of metal.

"Shouldn't we intervene?" Lane asked, his voice carrying a mix of concern and frustration.

"No one can stop the Dark Lord using brute force. Reaching him through his heart is hard but not impossible. Only Harry could do it." Wulfric, standing beside him, shook his head slowly.

Lane sighed, understanding the weight of Wulfric's words. The headmaster's eyes were filled with a deep sadness, not just for the destruction unfolding but for the lost potential of a student he had once seen so much promise in. Wulfric was one of the few who didn't blame the Dark Lord entirely for what he had become. Instead, he blamed Skyhall for the atrocities they committed against Michael when he was just a few minutes old, setting him on a path of darkness and vengeance.

Outside the castle, the demons tore through the angels, who fought back with spells of ice and fire. The air was thick with the smell of blood and magic as cannon fire from Nithroel's warship added to the chaos, creating explosions that rocked the very foundation of Mazeroth Academy.

In the midst of this turmoil, Wulfric sensed a breach in the castle's defense shield. He turned to see a small hole being opened through the shield. With a wave of his hand, he observed Elidyr and his team slipping through the gap, their movements precise and coordinated.

"This is far from over," Wulfric sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

"Lane, take the others and fend them off," Wulfric ordered, his voice steady.

Wasting no time, Lane nodded before leaving the room with the other professors. Their robes billowed as they hurried out of the room, ready to defend the academy against the intruders.

As they left, Wulfric turned to face his white dragon, Azura, who lay coiled in the corner. Her scales gleamed in the dim light, and her wise eyes locked onto his.

"Your voice lacks the conviction it once held, Wulfric," Azura said softly.

"The good always triumphs over the bad, Azura. Despite what everyone thinks, the Dark Lord is the good, and Skyhall is the bad," Wulfric sighed, a weary smile playing on his lips.

"How could you let this happen, Wulfric? You were supposed to protect the balance, to stop the Dark Lord from ever rising again!"

But Wulfric didn't respond immediately nor he lost his calm. He knew that somewhere along the road, Qin Jiu's fear and her intentions to protect the mortal realm had caused her to lose her way. She had prioritized stopping the Dark Lord at all costs, rather than trying to find another path. Taking a child from his mother, imprisoning him before he even had a chance to live, these were sins no one should commit.

"Qin Jiu," Wulfric finally broke the silence.

"we cannot keep making the same mistakes. We can't justify our actions by hiding behind prophecies and fear,"

Yet Qin Jiu didn't give a damn about what Wulfric thought. Her eyes blazed with fury and determination. "You have to stop the Dark Lord from reaching the Skyhall. If he destroys it and takes back the Seeds of Darkness we have gathered, he will reach the next level of godhood. Do you understand what that means?"

Wulfric's silence spoke volumes. He understood the gravity of the situation but also recognized the flawed path they had taken to get here. "We can't let him reach that power. The last thing the realms need is more powerful Dark Lord. We need to act now!" Qin Jiu's anger did not subside.

Although Wulfric knew the blame could not be solely placed upon the Dark Lord's shoulders, he understood that if the Dark Lord reached the next level of godhood—the Prime God level—he would become unimaginably powerful. The Prime God level was not just a title; it was a stage where gods truly began to grasp their potential.

"If the Dark Lord reaches the Prime God level and begins to cultivate worship energy, he could darken the sun itself in the realm of gods with a mere wave of his hand. And that would just be the beginning of his new powers," Qin Jiu explained, her voice trembling with fear.

"The Pantheon is not as united as it used to be, Wulfric. Andohr's return has fractured them. The gods are fighting among themselves, too distracted to care about the Dark Lord. Sharks like Dagon are lurking in the shadows, ready to strike when the time is right. This is not just about the mortal realm anymore; it's about the entire universe."

"I will do what I can," Wulfric nodded slowly, understanding the dire consequences if the Dark Lord succeeded. "But we need to find a way that doesn't repeat the same mistakes. We need to find a way that doesn't perpetuate this cycle of vengeance and destruction."

"Just stop him from getting his Seeds of Darkness. They cannot be destroyed, so try to hide them from him. I cannot do anything stuck in this godforsaken realm of gods, Wulfric. You need to be my eyes and hands out there..." Qin Jiu's voice softened, revealing the desperation in her heart.

But as Wulfric was about to respond, he saw Qin Jiu's body freeze as though she had sensed a dangerous threat.

"Wulfric, I need to go now... It's Agra. He is here... Whatever happens, do not let the Dark Lord succeed." With those parting words, her form in the mirror disappeared, leaving only ripples in the glass.