Chapter 1390

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for "book friend 140316153856045", "source invincible", "FW stars", "Alicia", "star, dream, fate", "Liujin yushuiyue", "Pok é mon", "lonely and proud war", "fdfssdfs", "white star sea", "fellow book friend"_ Archer ','unknown','mo Yan ')

Just after Noah hung up the phone, in front of him, in mid air, a wave of magic power suddenly appeared.

And in that sudden wave of magic power, a mobile phone from the flash without any warning, fell into Noah's arms.

That cell phone was the one Noah had left with Erica and Liliana the last time he left the world.

It must be Erica who uses the magic of "letter of casting" to transfer it?

Special use of magic to transfer a mobile phone, although it seems a little bit of a fuss, but think of the things inside the phone, it is not surprising.

Of course, this sentence does not mean that Noah's mobile phone is any special, it is just an ordinary mobile phone.

However, in this mobile phone, there are many European famous magic association leader's private telephone number, and even Tony that guy's mobile phone number.

So many people with great energy gathered in this mobile phone, coupled with Noah's status as the seventh God killer, I believe that if you just dial one of them, you can do most of the things you want to do?

So, for Noah, this phone is a little useful.

At least, some trivial chores, all to those magic associations to do.

This is the relationship between Wang and magician.

The king was in charge of fighting against the gods.

The magician is responsible for dealing with all kinds of trivial things around Wang.

It's a transaction like relationship.

Therefore, Noah would not think it would be any trouble to take such a mobile phone with him. He took the mobile phone into his arms and returned it to him.

"Thank you. It's a great help."

Has been quietly beside listening to Noah talking on the phone sweet meal dongma speechless back to the phone, scratching his hair, a very troubled appearance.

Wanli valley you Li's face also appeared a trace of worry, hesitated for a while, and then summoned up courage.

"Well, Wang, are you really going to stay here?"

"What?" Noah raised his eyebrows.

"You don't welcome me?"

"No It's not like this... " Wan Li Gu you Li wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say.

Looking at Wanli Valley's anxious appearance and sweet meal dongma's troubled performance, Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"I know what you're worried about. I'm afraid that as a god killer, I'm going to cause a disaster that will affect the safety of the people of this country?"

Wanli valley you Li and sweet meal winter horse can't speak at once.

Obviously, Noah got it right.

Although this sentence is not pleasant to hear, it is a fact that every place a god killer goes to, it often symbolizes the occurrence of a disaster.

So far, Noah has seen people of the same kind, no matter WOBAN, rohao, yarek or Tony, who never take into account the problems around them if they want to achieve something.

Such a character, combined with the power that no one can match, is not a disaster. What is it?

Even Noah could not guarantee that he would not do the same thing.

Of course, compared with the rest of his class, Noah is undoubtedly much more rational, but sometimes, the power itself is a very difficult thing to say right or wrong.

At the very least, even if Noah is deliberately controlled, if he is slightly involved in a fight that needs to be more serious, it will often cause damage.

Even Noah couldn't control it.

Why don't you take care of the environment?

What are you fighting for?

Therefore, it is a difficult problem with almost no solution.

Let alone sweet meal winter horse, is Wanli Valley Youli really worried that the existence of God killers will bring some bad influence to this country?

Do you think it's not a good job to serve a god killer?

The two people will be this performance, that is also natural.

Looking at the worried appearance of Wanli Valley, Noah sighed.

"Well, don't put on such an expression. No matter how you say, you are my Savior. I will try my best not to let the things you worry about happen."

With such a sentence, Noah ignored Wanli Valley Youli, who was stunned by his own words, and turned his eyes to sweet meal winter horse.

"The Official History Compilation Committee, isn't it? How about a deal? ""Trade?" Sweet meal winter horse is a Zheng at first, then bitterly smile.

"Wang is really serious. If you have anything you need us to provide strength, just give us orders. We don't dare to think about trading or anything."

"I think what you said is really serious." Noah chuckled.

"Originally, this is the relationship between the God killer and the magician. The God killer fights with God instead of human beings and protects human beings from the hand of God. As the representative of human beings, you regard us as king and obey our orders. This relationship is no different from trading?"

"Er..." Sweet meal winter horse grasps his hair, helpless voice.

"I didn't expect Wang to see it so well."

"It doesn't matter if you can see through it. There are good and evil in human beings, and there can't be exactly the same people among the God killers. It doesn't matter if you regard us as monsters, but it's better not to think that monsters will definitely eat people." Noah spread out his hand and said so.

"So I'll just say, for the time being, I'll stay in this country and maintain the relationship between the king and the followers with your Official History Compilation Committee."

Hearing Noah's words, Wanli Valley Youli seems to be unable to respond to it. Only the sweet meal winter horse suddenly comes over.

"Do you mean..."

"Well, in order not to let my existence cause what my rescuers worry about, I will try to live like an ordinary person here." Noah said that with no intention.

"However, the individual with power is the source of all kinds of troubles. During this period when I don't look like a troublemaker, I need an entourage who can help me get rid of all the flies and solve all kinds of small matters."

Originally, Erica and Liliana were responsible for this responsibility.

However, now, the two girls are under the surveillance of Alec, can not immediately get to Noah's side, Noah can only find another object.

Although Noah was able to use summonses from the underground Library of the great tomb of nazarek to summon servants, the servants were all heteromorphic, and to some extent more dangerous to humans than the deicides.

In view of this, Noah took such a big turn.

"The selection of the retinue will be arranged by your Official History Compilation Committee, so that you can monitor me easily, won't it?" Noah spoke out.

"On the other hand, if during my stay on this island, there are gods who can't follow me, then I will be responsible for dealing with them. The relationship between deicide and magician, let's carry on perfectly!"

Smell speech, sweet meal winter horse silent, Wanli valley you Li also silent.

After a while, sweet meal winter horse raised his head, and his face regained flightiness.

"I see. I will report to the people above about the entourage. I believe they won't refuse to help. It's a great help for Wang to be able to speak so well."

"Gan Mr. sweet meal You li of Wanli Valley makes a voice in a hurry.

"It's very rude of you to talk like that!"

"It doesn't matter. The so-called transaction can only be put forward under the condition of equality." Noah waved his hand and said nothing.

"I'm more concerned about where to live next than this."

"Well..." Sweet meal winter horse first deliberately dragged his breath, and then patted Wanli Valley Youli on the shoulder.

"Miss Youli, it's up to you to take care of Wang's daily life."

"Ah?" At first, Youli of Wanli valley was stunned, and then he exclaimed.

"Ah --?!"

Seeing the expression of Wanli Valley Youli as if he saw a ghost, Noah felt a little happy. Now he said this sentence like a bad heart.

"It seems that I have to continue to get along with my savior for a while, and please give me more advice, lovely witch lady?"

"I I... " Wanli Valley Youli's mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't close it for a long time. After half a sound, he dropped his head, looking dejected.

"I I see... "

Therefore, Noah and Wanli Valley Youli's cohabitation began. , the fastest update of the webnovel!