Chapter 1391

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the 20000 reward from "long Rufeng fans"! And the rewards of "sondery", "wufenghaotian", "xintengqianxun", "Moyu Shangshang", "Xiaoyu Luohua village", "hjakeno", "secluded sacrifice to the moon", "xuexiangtian", "long live the Orient", "o0 tears hurt 0o", "love is in the heart"!)


In one of the rooms of Qixiong shrine, Noah sat on the bed with a silver sword in his hand. After meditating for a while, he transformed the energy source in his body into the divine power source, extracted a trace of divine power and injected it into the silver sword.

However, under the instillation of divine power, the silver sword, as Noah's spirit and magic costume, did not have a trace of movement, nor did its previous brilliance.

After several trials, Noah sighed a little distressed.

"Sure enough, isn't Esther awake yet?"

In order to liberate Leticia from the dragon, Noah used the demon sword to liberate Leticia from the dragon_ Slayer's spell breaking ability has been multiplied many times with the incarnation of Dragon Emperor.

Since then, Esther has fallen into a deep sleep and never wakes up.

At first, Noah was a little worried about Esther's condition. After sensing Esther's state through the spirit contract, he was a little relieved.

Simply put, Esther's deep sleep is not because he can't bear Noah's power, but because Noah's power stimulates Esther's original strength, which makes Esther's strength gradually awaken.

As the most powerful sword spirit, Esther's real power is not so simple.

Once upon a time, in the realm of elemental elves, Esther did not belong to the camp of the five elves, nor to the camp of the dark elves. He took his own course in the war between the two camps.

At that time, even the elves did not dare to get too close to this anomaly because they were afraid of the power of Esther.

However, it is precisely because of this powerful power that ordinary elves can't make a contract with Esther. Even the existence of the Savior, like the Savior, can only use Esther at the cost of their lives. This is also a price.

As a novice wizard, Noah couldn't give full play to Esther's real power. He had been running in with Esther all the time.

Now, stimulated by Noah's power, the running in and fit between Esther and the ELF KING seems to have finally reached the qualified line, which awakens the real power that even the ELF KING is afraid of.

In order to adapt to the sudden increase of power, Esther will fall into a deep sleep.

When Esther wakes up, Noah's power in Elves will be greatly improved, right?

"I just don't know when I'll wake up."

Noah gazed at the silver sword in his hand, then sighed again, stroked the blade and murmured.

"Wake up quickly, little girl. I feel lonely without you."

I don't know if I heard Noah's words. The silver sword's body flashed a little arc.

Seeing this, Noah just smile, hesitated for a moment, then lifted his hand, let a water wave of golden ripples from his front, and then put the silver sword into it.

"Take a good rest, Esther..."

With that, Noah raised his hand again and let the golden ripples converge and disappear.

Then Noah closed his eyes.

"I don't know about Petunia and lestia."

The contracts with Leticia and peste remained, proving that there was nothing wrong with the two girls.

However, the seal of AZ dakaha has been untied.

In the face of the final trial of mankind, which even millions of gods have no way to do, surely, boxing will fall into unprecedented chaos, right?

Noah just wanted, "No_ If only the members of "name" don't get involved.

Unfortunately, this idea is somewhat unrealistic.

With the special characteristics of the sixteen night return, the distant bird, the spring sun Bu Yao and the black rabbit, if the three headed dragons were to wreak havoc in the box court, they would definitely be against the great devil.

By then, it's going to be a big problem.

Fortunately, in the battle with Noah, although the three headed dragon took advantage of the characteristics of the final human trial, he was also beaten by Noah, and his body could not continue to split, exposing his fatal heart weakness.

With this in mind, in order to recover from the injury and Lingge, the demon dragon should be dormant for a while.

Whether it's long or short, the next time Noah comes back to the box, it's going to be a month from the world.In a month's time, triceps should be able to recover completely?

However, when he recovers completely, Noah will appear in front of the demon dragon again.

So things haven't gone to the worst.

Even if there's a case, Noah has a resurrection prop. It shouldn't be a problem.

"So, is the biggest problem really the riddle of" absolute evil "

In terms of strength, Noah and AZ - dakaha are on the same level, and even faintly surpass one.

However, Noah won the magic dragon only by unraveling the essence of AZ dakaha as the ultimate human trial.

"The lizard's another_ "Cosmology" is not a big threat to me, as long as you don't use weapons with cosmology outside Persian mythology. " Noah thought.

"Although my" another "is_ "Cosmology" has no effect on him, but as long as we can unravel his essence, my warrior can use it and kill him

Therefore, everything is ready, only the east wind.

However, when the east wind will come is also a question.

"Sure enough, you can't think of it for a moment and a half?" Noah shook his head.

"Well, it's no way to think about it all the time. I'd better go out and relax for a while."

With this in mind, Noah suppressed all his thoughts, got up and walked out the door.


After leaving the room of the shrine, Noah walked down the plank corridor and walked in the direction of the front hall.

Along the way, several clergymen dressed as priests passed Noah. They all bowed their heads to greet Noah at the first time, and then left without hesitation.

Noah naturally did not put on any airs. When he was greeting himself, he nodded back slightly, and then let the other party leave.

Judging from the respectful and cautious manner of the magistrates, you li of Wanli valley or gummie dongma should have mentioned Noah's identity to them, and let them treat them cautiously?

And the reason why they just nod and greet and leave without hesitation should be that they feel that too much is bound to lose.

In order not to offend Noah, they will treat Noah in this way.

This also let Noah understand again.

For ordinary magicians, it's a kind of terrible magic

With this feeling, Noah came to the front hall of the shrine.


All of a sudden, Noah's feet stopped and his eyes were on the front.

I saw that there, Wanli valley you Li is holding a broom, sweeping one after another, it seems that some absent-minded appearance.

Seeing this, Noah blinked his eyes, but his steps began to move towards the direction of Wanli valley.

I don't know if I heard Noah's footsteps. Wanli Valley Youli kept an absent-minded appearance and turned to look behind him.

This look, Wanli valley you Li suddenly surprised, and finally from the state of the Leng God, some nervous voice.


"Wang?" Noah scratched his cheek with a helpless smile.

"Please, don't call me that in such a broad day. It's like a shame to play. It's very embarrassing."

"Shame play?" Wanli Valley Youli was slightly stunned and puzzled.

"What is shame play?"

"Er..." Noah choked.

Although he didn't get along for a long time, Noah knew what kind of person Wanli Valley Youli was.

In a word, she is a lady in the boudoir.

That kind of advanced vocabulary, this girl does not understand is normal.

So Noah cleverly shifted the subject.

"What were you thinking?"

This sentence, let Wanli Valley Youli's pretty face suddenly red. , the fastest update of the webnovel!