Chapter 215: When Two Girls Go to War

Chapter 215: When Two Girls Go to War

Take off is the scariest part of flying on a dragon. All of its pretty terrifying, but the part when youre leaning back with the world grabbing at you, trying to pull you off, is especially scary.

There arent any seats or convenient handholds. If you lose your grip on one of the blades running down the dragons back, you are going to fall to your death, kersplat. We could have done with some kind of cabin strapped to Vikchutni, but then that could fall off, too.

Everyone huddled against the blades, arms wrapped around them as Flossie urged the giant beat into the air. All except Biadet. She stood at the base of Vikchutnis neck with her small hands clasped behind her, and her face showing no emotion. The dragon flapped its wings and we lifted off in multiple jerks. Biadet slightly bent her knees, but there were no other signs of movement from her. As the dragons body angled upwards to gain height, she merely leaned forward a little to compensate.

There was a faint glow on the horizon, enough so I could see the side of Biadets face. She had her eyes closed and the faintest glimmer of a smile played across her lips.

Once we levelled off, Flossie called out from her seat behind the dragons head. Where are we going?

Head for Fengarad, I shouted back. I didnt know if that was where Dudley was, but it seemed as good a place as any to start. I turned to Claire sitting next to me, her head on Maurices shoulder. She didnt look like she really cared where we were going or what the plan was, which was probably just as well since there wasnt one. Thats the problem with being happy, though, makes you a lot less motivated. Contentment is supposed to be a good thing, according to Buddhists. But if you actually have things to do, its called complacency and its a liability.

Did you get a chance to pick up anything off Gullen? I asked her.

She shook her head. I was afraid to look in his head. Felt like it wasnt the kind of place you want to peek into.

I couldnt really blame her. The idea of rooting around inside Gullens head wasnt very appealing. Despite how polite and well-mannered he was on the outside, there was a definite sense of enter at your own risk when it came to what he was really thinking.

What about her? I said, nodding towards Biadet.

Claire stared at the back of Biadets head, brow furrowed in concentration. Biadet slowly turned her head and looked at us, like she knew she was being probed. Or maybe she just felt us staring.

Nothing, said Claire under her breath. Complete blank.

Okay, never mind. Do you think you could recognise someones thoughts from a distance?

You mean like Dudley?

I nodded. Her ability had been quite limited so far, needing people to be actively thinking about something specific to be able to pick up on it, but that didnt mean there werent other ways it might be useful. There were lots of things we didnt know about it, like the range, for a start.

I dont know, she said. Ill try.

I turned back and Biadet was still staring at me, her head at an angle.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Dont you owe me an apology? I asked her.

Her head tilted over to the other side. Apology? No, I dont think I have anything to apologise for.

What about telling Gullen how to find us? You said you wouldnt reveal anything you learned inside our room at the tavern, but thats where you found out we had a dragon waiting for us outside the city, and thats where Gullen was. Are you saying that was a coincidence?

Hes a very resourceful man. He would have found the dragon anyway.

Anyway? So you did tell him?

I might have mentioned the dragon in passing, but it was probably better for him to find you on the ground than in the air. With all the dragons weve been seeing lately he decided on some anti-dragon measures. Surprisingly accurate for such large devices. She looked straight ahead again as we flew towards the rising sun.

Had she deliberately sold us out to protect us? If wed been shot out of the air, we would most certainly be dead. But why would she care one way or the other?

Dont you ever wish to be free of Uncle Peter? I asked.

Free? she said without looking at me. I am free.

I saw him, someone down there is thinking about him.

Those soldiers? I asked her.

No, not that way. Over there. She pointed south.

I looked out across the land lit gold by the emerging sun. There were fields and forests, but no signs of people. Flossie pushed me aside and ran back to the dragons head.

Get off mah dragon, she yelled at Biadet who leaped over her and strolled towards me. We pitched to the left, sending everyone (except Biadet) tumbling to that side.

I thought we were going to Fengarad, she said.

We are, I replied. Scenic route.

Down there, said Maurice, adjusting his glasses. I see something.

We all leaned over to look. In a clearing below, there were three large creatures; ogres. They were in a fight with three much smaller creatures; humans.

Flossie! Take us I didnt need to finish, we were already hurtling towards the ground.

The fighting stopped as the dragon coming into land took their attention away from each other. I hadnt healed the dragon so the landing was a bit rough, wings flapping wildly, but we got down in one piece and clambered off.

Keezy, can you deal with the ogres?

He nodded and changed into his troll form, almost the same size as the smallest of the three. He shooed the ogres to one side like they were pets.

The humans comprised of two men, one very large with a giant axe, the other smaller but very muscular, dressed in black leather and with no weapon at all as far as I could tell. And one girl.

Haha! Dragonslayer, you found me, said Laney, sliding her sword into its scabbard. Decided to take up my offer, did you? Nice ride, by the way.

Which one knows Dudley? I asked Claire.

She looked from one to the next, and then turned towards the ogres. That one. She pointed at the smallest ogre.

Not what I was expecting. If the ogres had run into Dudley, hed obviously made an impression. Hopefully, not as a memorable meal.

Out of my way, said Laney, suddenly not her perky self. You. I wondered when Id see you again.

I turned to look where she was looking. Biadet was standing on the dragons head again.

Hello, Princess. Its been a long time.

Yes. Too long. Laney drew her sword. And now it ends.

I dont have a weapon, said Biadet.

Laney looked at the larger of the two men. Roland, give her a weapon.

He seemed surprised by the request. He looked at his companion who just shrugged. Roland tossed his axe, which was about the same size as Biadet, and it rotated end over end as it flew towards her as the dragon brought her down. She caught it one handed.

Not bad. She swung it around like it was a cheerleaders baton. I hope youve been practising, Princess. I have.