Chapter 106: It is impossible to save without saving.

It is said that when people are nearing death, they will see the lanterns of their memories.

Luohe Qing did not know whether he was in this state. He saw his childhood and his emperors studying in the academy together. The seven-eight-year-old child shook his head, and the book read the family affairs. He looked up again. The emperor brothers all fell apart and buried the loess.

He stood up in a panic and retired. He seemed to want to escape from this scene. He was hit by a man in his horror. It was his mother.

After the mother of Luohe Qing stood behind him, he said softly: "Heqing, you have to live, you have to live."

She kept repeating the three words of life, the voice became more and more sharp, and at the end the tone became as if to cut through the eardrum, and the face began to groan. She stretched the jade arm and licked the neck of the river. I still repeat the sentence to live.

Luohe Qing did not struggle, just when he thought that he would be killed and alive, the scene in front suddenly changed. The river was clear on his throat and looked up at the gate. His father was yelling. Heaven, why did you ruin my South Yanguo, why did you hurt my Nanyan people? Family hatred, unforgettable, and never forget! ! !

After shouting, his father used a sword and a sword passed through his throat.

Luheqing felt himself chilling and shuddering. He wanted to stand up and suddenly he was kicked and rolled down the mud. The dirty and dirty sludge gradually annihilated him. He saw the Northern Kingdom Emperor looking down at him: "Well? One is alive, forget it, this is going back to the North to be a prisoner."

Then, Luhe Qing wakes up.

The consciousness gradually returned to the body, and the river could not help but think that it was not dead.

Luhe Qing blinked slowly and wanted to identify where he was, but somehow, his eyes were full of gray fog, no matter how blind he was, he still couldn’t see anything.

Are you... oh?

This thought was lifted from the bottom of the river, and the chill and flusteredness of the disability made him **** his prophesed, groping around, but seemingly helpless and fearful.

Suddenly, the sound of pushing the door came in, and then a female voice sounded immediately: "Ah... you, cough, son, are you awake?"

Luohe Qing did not have the heart to answer, and his left hand squinted his eyes and kept pressing it. It seemed that he wanted to get rid of the fog in front of him, but he could only make his eyes red.

The footsteps of the ear went from far to near, and the woman stretched out the wrist of Luohe Qing, blocking his movements and said: "Don't be jealous, you have nothing, you can recover in a few days."

The river lifted its head and squinted, but only faintly saw a vague outline: "How do you know?"

"You believe me, I...the son, the little girl has learned some medical skills, so the son of the son puts down his heart and believes in the little girl."

Luhe Qing bowed his head and pulled his hand back from the woman's hand. He asked, "Where is this? Who are you?"

"This is a small wooden house in the old forest in the mountains. It is usually used for the drug collectors and hunters. I am a little girl named Lin."

The river blinked and kept blinking. It seemed that it was extremely unsuitable for this half-squatting state. He turned his head and looked at the blurred outline, but could not focus: "Why are you saving me?"

The man breathed inexplicably and silently. When Luohe Qing thought she was not going to answer, she suddenly heard a very light voice: "Nothing."

If the river is clear, I nodded and thanked: "Thank you, there will be a reward in the future."

Luhe Qing’s tone was plain and unremarkable, and even the grateful emotions were very shallow. He didn’t seem to want to know more things, and turned his head and stopped talking. The man waited for a while, then quietly walked out of the log house.