Chapter 107: It’s impossible to kill others.

Xiao Yuan slammed out of the wooden house and sat down at the bottom of the tree. He then pulled the grass into his mouth and folded his hands behind his head against the tree.

How was the conversation just different from the original? !

Was his script taken wrong or was the Luohe Qing script taken wrong? !

What ‘your voice is really nice, but unfortunately I can’t see you’’s love story? ! Why didn't you say Luheqing? Isn’t the sound of eating a small red fruit quite like Lin Geng? !

Is it wrong to be a self-speaking person?

Fortunately, the eyes of Luhe Qing are temporarily blind. Otherwise, this wilderness ridge suddenly stunned people. Xiao Yu'an really didn't know how to do it. Now, eat the little red fruit to change the tone, put it into Linshen, and then take the river to clear the river. Taoyuan Village will take him to the real Linshen to take care of everything, everything will be fine! Because of the previous events, Xiao Yuan did not want to change the original, he was afraid of being in the middle of it, and he would go to the original story as much as possible.

Therefore, although he met Luhe Qing, Xiao Yuan decided to disguise himself as Lin Shenyu walked through the original story.

Now it seems that something big is not good. According to the original, the sister skills of Luohe Qing should have reached the peak, and the harem has also received a few.


But why did it perform so coldly!

Xiao Yu'an thought before thinking, thinking about whether he said something wrong, and thought about the diurnal dim did not think of a reason. Xiao Yu'an sighed and got up, patted the dust on his body, picked up several kinds of medicines that could be cured in the daytime, washed and smashed into a scorpion, and took a small red fruit from his arms and licked it into his mouth. Finally, I took the good medicine into the log house.

Xiao Yu'an pushed open the dilapidated wooden door and saw the Weihe River facelessly maintaining the previous posture. The sunset at dusk slanted from the broken window and fell on the body of the river, which made people feel lonely and lonely.

Xiao Yu'an was a little embarrassed, then he converges and says: "The son, it's time to change the medicine."

Luohe cleared his head and realized that he could not see it, and then turned back to his head, and he snorted.

Xiao Yu'an walked a few steps before putting the medicine bowl down and reaching for the clothes of the river. The wounds on the river were mostly knife wounds. The wounds were different in depth and in the abdomen and arms. Xiao Yuan suspected that there was internal injury in the river. But before the river was clear and faint, he couldn't ask where he felt uncomfortable.

Who knows that Xiao Yuan just reached out and touched the clothing belt of Luohe Qing, and Qihe Qing suddenly reached out and said indifferently: "I am taking medicine myself."

Xiao Yu'an sighed: ‘But you... you can’t see the son? ”

"No problem, I will come by myself." Luo Heqing insisted that Xiao Yuan had to retreat to one side.

Luohe Qing groped to take off his clothes and suddenly frowned: "I changed my clothes?"

Xiao Yuan shines!

Come here, the original story and dialogue!

"Ah... Well, before the son's clothes were stained with dust, it was too dirty, and then wearing it would make the wounds serious. Just before the wooden house was left with clean clothes, I changed the son." Xiao Yuan answered honestly.

friends! Change clothes! The sister changed clothes for the male owner! What a warm thing! How can a male owner give up this great sister opportunity!

According to the development of the original, then the river will gently raise his eyebrows and say in a slightly dangerous and full of provocative tone: "What? Is that what you said, have you seen my body?"

When Xiao Yu'an saw this paragraph, he couldn't help but fill the voice of Luohe Qing into a woman. You are playing with fire, you are seduce me, and so on, and a series of overbearing presidential tone.

Now the deity is going to say such a sinister arrogant statement. Think about the conversation of the original mentally retarded dog blood. It is really...

A little excited!

However, Luhe Qing did not say anything. He slightly frowned. After several attempts, he finally untied his shirt. He probably didn’t care about the injury at all. Heheqing used the feeling to apply the medicine to the wound casually. Wherever, there are several places that have not been applied and then put on the clothes again.

Xiao Yu'an: "..."

Laozi’s climbing and collecting medicine is also very hard, can you take it seriously! If you can do this, you will have a ghost! !

Not right, the key point is wrong.

Why are you fucking? ?

Xiao Yu'an cleared the scorpion and determined that he was a female voice, so he cautiously asked: "The son... so the wound is difficult to heal."

"No matter, thank you."

Xiao Yuan can't understand, is it not enough initiative? He thought about and thought about the few remaining plots in his mind. He imitated the tone of Lin Geng's voice and asked softly: "Which country is the son?"

"South Yanguo."

"Can you have brothers and sisters?"


"How is the son called?"

"Last name."

"Hey son, what about the name of the son?"


"Luohe Qing, son, this name is really nice."


"Where can you have other discomforts besides trauma?"


Xiao Yuan collapsed, he couldn't ask, and he would rather go to the yak! At least with the ox, the cow will smash the hoof! ! This asks what to answer, but also every word is like gold, life and death will not exceed three words and a wool!

Why is the female third's script so difficult to grasp!

Xiao Yu Anzhen said that the son of the scorpion pays attention to the rest of the body, and then began to organize the cotton straw, this cabin has no bed, the place where you can sleep is simply composed of a large wooden board and several short wooden piers, although the original, the first night Luohe Qing was sleeping with Linshen, but when he saw the indifference of Luohe Qing today, Xiao Yuan decided to stay away from him. However, this also made Xiao Yuan breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the feeling of holding a woman and holding a man is different. He is still tangled in the daytime. This story is being recognized by Luohe Qing as if he is not a woman.

Xiao Yu'an is in a good place to sleep. The armpit is in the corner of the board, and he turns to sleep on the opposite side for half a night.

The next morning, the morning fog filled, Xiao Yuan woke up in the sound of coughing, and he stumbled and looked at the river to see it, and instantly awake.

Luhe Qingzheng coughed with a mouth, blush overflowed his fingers, and the blood looked shocking. His face was extremely pale, I don’t know if it hurt or hurt.