Chapter 108: Soft heart is impossible

Xiao Yuan quickly stuffed a small red fruit into his mouth. After the tone changed, he asked: "Yong Gongzi, you have hemoptysis! Where do you feel pain?"

The Weihe River lowered its eyes and sucked slowly, and wiped its mouth with a sleeveless expression: "Nothing."

Nothing blames, okay! ! ! Where is it hurting you? !

Xiao Yu'an asked a few more words, but Luhe Qing did not care about his body and did not care about his body. He gave Xiao Yu'an alive and laughed, and he was directly ridiculed by Qihe Qing, and he was too lazy to ask again.

In the days of the cabin, I was so happy that Xiao Yu couldn’t help myself. I looked for medicine in the surrounding mountains in the daytime. After I saw the hemoptysis of the Weihe River, Xiao Yu’an took some medicines that could cure the internal temperature and non-toxicity. The river is clear.

Occasionally, Xiao Yuan went up the mountain to see the Cassia, which can cure eye diseases. He remembered that the original Lin Lin Shen did not seem to have given the medicine to treat the eye injury, but he could not remember what Lin Shen was collecting for a while.

Xiao Yuan tangled for a while, or put the cassia seed into the medicine pot, brought it back to the wooden house and gave it to the river.

Luhe Qing rarely talked actively, and it was hard to open a mouth to ask when his injury was good and when he could move.

Whenever this time, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but want to return: Brother, if you want to heal earlier, don't be so free when you apply it!

When the river was clear, he was always in a daze, and he didn't know what to think. The eyes and the mind seemed to be squeezing with grievances and sorrows. People couldn't see from him the man in the original book who was hiding his inner desperate and indulgent.

Xiao Yu'an was afraid of the stuffing and didn't dare to ask more. The two men had been silent for a few days.

After the wound no longer bleeds, Luhe Qing began to try to get up and walk, although he was able to leave, Xiao Yuan could not stop him, and he would not stop. He accidentally remembered that the cabin seemed to have rice and salt. I turned over and turned it over.

The two men used wild fruits and wild vegetables to fill their stomachs every day. They also licked their mouths. Xiao Yu'an felt that if he continued to eat like this, then he would like to make two centuries of magical powers, and maybe he would rise to the fairy one day.

Xiao Yuan, who turned over the rice salt, eagerly wanted to simmer the porridge, set up a small pot for a long time, and did not expect to ripen the rice, and looked at the grain white, and the fragrance of rice scattered, Xiao Yuan gave the river After clearing a bowl, he gave himself a bowl, took a wooden spoon and gently smashed it into the entrance, and then showed a shocking, incredible expression.

Lying in the trough, this taste, this taste, the boiled porridge is really...

It’s hard to eat too! ! !

Isn't this porridge a pour in rice?

Is it because I put salt? Also put wild vegetables? Put the onion section? Ok? Is it because of the release of ginger?

Hey, what are the things that can't be put? Or which two can't be combined?

Xiao Yuan touched his chin and tangled for a while. He turned around and saw that Weihe Qing was extremely aggressive and eager to swallow the first porridge. He finally swallowed the porridge, and the river was pressed to press the chest. He only felt that a porridge could have half his life.

In order to save his life, Luohe quietly put the porridge aside, revealing a look that he is not hungry.

Xiao Yu'an was not convinced, and he took another sip. He almost went back to his hometown and drove him to the west.

After recognizing that the value of self-life is not related to the kitchen, President Xiao silently dumped all the remaining porridge, and then picked up some wild fruits, and washed the end of the cabin and handed it to Luohe Qing.

The Qihe Qingdao thanked and took over, and the wild fruit was held in his hand. His eyes could not be seen because of the semi-blindness, so it looked like it was in the absence of God, and the fog was so strange that it was like the end of spring and autumn.

Xiao Yuan stood by and took the wild fruit to his mouth and took a bite. He looked at the river and couldn’t see it, staring at him.

Xiao Yu'an felt that he couldn't understand Luhe Qing. Why did he let him go and he did not hesitate to let him go? What does it mean to send a wrestling at the moment of separation?

Is it suddenly soft?

In the original book, Luhe Qing can not know how to write soft words.

Xiao Yuan felt that he could not understand himself. Why did he save the river?

Xiao Yu'an is not a must-see person, but he is by no means the kind of soft-spoken person who can easily bully. When he retaliated against his father for his mother's brother, he never softened.

Do you want to clear the river? ! !

to him! ! !

Really are! ! !

The fatherly love of modern civilization?

After all, the original Li River was step by step on the nine miles, and the sword was pointed at the world. The bitter joys and joys were all buried in Xiao Yu’an’s eyes and never dissipated. If someone tells Xiao Yu’an that he will not dominate the world in the future. Luhe Qing, Xiao Yuan felt that he was really a bit unacceptable.

Although tangled, but fortunately Xiao Yu'an temperament easygoing, like to do whatever he wants, to say what he wants to do is to do what he wants, too lazy to consider so much, then the white point is no heart.

Xiao Yu'an bite the last bite of the fruit on the wild fruit into the mouth, and the remaining nucleus is thrown away and played twice. Suddenly he heard the opening of the river: "Girl."

Xiao Yu’s hand trembled, and the core fell on the ground and rolled to the side. Xiao Yu’an was too late to feed him. After he gave himself a little red fruit, he said, “What happened to the son?”

Xiao Yu'an replied slowly that Luhe Qing was not annoyed. He said calmly: "Can you trouble the girl to send me down the mountain tomorrow? What requirements can the girl have to mention?"