Chapter 112: There is always a male actor who can’t

Watching Luohe clear down the bed board, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but swear in his heart: The wound that stops bleeding is broken again! ! !

Xiao Yu'an really didn't think that the reaction of the Weihe River would be so big. Was the male horse owner being scared by the sister? Xiao Yu'an is so funny that he laughs and laughs for a while and quickly pulls the river back to the board: "The son! Are you okay? Will the wound hurt? Do you want to change the medicine? The wound did not heal, but don't heal. It cracked again!"

The hair of Luohe Qing fell a bit, and the whole person was still groaning. He asked with temptation: "What do you say?"

Xiao Yu'an had no more face to repeat, he still had to face, so he coughed and lie down and said: "Nothing, the son rests, I accidentally said nonsense, the son does not mind, I... ”

Xiao Yu'an's words suddenly came to an abrupt end, because Luohe Qing reached out and shoved him into his arms.

The warmth is around the whole body, and Xiao Yu'an is slowly growing.

"Sleep, good dreams."

"Ah... um, okay, okay." Xiao Yu'an is not comfortable.

Feeling that the river is clear and the breathing is getting smoother, Xiao Yu’an looks a little embarrassed.

He thought: Is it the feeling that it was taken to sleep?

In Xiao Yu'an's memory, the mother never hugged him. Every time he recalled his mother, she was only thin and small in her memory. She sat on the balcony and looked out the window. A wind blew, her thin body seemed to fall at any time.

Xiao Yu'an remembered that the mother had taken the sleeping pills that night, gave him a quilt and sang a sleeping song to him. Everything was as usual, as usual, except that he was awakened in the middle of the night and saw his mother die by his side.

Who persuaded the sleeping pills without pain, clearly that his mother had a dead face, vomit and incontinence mixed together, stinking.

Later, the young Xiao Yuan couldn't sleep at night, and when he closed his eyes, he was shocked by a cold sweat. A dream was the appearance of the mother's death that day.

This problem was not cured until he was an adult.

At that time, Xiao Yu’an, who was young, always thought, if someone can hug him, how good? What would it feel like to be caught in sleep?

So is this feeling?

Xiao Yuan moved and felt that the arm of the river had tightened up. Xiao Yuan smiled helplessly and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the next few days, Xiao Yuan recalled the original story and talked with Luo Heqing, but he always thought of the last sentence and could not remember the latter sentence, so the dialogue often became mentally retarded.

For example, the original Lilin Shen said: You listen to the son, the swallow, listen to the old man, they come here every spring...

Later, Xiao Yu'an did not remember, he couldn't help but pick up one sentence: I came here every spring, I asked the swallows that you are coming, the swallow said that the spring here is the most beautiful! Hey! most beautiful!

Xiao Yu'an felt that he could hold back and sing, and he already respected the original story.

For example, one day Xiao Yu was on the mountain, and saw a koi in the stream, like a red agate. He remembered that the original Linshen saw the red koi in the stream and went back to tell the river.

So he also went back to find Luohe Qing: "Gongzi, I saw a red mullet in the stream today... oh... red squid..."

I want to say something about Xiao Yu'an and I can't remember it, so I stumbled for a long time: ''Red squid... um... yes, red squid... red squid green carp

Fish and cockroaches! ”

Luohe Qing: "..."

Xiao Yu'an's words are so free, but Luhe Qing did not question whether he did not dismiss it. Xiao Yu'an felt that this was probably the last tolerance he had as a male horseman to the ‘sister.

The wounds of Luhe Qing began to heal again, and there was no sign of further cracking. This made Xiao Yuan more convinced that he had to go to the original plot.


The problem is coming.

Who can tell him.

The kisses in the original book are still unspeakable. How can he pretend to be Linshen! ! ! Moreover, when the eyes of the river clear up and suddenly healed, he found that he and his sauce were brewed, and he should not be buried in the mud and buried in the mountains!

Xiao Yu is very embarrassed.

愁 愁 愁, the days have been so swayed for two days.

On this day, Luohe Qing rested in the wooden house, Xiao Yuan smashed medicine outside the wooden house, and suddenly there was a sound of snoring in the grass not far away. Xiao Yuan thought it was a donkey or any other small animal, and did not think about it. I lost a stone in the place and thought about scaring away.

As a result, he snorted in the grass and was shocked by Xiao Yu’an.

Because it is a human voice.

Xiao Yuan went to the place and carefully thought about where he was enchanting. Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the grass, and Xiao Yuan fell down, and the two men suddenly rolled into a ball.