Chapter 113: There is always a male owner who has no heart and no lungs.

Zhang Baishu carried the medicine, glared at Xiao Yu'an, and shouted: "Xiao!..."

As a result, just after a word was shouted, Xiao Yuan had a lock throat, a twisted arm, and then a piece of herbal stuffy mouth gagted and finally threw it into the grass. When Xiao Yuan turned back, she really saw the river clearing out of the wooden house and holding the door with one hand. The eyes were blind and blind because they were half-blind. They turned their ears to the direction of sound and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

"Nothing is okay, just a big wild boar, I was rushed away, and the son will go back to rest." Xiao Yuan smiled.

The people in the grass threw a stone indignation.

After the silence of the river, the words were stopped, and after all, they did not say anything and turned back to the wooden house.

Xiao Yuan took a long breath.

What's so good, Laozi reacts fast! ! ! I haven't heard the name by Luhe Qing! ! !

Xiao Yu'an saw that Luhe Qing had already walked back to the wooden house, and that Zhang Baishu was picked up from the grass and dragged to the mountain.

"Hey!! Cognac!!" Zhang Baishu screamed, "You know you didn't go back to Taoyuan Village in the past few days. Everyone thought you were elopement! Good guy, I was hit by you! You I am really ready to run away with the wild man! You are doing it! Wow, you are going to bury me, killing people!"

Xiao Yuan found a trap trap abandoned by the Orion, buried Zhang Baishu half-length, and added a new soil.

Zhang Baishu: "...what are you really buried?"

Xiao Yu'an patted the soil on his hand and smiled: "No trouble, no trouble."

Zhang Baishu: "Who is so special! I am the one who is being troubled!"

Xiao Yu'an asked: "Is Liu Anfeng month worried about them? I didn't mean to go back. It was only that the person was hurt too much. It was not convenient to go down the mountain."

"Excuses an excuse, then what do you say when you eat a little red fruit into a woman's voice? I just saw that the person should have a problem with his eyes? The rest of the room, Xiao Yuan, shouldn't you be a woman to seduce people?" Bai Xuan shouted in horror.

Xiao Yuan took the thumb of his index finger against his chin and thought about it: "You said that there is nothing wrong with it."

Zhang Baishu's face was scared and distorted.

"It's hard to say a word, it's hard to say a word, Zhang Baishu, you go back down the mountain, remember to help me and Liu Anfeng said that I am fine, after a few days, let them not worry too much." Xiao Yuan said.

Zhang Baishu pulled himself out of the soil: "Oh, what do you say, your two brothers took your brother to see a doctor, and now your house is only three miles away." Xiao Yuan said: "When?"

Zhang Baishu said: "On the first few days, I heard that Xiqiao has come to a doctor who specializes in incurable diseases. Whoever is sick can be optimistic, but God is far away from Taoyuan Village. For many days, your two brothers asked about it and took your brother to see a doctor."

Xiao Yuan nodded thoughtfully and asked: "What about Lin Shen?"

"Ah, Lin girl, am I not a sprained waist? He can't go to the mountains to collect medicine, but I can only go up the mountain, but the medical center and I have to be taken care of, I have entrusted Lin girl two things. Lin girl is very good." Zhang Baishu said.

Xiao Yu'an also thought about Xie's return to seeing a doctor. For a time, he did not hear the joy of Zhang Baishu's tone when he mentioned Lin Shenqi, and he snorted casually. "To tell the truth, who is that person?" Zhang Baishu took his elbow and Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yu'an pushed Zhang Baishu's hand away: "Chou."

Zhang Baishu exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Take it down, the family is almost the same."

Xiao Yu'an looks at your face with a letter of unbelief: "If he knows that it is me, he must have made me a thousand."

Zhang Baishu does not understand: "What do you still save him?"

Xiao Yuan grinned: "Who knows, sympathizes, or I am sick, yes, I am definitely sick, my brain is broken."

Zhang Baishu said: "Xiao Yuan, do you like him?!"

Xiao Yuan was silent for a long time, raised his head, and the warm sun shook the mottled shadow through the leaves. The shadow fell on Xiao Yu’an’s face, either bright or dark, and the shadows were stunned. He could not see his expression: “No, don’t like it.”

Zhang Baishu stared at him for a long time and asked: "Is that person already married?"

“Hmm?” Xiao Yu’an wondered him. “Why do you ask?”

"Ah? Isn't there someone with this kind of temperament? If you don't see a little hope at the beginning, just avoid the heart, don't admit it, don't think about it, over time, even you have cheated, feel that you are Don't care." Zhang Baishu said.

Xiao Yuan clap his hands: "Oh, this kind of temperament is good, no heart, no lungs, not tired!"

Zhang Baishu distracted and waved his hand: "Well, you feel good, so when do you go back?"

"When the person hurts, I will return." Xiao Yuan said.

"You still go back early, there are heavy rains in a few days, this mountain is easy to collapse, not safe." Zhang Baishu reminded him.

Xiao Yuan nodded.

Zhang Baishu patted the soil on his body and looked up again: "I have to go, I should go down."

Xiao Yuan smiled and waved: "You are good, don't send it."

Zhang Baishu pointed at his pretentious shouting: "You see you! They all laughed into flowers! Did you think that if I left, you would go back to find that person! It must be!"

Zhang Baishu shouted, pulled out and rushed down the mountain, and did not give Xiao Yu'an a rebuttal of the opportunity to explain.

Xiao Yu’an’s hands screamed in the direction of Zhang Baizhu’s run: “Zhang Baishu, are you stupid! You are running in the wrong direction!!”