Chapter 51 - No one is allowed to encroach on our home! (4)

Su Yu patted the money in her hands. "This isn't enough. I won't mention the food tickets, but the money needs to be more. It'll take a while for my body to recuperate. I can't keep going over to trouble the public security comrades, right?"

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law and Liu Mei: "..."

Are you not afraid of dying from overeating?!

Liu Mei looked at Su Dazhi with reddened eyes. "Dazhi, say something! This is our money she's taking!"

Su Dazhi lowered his head and silently stood resolutely next to Su Yu. He had already figured things out in the past few days. Sis was the one that genuinely cared about him. She protected him at the critical moments. Liu Mei and her relatives can have the ruthless heart to beat him. How can he believe that Liu Mei sincerely cared about him?

Seeing his response, Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law quickly pinched Liu Mei. "Little Mei, this is your older sister-in-law. Be more generous." Anyways, it wasn't her money. She didn't care as long as the matter was settled.

Liu Mei had no choice. She took another 30 yuan. "Sis, take this to eat. If it's not enough, I'll give you more."

Looking at the money in her hand, Su Yu reluctantly said, "Okay, I'll take this for now. If my body hasn't recovered by the time I use up this amount, I'll come look for you guys again. Don't scorn me. If I don't take good care of my body, I can relapse at any time. It would be bad if the public security comrades are disturbed again."

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law dryly smiled. She had never met a person like Su Yu in her life. "Okay, then in-law, I'll be leaving first." She hastily left.

Su Yu saw that Liu Mei didn't leave, but she didn't care. She led Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi to walk home. After they had only taken a few steps, Liu Mei followed them.

Su Yu looked back and raised her eyebrows. "Why are you following us?"

"I'm going home," Liu Mei confidently said with conviction. "The Su family's home is my home too."

"You probably forgot. You went back to the Liu family of your own volition. And now, you just want to come back? Do you think we're easy to bully?" Su Yu said with a stern face.

Liu Mei gritted her teeth and said, "What else do you want? I'm not asking Dazhi to come pick me up. I'm coming back myself. Does that still not work?"

"If you had come back yesterday, that would have been fine. But, after the way your mother treated me yesterday, I don't dare to be in-laws with your family now. I might even lose my life in the future. Dazhi, do you agree?"

Su Dazhi nervously nodded without saying a word.

Su Yu looked at Liu Mei again. "Our family doesn't want a sister-in-law that acts like a princess. If you want to come back, we can make it work. Here's the terms. From now, half of your salary has to be handed in for household expenses. After all, I've never heard of a woman that marries into a family and contributes nothing. In addition, you'll do the laundry and cleaning at home. If you can accept that, you'll be our sister-in-law. If you can't accept it, we'll find a day and Dazhi will go through the divorce procedures with you."

Dumbfounded, Liu Mei stared at Su Yu. And then, she looked at Su Dazhi. "Y-You guys are shameless!"

"Okay then, there's nothing to talk about. Dazhi, let's go. Xiaozhi, if anyone dares to enter our home without my consent, kick them out. That's our home. No one is allowed to encroach on our home!"

"Okay, Sis!" Su Xiaozhi looked excited.