Chapter 52 - It was just short of one person, and she would have the complete set (1)

"If you won't let me go back, I won't go back. Who cares about your broken-down home?" Liu Mei said with gritted teeth. She didn't believe that they would actually stop her from going back.

Su Yu smiled with satisfaction. "Okay then."

Su Yu waved her hand and continued to lead her brothers home. She wanted to go back to count the money. This was a large sum. Starting today, she'll eat rice, meat, eggs, and things made of flour. Just thinking about it made her gulp.

Behind them, Liu Mei watched as the three siblings walked away from her without a care.

She immediately realized that Su Yu wasn't joking. She really wouldn't let her go back!

"Su Dazhi, you have no conscience!"

Su Dazhi cowered out of habit.

Su Yu rolled her eyes. "Dazhi, you're so disappointing. Do you still want to be a beast of burden for her and be beaten up by your brother-in-laws and mother-in-law? If that's the case, then I shouldn't have gone through all that trouble for you earlier. What did I suffer for?"

"S-Sis, I don't have any other thoughts," Su Dazhi quickly said. He had been subdued by Liu Mei for too long. Even now, he felt apprehensive when he saw Liu Mei.

Su Yu said, "That's good then. I thought you wanted to let Liu Mei come back and stir up trouble to separate the family."

Su Xiaozhi hastily chimed in, "Yeah, Oldest Sister-in-law doesn't have good intentions. She keeps thinking about quarreling to separate our family. If we had known you were going to be like this, Sis and I wouldn't help you! Whatever the Liu family wants to do to you in the future, we won't care!" Anyways, they couldn't let Oldest Sister-in-law come back. If she quarreled to separate the family, he would lose his home. That place was his.

No wonder Sis gave Liu Mei such a hard time. It must all be for his benefit.

Su Dazhi shook his head. "No, Sis, Xiaozhi, I really have no thoughts of separating the family. You're my real family. I understand that."

"You got that right." Su Yu harrumphed and pretended to be angry. In order to win them over initially, she had played the family card, but she couldn't keep doing that. She had to get these younger ones to be in awe of her. After a long time, they would take her for granted if she only played the family card.

Seeing that Su Yu was angry at him, Su Dazhi was upset with himself. Sis treated him so well. It was his poor attitude that had angered Sis.

"Sis, I really don't care about Liu Mei anymore. Whatever you say goes."

In order to show his loyalty, he shouted at Liu Mei, "Let's get a divorce in a few days!"

"Su Dazhi, you're cruel and unscrupulous!" Liu Mei cursed. Her face was flushed with anger. Fine, if the Su family won't let her go back, she won't go back. Anyways, she won't go there to suffer anger. Let's see who could last longer.

Su Yu slightly smiled.

With money in her hands, Su Yu didn't have to wrong herself anymore. "Let's go buy two taels of pork to eat."

Finally, she could eat without restraint. Once she used up these food tickets, she would go get more from the Liu family.

Su Xiaozhi bounced in happiness. "Sis, walk faster. If we get there too late, the supply and marketing cooperative will be out of pork."

When the weather was hot, the supply and marketing cooperative didn't have too much meat in stock. There wouldn't be much left by noon.


Su Yu deliberated for a long time and finally had the butcher cut two taels of fatty and lean pork as well as a big bone that was stripped clean of meat.

"Sis, why are you buying a bone?"

"It's to nourish your bodies. I want to nourish my body, and this little bit of meat definitely isn't enough even just for me. I can't let you guys eat only corn mush every day. I'll prepare bone soup for you guys so that you guys can nourish your bodies with me."

Since she was eating meat, she had to give them bones to gnaw on at least. As for feasting on meat together, that was impossible. With so little meat, it would only be enough for one bite per person if it was split between four people. If she ate by herself, she could eat four bites.