Chapter 53 - It was just short of one person, and she would have the complete set (2)

Su Xiaozhi and Su Dazhi were stunned. Sis wasn't going to let them eat meat.

Su Yu pretended to not see. She sighed and said, "The Liu family are too stingy. If they had paid more compensation, you guys can follow me to eat meat. They've only given me such a small amount of meat tickets, and I'm in such poor health. Even if I eat all the meat, my body won't fully recover. I can only let you guys drink soup. Don't worry. When my body has recovered and our days are better, I'll definitely let you guys eat meat every meal."

The two brothers couldn't help flushing in embarrassment. They felt they were too shameless to want to eat meat just now. This meat was for nourishing their sister's body. How could they be like before and fight over meat that was meant for their sister?

Su Xiaozhi scratched his head. "Sis, its okay. Bone soup is good too. The bone is chewy too." Most importantly, it had the the taste of meat. It was better than eating corn mush every day. They were able to enjoy this benefit all because of Sis.

Su Yu smiled, gratified. If they wanted to mooch food from her, that was impossible. That would never change.

When they got back home, Su Lin had already started cooking. Since Su Yu was in poor health, she cooked brown rice, which was better at satiating hunger than corn mush. She also took pickled vegetables from the jar and sliced them into smaller pieces. As for fresh vegetables, there was no supply of that.

After cooking several meals in a row, Su Lin had gotten comfortable with it. Every day, she would cook without being prompt and get praised by her older sister. This task wasn't difficult. Gradually, she was no longer in the mood to be angry with her older sister.

The crux of the matter was that her older sister didn't care if she was angry. Staying angry was only making herself suffer.

"Sis, why did you come back so late?"

"Old four, go wash the pot and cook bone soup." Su Xiaozhi weighed the bone in hand.

Su Yu sat down on the bed and started coughing.

It was only then that Su Xiaozhi remembered his older sister. He shook the meat in his hand. "Cook this meat for Sis first. Sis has to nourish her body."

Su Lin's eyes lit up. "How did you guys get this?"

"It's nutrients for Sis. The Liu family paid for it." Su Xiaozhi proudly smiled, then he deliberately looked at Su Dazhi and said, "It was Oldest Sister-in-law that gave it. She swallowed our family's things and used them to compensate us. It's a loss for us."

Su Dazhi lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

"Alright, that's enough. We're a family. Su Lin, go cook," Su Yu said with a stern expression.

Seeing that Su Yu was unhappy, Su Xiaozhi handed the meat and bones to Su Lin. "The meat is for Sis. The bone is for us."

Su Lin: "..." She wanted to eat meat too!

Su Dazhi was so touched. He looked at Su Yu. Sis diverted their attention to protect him.

Su Yu shivered. She took a basin and went out to wash her face.

Now that she had gained control of the Su family, she decided to go register at night school after work. New classes would start every month. If she was early enough in registering, she might be able to start early and join a class that was part way through its course.

Yup, being the head of the family felt great.

It was just short of one person, and she would have the complete set.


"Little Mei, why are you back again?" Old Lady Liu was about to eat dinner with her family when she saw her daughter coming in.

The Liu family's sons and daughter-in-laws all looked at Liu Mei.

Liu Mei's two sister-in-law's expressions sank the most.

"Mom, I'm hungry." Liu Mei sat down at the table.

"Umm… I didn't know you would come back. I didn't make a portion for you."

The amount of food cooked each day was based on the number of people. Otherwise, they would run out of food before the end of the month.

Liu Mei: "..."

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law clutched her chopsticks. "Weren't you going back to the Su family. Why are you back again?"

"This is my parents' home. Why can't I come back? I want to come back to stay for a few days. What's it to you?" Liu Mei pouted. Anyways, they had shed all pretenses of cordiality yesterday. She didn't have to pretend to get along with her sister-in-law anymore.