Chapter 54 - It was just short of one person, and she would have the complete set (3)

Hearing Liu Mei's tone, Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law clenched her jaw. "What? You're taking your anger out on me?  This is the Liu family's home. You're a married woman. How can you not feel embarrassed coming back here to live? You've already caused so much trouble for this family, and you still won't leave? If this gets out, are you not afraid of being laughed at?"

Liu Mei burst into tears. She had been driven off by the Su family, and now, her maiden family was driving her off too. "Mom, say something. Can I stay here? I don't want to go back to the Su family. I want to stay here. The Su family is too much. They want me to pay for living expenses and want me to do housework!"

Liu Mei's second sister-in-law said, "Don't Older Sister-in-law and I also pay monthly living expenses? We're also the ones that do the housework. If you won't go back to your in-law's home because of this reason, should Older Sister-in-law and I go back to our parents' home for the same reason?"

"Little Mei, we told you to go back. Why are you being so long-winded?" Old Man Liu, who usually didn't bother to manage family matters, suddenly slapped the table. He didn't care what his daughter did, but he couldn't let her bad behavior infect his daughter-in-laws. He had two daughter-in-laws. If they learned from his daughter, the Liu family would be in chaos.

"Dad…" Liu Mei looked at Old Man Liu.

Old Man Liu ignored her. He got up to look for a broom. "Are you going back or not? No one's married daughter lives in her parents' home. The Liu family can't afford to lose that face. Hurry up, go back!"

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law added oil to the fire. "I heard that the Su family said either you go back or get a divorce."

"Get out, go back to the Su family now!" Old Man Liu looked like he was going to smack her with the broom.

Scared, Liu Mei ran outside.

The people in the compound had heard the commotion and had come out to look. Seeing that it was Liu Mei, they pointed at her, said a few words, and went back inside.

The Liu family's matter had spread out. Old Lady Liu had been detained by public security, and it was all because of her daughter causing trouble. Her daughter had gotten married and was still restless. Liu Mei had gone to her maiden family to cause trouble for her in-laws. Luckily, they didn't have a daughter-in-law like Liu Mei.

Seeing the people in the compound peeking at her and her family who were sitting inside and eating, Liu Mei cried and ran out.

"Why is my life so bitter?"


After getting off work, Su Yu took her brothers with her to sign up.

Ever since she was attacked by Old Lady Liu, she felt it was necessary to bring two bodyguards with her when she went out. She had met an old lady last time, but if she met a strong man, she might really suffer.

Su Dazhi asked, "Sis, why do you want to go to school?"

Su Xiaozhi echoed, "Yeah, going to school isn't good at all." It was rare for Su Xiaozhi to be on the same page as his older brother.

Su Yu looked up at the sky. "It's been my dream for many years. After our parents passed away, I had to drop out of school to take care of you guys. Not graduating has been my lifelong regret. Now that you guys have grown up, I can finally realize my dream…"

Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi lowered their heads with a guilty conscience. They owed too much to their sister.

The person in charge of the signups was a middle-aged woman. She looked over Su Yu for a while before asking, "You're signing up to major in accounting?"

Su Yu repeatedly nodded. She had passed the Certified Public Accountant Exam in her past life.

The woman checked the application form. After seeing the official stamp of the textile factory, she started going through the procedures for her. She didn't forget to harp, "Your factory is too casual. This kind of quota should be given to teenagers. I'm not being biased. The younger you are when learning this kind of thing, the easier it'll be. It's difficult for someone your age to go back to school, especially for accounting."

Su Yu sighed. "I know. The factory is taking care of me. I was harmed by the old society. It's the old society that forced me to give up the opportunity to study. I've been delayed so many years. But now, the new society has given people like me a chance. That's why the factory was willing to give me a chance. I'm grateful towards the motherland, the party, the society, and the organization."

The woman froze in surprise for a moment. Embarrassed, she fidgeted with her glasses and said, "... Comrade, study well. If you encounter any difficulties, ask the teachers for help. Our teachers are very enlightened."

Then, she offered the admission notice to Su Yu. Provincial Capital's Business School, Accounting Major, Fall Class of 1959.

Su Yu accepted the notice and clasped the woman's hand. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

The woman held her hand back. Smiling, she said, "No problem. Study hard."

Translator Ramblings: "I was harmed by the old society. It's the old society that forced me to give up the opportunity to study." Su Yu misleads the woman to think that the original owner had patriarchal parents who didn't let her go to school. Her education level goes from her personal misfortune to a societal problem. By changing the topic to something the woman can't publicly disagree with, the woman has to backtrack in her meddling to discourage Su Yu.

I don't think Su Yu is sincerely praising the political party at the time. She's using it as rhetoric to stand on higher moral ground.