Chapter 56 - Your siblings are so lucky to have an older sister like you (2)

Su Yu patted the table. "You can come back, and I've already said the conditions. If you don't agree to those conditions, I can have Dazhi and Xiaozhi throw you out now. This is our home, not a place for you, a member of the Liu's, to run rampant."

Liu Mei gritted her teeth and looked at them. Her man didn't even look at her, and her in-laws regarded her as an enemy. Her confidence vanished. She couldn't rely on her maiden family. If her husband's family wouldn't let her return here, she wouldn't even have a place to stay.

"... I… I agree."

Su Yu slightly raised her eyebrows. "What did you say?"

"I agree!" Liu Mei loudly said. Ah, her life was so hard to have found such in-laws for herself. She must have been blind before to think the Su family were easy to toy with.

"Okay, that's what you said. Starting from today, you'll hand in half of your wages and work subsidies. You'll do the laundry at home as well as the cleaning. Little Lin will be responsible for cooking." Then, Su Yu said to Su Lin, "You can supervise her. If she does anything poorly, tell me."

Su Lin said with excitement, "Okay!" She finally didn't have to do all of the housework by herself.

Liu Mei felt extremely despondent. My god, she would have to live with her younger sister-in-law keeping an eye on her. What a hateful and rotten idea!

Having settled that, Su Yu moved on to telling Su Lin to bring the food out. Before Liu Mei could serve herself food, Su Yu took the ladle.

Su Lin immediately said from the side, "Sis allocates our family's food. You're too good at taking the lion's share." She hadn't been used to her sister allocating the food before, but now, she thought it was a pretty good practice. It would prevent Liu Mei from eating more than her fair share.

Su Yu allocated the corn mush according to how much each person worked and gave each family member a sweet potato. Su Dazhi and Liu Mei were given the least amount of corn mush.

"Liu Mei didn't do any work for the family today or say in advance that she was coming back. She doesn't have a share of the food. But, she is Dazhi's wife. Dazhi, I allocated part of your share to Liu Mei."

Su Lin and Su Xiaozhi nodded to express their agreement.

Su Dazhi: "..."

"It'll be the same in the future. If Liu Mei doesn't do a good job, there won't be a share for her. If this isn't enough, just go eat Dazhi's share."

Su Dazhi: "... !!!"

After allocating their food, Su Yu went to the pot and took out her bowl of white rice with bacon. She had ordered Su Lin to specially make this separate food for her when she left at noon. After all, she was a patient.

"Why can you eat so well by yourself?!" Liu Mei saw Su Yu eating white rice by herself and found a subject to cause dissent amongst the Su siblings. She pointed at Su Yu's bowl with an unjust expression.

Su Yu looked at her in askance. "Isn't it because your mom beat me up? My body is in such poor health because of her beating. If it wasn't because of that, I would definitely leave this delicious food for my younger siblings. That's what I've been doing all these years…"

The three siblings looked at Liu Mei with condemnation. It was the Liu family's fault!

Liu Mei felt stifled. She had never seen anyone eating alone in such a self-righteous and open manner. Her older sister-in-law was too dark-hearted.

Her husband and younger in-laws hadn't stopped staring at her. Uncomfortable, she hastily lowered her head to eat the bowl of corn mush. And yet, when she looked at the rice and bacon in Su Yu's bowl, her dinner turned tasteless in her mouth.

If she had known this would happen, she wouldn't have quarreled to separate the family. In the past, if her older sister-in-law had anything good to eat, she would leave a portion for her.