Chapter 57 - Your siblings are so lucky to have an older sister like you (3)

Su Dazhi was a bit uncomfortable because he didn't eat enough for dinner. Of course, he wasn't angry at Su Yu. She had allocated a lot of food to him. It was only because of Liu Mei that he had less to eat. Thus, that little bit of happiness he felt from Liu Mei returning had diluted.

That night, he deliberately kept a distance from Liu Mei when they went to sleep.

"Dazhi…" Liu Mei shifted closer to him. She was sure that her man would be close to her again after they slept together.

"Go to sleep. Sis doesn't like people causing trouble at night," Su Dazhi dully said, then he closed his eyes to sleep.

He had discovered in the past fews days that his life was still pretty good even with Liu Mei's absence. In the evenings, Sis had told them stories from the past. It felt quite comfortable to reminisce. But now, everyone went off to sleep, and no one spoke.

On the other side of the room, Su Yu was thinking about a problem. This room was too small. If Su Dazhi and his wife wanted to do something, her only choice was to hear them go at it…

Early next morning, Su Yu heard Su Lin loudly saying, "Sister-in-law, Sis said that men and women's clothing have to be washed separately. Men's dirty clothing is too smelly."

Su Yu looked out the window. It was still a bit dark outside, and she could see the stars in the sky. Yo, Su Lin was being quite diligent so early in the morning.

Su Lin had woken up early today. In the past, she wouldn't have woken up this early. No one wanted to get up to go to work. Although the work had to be done, it was better if it could be put off to later.

However, today was different. Liu Mei had to work this morning too. Plus, Sis even assigned her to supervise Liu Mei. She felt like a liberated serf and wanted to burst into song from happiness. She was so excited that she woke up before dawn to cook breakfast. On her way out, she pulled Liu Mei out of bed to work too.

And so, when Su Yu walked to the door with her toiletries, Su Lin had already started the fire and was cooking breakfast. Next to Su Lin, Liu Mei was sitting on a stool and slowly washing clothes.

"There's no breakfast for you if you haven't finished doing laundry by then." Su Yu left these instructions before going out the door. She had no intention of showing a good face to Liu Mei. If she let her off easy now, she wouldn't respect her as the head of the family.

Su Lin waited for Su Yu to leave before smugly saying, "Did you hear that? Sis said no food for you if you don't finish washing the clothes."

Liu Mei stood up in anger. "I'm going out to eat."

"Sure, if you have the ability, eat out for every meal." Su Lin wasn't worried. No matter how much money Liu Mei had, she couldn't afford to eat out for every meal.

Liu Mei: "..."

Over in the common bathroom, Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Lin, and Mrs. Liu were chatting.

Seeing Su Yu entering, Mrs. Lin asked with a smile, "Su Yu ah, I saw Liu Mei earlier. Has she come back? Did Dazhi bring her back?"

Su Yu sighed helplessly. "She realized that she was wrong and came back. Anyways, I won't give her a hard time. We're a family after all. She knows that she's wrong and is willing to change. I won't kick her out. I'm looking forward to the day when she can be a pillar of support for this family. When that day comes, I'll be worthy of my parents."

Mrs. Tian said, "Oh child, you've suffered so much. You're too good-tempered. Towards disobedient people like Liu Mei, you should be as ruthless as when you were dealing with the Liu family that day."

Su Yu awkwardly smiled. "I can't fake that type of personality. That day, I was scared they would beat up Dazhi. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the courage to act that way. To be honest, I was almost scared to death that day. But, if anyone dares to bully my siblings, I'll fight to the death for their sake no matter how scared I am."

Mrs. Lin was neighbors with the Su family. She understood Su Yu's difficulties the best. "Your siblings are so lucky to have an older sister like you."

Over at the Su family's home, Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi sneezed. They blearily opened their eyes and looked at Su Yu's bed. Seeing that the curtains on her bed were pulled up, they hastily got up from bed.

Sis was already awake. They couldn't sleep in.