Chapter 58 - She had been delayed by these brats! (1)

While Su Yu was chatting and laughing with her neighbors in the communal bathroom, Mrs. Liu darted over to the Su family's front door. Mrs. Liu didn't care if the other members of the Su family were home. As long as Su Yu wasn't at home, she had nothing to be afraid of.

Mrs. Liu squatted down next to Liu Mei and whispered, "Little Mei, what's wrong? Why did you come back? And you're washing clothes too. Are you stupid? There are other people in the Su family. Why are you the one washing clothes?"

Seeing her second aunt, Liu Mei felt her grievances welling up. Although her maiden family didn't care about her, she at least had an elder that cared about her in this compound.

"Aunty, my life is so bitter. My maiden family doesn't care about me anymore. And now Su Dazhi has lost his conscience. He only listens to his older sister and has me doing work at home. If I don't wash these clothes, they won't let me eat. Don't you think they're too black-hearted?"

"Yeah!" Mrs. Liu repeatedly nodded. "You should have it out with them!"

She wasn't saying this advice because she cared about her niece. She had a daughter of her own, so why would she care about someone else's daughter? She just couldn't stand any member of the Su family being smug, especially Su Yu, who would always stab her with words. Because of Su Yu's words, the residents of the compound would look at her judgmentally.  It would be great if there was no peace in the Su family.

Liu Mei angrily replied, "What can I do by myself? Their entire family treats me as an enemy. Su Dazhi doesn't have a conscience!"

"You have me, your aunty. How can I not help you? There's also my husband and my children. What are you afraid of?" Mrs. Liu listed out her family members, giving Liu Mei confidence that she still had family members supporting her.

"Mrs. Tian, let's talk later. I haven't finished talking about the thing from last time." Su Yu's voice came from across the courtyard. She was coming back after washing up.

Hearing Su Yu's voice, Mrs. Liu instinctively got up and fled home. She didn't want to be burned by Su Yu's remarks so early in the morning.

Liu Mei: "..."

Su Yu arrived at the door, and Su Lin quickly came out to complain to her. Mrs. Liu and Liu Mei had spoken too quietly for her to eavesdrop, but she was sure it wasn't anything good.

"It's okay. They have freedom of speech." Su Yu was smiling as she walked into the room and hung up her towel, then she used a comb to tidy up her hair.

Once she was done with that, she asked, "Little Lin, is breakfast ready?"

"Okay," Su Lin responded quickly. She took off the enamel lid on the pot of congee that was made from rice and sweet potato. The burst of aroma caused everyone's stomach to grumble.

Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi, who had finished washing up and smelled the food from the courtyard, swiftly ran back to eat.

Su Yu took the ladle and started to distribute the food.

Seeing Liu Mei entering, she asked with a stern expression, "Did you finish washing the clothes?"

"I'll wash after I'm done eating."

"Little Lin, what did I say earlier?"

"Big Sis said, you'll eat only when you're done washing."

Su Yu glanced at Liu Mei. "I saw that you had time to talk earlier, but no time to wash clothes. Now you have time to eat? You'll eat after you finish washing. Unless Dazhi is willing to give his share of food to you, you can't eat without working!"

"Hurry up, go wash the clothes." Su Dazhi looked at Liu Mei in dissatisfaction. She clearly could get a share of food, but chose to be lazy and now wanted to eat his share of food. If he shared his food again, he would end up hungry.

Liu Mei stomped her feet in anger. "Su Dazhi!"

"What are you shouting for? It's okay if you don't want to wash the clothes," Su Yu said while eating.

Liu Mei's eyes lit up.

"You just have to hand in all of your wages and work subsidies every month, and you can eat and live here."

Liu Mei's expression changed. "What? Why?!"

"Little Lin does all the cooking and cleaning for you guys. I have to compensate her a little bit. If nothing else, I have to buy her clothes. Otherwise, why would our family's future high school student serve you?"

Su Lin was a bit dissatisfied at first, but when she heard the latter half of Su Yu's words, she proudly raised her head. As long as Big Sis bought her new clothes, she didn't mind doing laundry.

After Su Xiaozhi ate his last big mouthful, he chimed in, "I agree with Big Sis. We've already paid in our wages. Why would you be the exception?"