Chapter 59 - She had been delayed by these brats! (2)

Liu Mei saw everyone's stance on the matter and jumped up in anger.

Just as she was about to retort, she heard Su Yu, "I know you're thinking that you have relatives in this compound that will help you, so you want to fight over this. You're too stupid. If your relatives really want to help you out, they would invite you over to eat and help you out with the laundry to ease your work burden at minimum. But what did your aunt do? Not only did she delay your work, she provoked you to cause trouble. Tell me, what's the benefit to you if you cause trouble? You'll just be thrown out of here. You gain nothing. Your aunt is playing you for a fool."

Liu Mei stiffened. She looked in the direction of her aunt's home and saw that her aunt's family were sitting down and eating breakfast.

Her aunt didn't call her over to eat…

She turned back to look at Su Yu and saw that she was looking at her like she was looking at an idiot. Her heart felt choked up. She went out and started vigorously rubbing the clothing against the washboard.

She felt resentful of her second aunt. Out of all the times she could have come over to talk, why did she choose the time she was working? If she genuinely wanted to help her, why didn't she help wash the clothes?

By the time the Su family were done eating and were cleaning up the bowls and spoons, Liu Mei was finally hanging up clothes to dry.

Su Lin watched her siblings leaving. She said with a smile, "Big Sis, don't worry. I'll be keeping an eye on her."

Then she looked at Liu Mei. "Sister-in-law, be quicker. I still need to wash the bowls and spoons."

After they left the compound, Su Yu glanced at Su Dazhi, "Dazhi, do you feel bad for Liu Mei?"

Su Dazhi froze in surprise, and then he immediately shook his head.

Su Yu sighed. "Sis is doing this for your benefit. I want her to be sincere to you in the future and stop treating you like a beast of burden.  Don't worry. When she becomes good, I'll treat her like a family member."

"Sis, I'll listen to you about everything!" Su Dazhi hastily expressed. Sis could even redeem Liu Mei. He had full confidence in Big Sis. Big Sis truly wanted what was best for him.

When they arrived at the factory, after Su Dazhi left for the warehouse, Su Yu held Su Xiaozhi back to say, "Watch your brother and sister-in-law, if there's anything wrong, remember to tell me."

Unwilling to do this, Su Xiaozhi said, "Why? I want to go out to play. Who has the time to watch them?"

"Idiot, I'm doing this for your good. Watch your brother and sister-in-law so that they won't get back together and argue to separate the family. I'm not just managing Liu Mei for your Big Bro, I'm also doing it for you. I have to manage her so that you'll have a good sister-in-law to take care of you."

"Why not just have Big Bro divorce her?" Su Xiaozhi mumbled.

Su Yu nodded. "You really are stupid. It takes money to marry a wife. Marrying one wife is enough. What's the point in marrying a second wife? If we have the money, we might as well use it to marry you a wife. When you get married, I'll buy you an extra quilt."

Oh. So that's why Big Sis let his older sister-in-law come back. That's right, their family savings were wiped out when his big bro got married. If his big bro got married again, that would be unbearable.

"Sis, I'll definitely watch them. I won't let Big Bro have a chance to betray us!"

After assigning that task to Su Xiaozhi, Su Yu quickly went to the workshop. Before her work shift started, she went to Director Xu's office with her admission notice to have the director transfer her to a different working group. She wouldn't be able to work the night shift on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays.

Seeing Su Yu's admission notice, Director Xu said in surprise, "You were able to get a spot?"

"Yeah, Director Xu, as you know, I can't keep up with those old skilled workers. It's related to my unsatisfactorily poor physique. I feel ashamed for letting down the factory, so I thought about learning something. That way I'll be able to learn from other's strong points to offset my weaknesses. I'll strive to not fall behind. I want to be a useful worker and not a hindrance to the factory."

Director Xu sighed. "Studying is also hard work. Don't forget to take care of your health. You don't have to work late nights for the rest of the month. Focus on studying. After your studies are stable, I'll schedule you for two evening shifts a week."

Su Yu showed a grateful expression. "Director, rest assured. I'll strive to finish studying the textbook in one month. After that, I'll be back to work. And I'll work six nights a week!"

Director Xu: "... Take your time to learn the material. No rush." Little Su didn't know how hard it was to study. She didn't want Little Su to damage her body from overworking.