Chapter 64 - First Day of Class (1)

After the old lady gave the warning, it was time for the students to go up to introduce themselves. Due to being intimidated by Teacher Xu, none of the students dared to say much. They hastily said their names and work situation and were quick to go back to their seats when it was their turn.

When it was Su Yu's turn, she went up with a solemn look. "Hello, fellow classmates. My name is Su Yu. I'm a textile worker in the provincial capital's Jiangdong textile factory. Sitting in class with everyone today, I have a lot of feelings. Over a decade ago, I left my beloved classroom because of an unfortunate situation. That departure from school lasted over ten years. All these years, I dreamt of coming back every night. Today, I finally stepped foot back into the classroom, a place I've yearned for so long. I finally regained the opportunity to study.

"Just as Teacher Xu said, this opportunity was given to me by the country, by my work unit. I very much cherish this opportunity to learn. I'm grateful to the motherland, to the factory, to everyone who gave me this opportunity. I'll definitely study hard and do my best to repay the motherland. I hope that everyone else will also study hard because behind you are people like me, people who wanted to learn, but didn't have the opportunity. As the younger generation, you're the future and hope of the country. Study hard now to better develop the country in the future! Thank you everyone!"

Next to her, Teacher Xu applauded. She was very moved by Su Yu's words.

The students followed the teacher in clapping. So that's why this classmate looked older. She had such a rough life.

After waiting for Su Yu to sit down, Teacher Xu said with a stern expression to the class, "Su Yu's speech is very correct. The country's future development depends on how well the students of today learn. The country is giving you a chance to learn, not mess around."

She continued, "Let's start class today. We'll need a class monitor. I recommend Comrade Su Yu as the class monitor. She's mature and will be better at helping her classmates. Does anyone have a different opinion?"

No one spoke. Who would dare to speak contrary to the teacher?

In addition, they were from different work units. They were unfamiliar with each other, and Su Yu had the most extraordinary speech. Thus, no one had any opinion on the teacher's decision.

"Good, it's settled then. Su Yu will be the class monitor. If you can't find me, you can look for Su Yu for feedback.

Looking as if she was making a vow, Su Yu said, "I'll wholeheartedly serve the class and my classmates!"

Teacher Xu nodded in satisfaction. She liked simple kids that love to learn.

After the class, Su Yu took the opportunity to find out the contact information and address of everyone in the class.

Don't underestimate this information. At the critical juncture, it could play a tremendous role. The affection between classmates could be as deep as the sea.

"If anyone has any difficulties with learning, come to me at any time. I have good methods for learning, and I'll share them with anyone that's interested," Su Yu cordially said.

“Class monitor, what methods do you have for studying? Are there any shortcuts to learning?"

How could these words be said? Teacher Xu will be unhappy!

"No, that's not what I meant. Learning is 99% hard work and 1% learning methods. Learning methods can only play the role of guidance. Diligence is still the most important thing."

Everyone else: "..."

Some people lost interest immediately. They thought that any learning method that required a lot of effort wasn't a good method. However, there were still some students that asked Su Yu for advice.

Su Yu wasn't stingy. She shared her insights on studying from her past life. She hoped that all of her classmates would learn better. Otherwise, when she wanted to use these people in the future, it would be rough if there were no promising people in this batch of people.

Although they hadn't verified if her study methods were useful or not, they still like that Su Yu was enthusiastic about helping them.

After the students were dismissed for the day, everyone gathered around Su Yu on the way out.

Su Xiaozhi was squatting at the entrance and doodling on the ground. Seeing his sister's entourage, he almost thought there was something wrong with his eyes. He was someone that had done poorly in school, and no one had thought much of him. Fearing that he would be a bad influence on them, his old classmates avoided speaking to him.

"This is my younger brother. He and my other brother will take turns picking me up after class. They were brought up by me. Now that they're grown up, they deeply care about me," Su Yu introduced Su Xiaozhi with a smile.

Su Xiaozhi blushed.

"Class monitor, you're so blessed. If only my younger brother was as sensible as yours."

"Yeah, even my older brother isn't so caring."

Su Xiaozhi: "..."