Chapter 65 - First Day of Class (2)

When they left the school grounds, Su Xiaozhi's face was still hot. He quietly said to Su Yu, "Sis, your classmates are great."

"I'm amazing. It's only natural for people to like me," Su Yu shamelessly boasted.

"Haha, yeah. Oh right, Sis, they were calling you class monitor?" Su Xiaozhi was curious.

"Yeah, the teacher appointed me as the class monitor. What's that saying? Gold will shine anywhere. If it wasn't for this family, I would have achieved success a long time ago." Su Yu sighed and patted Su Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Su Xiaozhi looked at his sister with admiration. Sis was too outstanding. Not only could she protect them, she was also amazing in school.

After they got home, Su Xiaozhi boasted about Su Yu being the class monitor.

Su Dazhi didn't have much reaction. He had left school several years ago, so he didn't have much of an impression about the class monitors who acted as student leaders.

On the other, as a student and someone who had never been a leader at school, Su Lin greatly valued this position. After knowing that her older sister became a student leader on her first day, she raised her to a higher level. She even more or less felt embarrassed. Her sister was better at learning than her, but she was the one that spent the most time in school…

"Sis, what do you want to eat tomorrow? I'll cook it for you."

Holding a book, Su Yu waved with her free hand. "Anything."

While making the bed, Liu Mei said, "I want to eat rice."

"Do you have the right to give your opinion? Even Sis isn't being picky," Su Lin retorted with a wry smile.

"What's with your attitude?" Liu Mei unhappily said.

"Why are you arguing? Don't you see that I'm reading? I've been delayed for over ten year by you guys. And now you're not letting me have a quiet environment to read. Dazhi, control your wife."

Su Dazhi was about to go to sleep. Hearing her words, he quickly sat up and looked at Liu Mei. "What's there to quarrel about? If you want to quarrel, do it outside."

Liu Mei had been obedient the past few days, so he wasn't as afraid of Liu Mei as before. He even felt that he could try to manage Liu Mei as well.

Seeing Liu Mei only pouting as a response, Su Dazhi felt at ease. Sis was right.  It felt bad being treated like a beast of burden. The life he lived now was better.

In order to give Su Yu a good reading environment, her siblings came up with a rule that no one can speak when she was reading.

The next evening, it was Su Dazhi's turn to accompany Su Yu to class.

Su Xiaozhi was quite unhappy about that. It would be great if it was his turn every day. However, they had already agreed to this schedule, so he couldn't go back on it. He could only reluctantly go home by himself.

Su Yu led Su Dazhi to her school.

Right after they reached the school's entrance, someone saw Su Yu and greeted, "Class monitor, you're here."

Seeing there was a person standing next to Su Yu, the person took another look.

Su Yu introduced, "This is the older of my two younger brothers. He came to drop me off at school."

Several classmates' impressions of Su Yu improved by another level. She must be a good older sister to have two younger brothers that liked her so much.

Today was the official first day, and the content of Teacher Xu's lecture was relatively simple. Although Su Yu had already reviewed the material and pretty much grasped it, she still sat up straight and looked as if she was listening with rapt attention. Every time Teacher Xu asked the class a question, she raised her hand to answer, causing her classmates to blankly look at her in amazement.

After class, everyone ran over to Su Yu and clustered around her.

“Class monitor, can you tell us about that study method you mentioned yesterday?"

"Yeah, how do you study? I can give studying hard a try."

Su Yu summarized the knowledge points that her classmate didn't understand, and then she went to look for the teacher to ask for advice. This was the method she recommended. Some of her classmates were timid and felt too awkward to seek out the awe-inspiring Teacher Xu. Su Yu liked to stand out, so she clicked with those classmates. It worked out perfectly.

Teacher Xu saw the questions that Su Yu had transcribed and was very satisfied. After clarifying those points, she said, "This is a good method, but it requires more work on your part."

"Teacher, I think this helps me too. Doing this benefits me and others."

Teacher Xu was even more satisfied. She had taught many students over the years, but this was the first one that was so in-line with her preferences.

"Study hard, ask me if there's anything you don't know."

"Thank you," Su Yu agreed with a smile, then she shyly said, "In fact, I want to finish learning the material and complete the class earlier. After all, the factory is more or less delaying work in order to support my studies. I want to finish learning as soon as possible so that I don't hold back the factory. So, my goal is to complete the class earlier."

"That… That's not easy, Su Yu. Learning takes time."

Su Yu solemnly nodded. "I know, so I'll spend more time studying every day. If others study for an hour, I'll study for five hours. If others study for five hours, I can study for ten hours. I'll do my best to catch up to others."

"... That's very hard," Teacher Xu sternly said. It was easy for students with arduous studying habits to burnout.

"I'm too old. I've already missed too much time," Su Yu said with a choked up voice.

Teacher Xu felt sick at heart for Su Yu.

"Okay, I'll help you."

A week later, when the teachers were reporting the students' progress to their work units, Teacher Xu greatly praised Su Yu.

Seeing the feedback report, the factory committee's Administrative Assistant Gao grinned.

His coworkers had disagreed with his decision to recommend Su Yu to study. They felt that it was a waste of quota. Now everyone will see that his vision was very good and that he was a discerning person. Comrade Su Yu was doing so well with learning!

(T/N: The factory committee's Administrative Assistant Gao was mentioned back in chapter part 49.