Chapter 60:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 60:

That night, I kept supplying the egg the with a steady stream of pure magic. It was quite big, the size dragon eggs range from around 12 to 18 inches.

In the beginning, the absorption was very miniscule. I was a bit disappointed by the amount. It was so low that would hardly make a difference.

But, as I kept up supplying small in small amounts for about an hour or so, the absorption wavered a bit. Then, the absorption speed suddenly increased noticably.

The creature had either gained a bit of consciousness, or it's body development had accelerated. Either way, my method was definitely working! This is a new discovery!

This deserves another round evil laugher.

Though it's no wonder that no one knows. How else can try hatching the dragon egg other than giving it heat? They can't even consciously use pure magic yet. The magic that wizards produce are specifically attributed. The best attribute is already fire, the attributes would either harm it, or egg won't absorb magic from it as efficiently as it does from the fire.

So, up to now, the dragons in this world have have been hatching only from absorbing a single attributed magic. And they are type.

So, I wonder which category would a dragon hatched by absorbing , which contains magic of all attributes, would be like? category?

Now you tell me, does this not deserve the mad scientist laugh?

Before long, it was already nearing 5 in the morning. I stopped using the magic and decided to get some sleep.

I'm feeling quite drained right now and today, there's is actually a special event.



So, my bad habit of getting insufficient sleep on the exam night is still there.

Yeah, on exam night, me and my friends used hang out till almost morning, and we'd be like, 'Bro, I can't be believe we've got an exam just 3 hours from now.'

Then another would say, 'Chill dude, no one's studying anyway. Let's play another round.'


Right now, I was having a similar feeling.

And I've already guaranteed our victory to Andrea in hopes of escaping from Quidditch training.

She's like a slave driver. It's not that the training is too long, rather it's too . Everyone being the nerd they are, they need time for studies after all. So, that mad woman has designed training schedule for everyone that's so intense, that you can only call her a devil. Don't judge that girl from her deceptively friendly appearance.

I lit up the fireplace with magical wood and left the egg on it. As I moved to exit the small room. Dora still must be sleeping on the bed.

'Should I join her?'->

It's not been long since she started sleeping here, but similar to the room I have created, she also usually creates a separate room for sleeping. So, tonight is a rare event.

'Well, I worked hard tonight so I deserve a reward.'

No convincing enough. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Then, I'd use the one I used to use in my previous life before exams: 'I need to recharge well, so that I can properly cheat tomorrow.'

Making up nonsensical excuses, I pulled the door of the small room open with my heart beating a bit faster.

"Be careful, you'll be their target. Just go with the plan. I'd be worried about you if you hadn't already shown enough in practice."

I just smiled and nodded. Andrea's serious expression broke down and she messed with my hair.

Everyone also calmed down their anxiety and some patted or slapped my shoulders

"You show 'em lil' guy!"

"Yeah, we're counting on you!"

As we entered the pitch, I was that the whole Slytherin team kept throwing me nasty glances.

Then I heard Lee Jordon's commentary,

"And both the teams have finally arrived at the pitch, the Ravenclaw team has a new seeker, Christopher Maxwell, whose trial had recently caused quite a commotion. Though I bet he can't beat our Harry Potter-"


"Alright, professor. So, Madam Hooch is soon going to announce the start of the match."


"And, that's the signal, Captain Nicholls immediately snatches the Quaffle, Marcus Flint go for straight for a tackle- but blocked by Rusty Watkins, the Ravenclaw beater."

"Marcus Flint should try changing his tactics, someone should tell him that this game is not about always trying to hit people."

I noticed that professor McGonagall didn't stop him this time. Poor Slytherins...

"And, Andrea Nicholls still in possession - dodges past Adrian Pucey - and three Slytherin players blocking the road ahead - Ella Harper and Pierce Spencer flowing past by Andrea - and her hands are empty! Which one, of the other two, has the quaffle?! We once again witness the wit of Ravens - and Harper and both in a shooting position - And Flint moves to block one of them, Ella - Ella doesn't have the quaffle! Keeper Blechley moves to block Spencer - Spencer takes position, and straightens,up, to reveal that he also doesn't have the quaffle in his hands!! And Andrea! OH! RAVENCLAW SCORES!!! It was with Andrea all along! it's very difficult to hide the quaffle in the robes, between belly and broom handle, and that why her both hands were free..."

"Amazing use of tripple , shown by the Raven! And that's why the Ravenclaw team is an annoying opponent. These nerds have seemingly infinite number of tactics prepared for every match!"


"Ahem...Now, Slytherin in possession....."

I nodded in heard that we had scored. I was currently trying to find the snitch through honest means.

I mean, I really wanna enjoy some before I get serious...

Currently, their beaters are focused solely on me. And I'm dodging all of their bludgers only by a hairs breadth on purpose. It looks like it had almost hit me and I got lucky.

This way, Andrea can score easily.

But I was already feeling a bit impatient now.

'Am I really going to cheat in the end?'

Just then, I saw Terence Higgs, the Slytherin seeker suddenly shooting off in a burst of speed-


A.N: Am tired. I need power...stones