Chapter 61:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 61:

The seekers usually don't fly too far from each other. It is so that, in case the other seeker spotted the snitch faster than you, you can still catch up and steal the kill. Read latest chapters at Only

Otherwise, if they're too far apart, it would only be a competition of who's the closest to the snitch when it's spotted.

So, when Terence Higgs flew off in a certain direction with full speed, I just thought to screw fairness and used the . I had already kept it activated on a low burn, to keep it accessible, and since I didn't want the pure magic to mature my body, I kept transferring the pure magic into the broom, which unsurprisingly, boosted the speed even more.

I shot after him with a ''. The distance between us shortened quickly. Just then he turn head to look at me with a vicious grin on his face.

I had my suspicions, but I'm still disappointed that the bastard hasn't actually spotted the snitch. It would have been much easier if he had.

He blocked my path forward. And I just knew that this was a good time for them to hit me with a bludger. Infact, I could already hear it coming.

'Bastard, who are you even trying to play dirty tricks with?'

'You think only you can play dirty? Today, I'll show you how to play real dirty!'

My grin at that moment should've been even more sinister than that Slytherin.

My speed was already much faster than Higgs. But, at this moment I sped up even more!

Then, I dipped down just a little bit and did a 180 degree roll. I flew past from right underneath the dumbfounded Slytherin. We were so close that our brooms could have touched.

And then,

"Special move! ...!!!" (Rest in Pieces)

With that, with one leg and two hands gripping my broom tightly, I mercilessly kicked the Slytherin's broom handle with a !!!

Right on the area where his crotch was resting.


** **


A piercing scream, produced out of pure agony, echoed throughout the pitch.

U-la-la...Rest in Pieces indeed.

Let me make this clear: the previous actions were taken strictly in self defense. Under no circumstances, did I do this for enjoyment. I did feel any wonderful sense of accomplishment when I felt the satisfying ** of something being crushed right underneath my foot.

I had kicked so hard that I plunged downwards with quite a speed due the negative impact. I quickly righted my posture and started looking for the snitch again.

But Madam Hooch blew the whistle, halting the match.


She gave the Slytherin team a penalty. After giving me a disapproving glare, she left to check up the condition of Terence.

At the same time, the whole Ravenclaw team zoomed towards me-

Andrea was the first to reach me.


: Hanging upside down from a broom, gripping tightly with hands and feet to avoid a bludger.


Lee Jordon continues:

"So the Slytherins get a free shot, and the match is paused until the their substitute seeker arrives."

"Ravens are all flocking to Maxwell - And! the beautiful Captain Andrea, is giving Maxwell a rather... rewarding hug. Alright, I'm envious."


While I was still remembering the blissful feeling of the of the hug, I suddenly felt a and premonition.

'Oh shite.'

I slowly turned my head to look at the Hufflepuff stands.


As I thought, Dora was giving me a cold glare.


I had my work cut out after this match.

After that, for some reason, I no longer felt like playing around anymore.

And thus, before the match started, I took the opportunity to concentrate and - activate 'Super Trigger Blue'.

The reason it's difficult to spot the snitch because it usually flys fast, like, wicked fast. So, when I activated my Super Trigger Blue, which is mostly oriented on speed,

"I - Can - See!!!"

One of the many lines I've always wanted to use. I think I gotta speed up the development of anime industry of this world.

So, as soon the match restarted, I ignored all the Slytherins who were moving like their soul goal was to beat the everliving hell out of me, and I flew to my right side. Fast.

They didn't any opportunity to even come close to me as I left them behind, to chase after the snitch.

"This is amazing!!!"

I could follow almost every movement of the snitch as I chased after it.

Suddenly, the snitch dipped towards the audience stands. And to dived after it.

My hand move lightning fast, and my fingers closed tightly around it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" ??

The audience shrieked and pulled up, blowing their hats off, with snitch held high in my hands.
