Chapter 94: Who are you

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 94: Who are you

"He's just that kind of person. You'd live longer if you stayed in opposition of him than being on his side. So, don't ever get swayed by his words. You just have to pretend to be swayed."

After hearing all this about Dumbledore, Camille couldn't help but ask her again, "Why won't you simply go to Beauxbatons? They don't have such strict rules about home visits. Dumbledore won't be able to do anything there too. And, you'll have Fleur there."

I sighed. Such a tempting offer. But alas, it isn't meant to be. "Because, I have a few things I need to take care of in Hogwarts. Besides, if you just exclude Dumbledore, Hogwarts is a very nice place; I still haven't explored all of it. Don't worry about Dumbledore. He'll infact want to give me VIP treatment if he wants me to stay in Hogwarts for the next year as well."

Camille still looked worried. Well, that's what moms do. My mom in my previous life was also always worried about my extreme sports habbits. Used to say she won't forgive me if I died due to these stunts one day.

Well guess what, mom? Your son died while being hit by a white board marker. Soooo extreme...

Ah, pain!... I don't have the face to return to that world even if God gave a chance now. My bro there should be able to take care of mom.

The point is, it's not worth to live in fear of death, cause if you're hot, lady death would find a way to pick you up, even for reasons as ridiculous as sleeping in your classes.

I got up and hugged Camille.

"Mom, don't worry, ok ? I'll write often and come back as soon as I can. Just believe in your smart and awesome son, alright?"

Camille hugged me back tightly as she for a few seconds before letting go reluctantly.

"If I lost you a second time, I won't forgive you, you understand?"

"....." Well, that sounds familiar... and ominous. Did she raise a flag for me?

No promises this time. I picked up Esme to take her to her bed. Esme, being the sensible girl she is, had understood that I won't be here with her from tomorrow. As I tucked her in along with Nyxie, she didn't let go of my t-shirt she was clutching. I saw that her expression was really heartbreaking.

I wordlessly got into the bed and hugged her.

"Big brother is here tonight. You can sleep peacefully."

Esme hugged me tightly as slowly seemed to calm down, before gradually falling into the real of dreams.

'Well, I guess I can skip the training for today.'

Just as I was about to fall asleep myself, I heard the door open slowly. I activated my dragon's senses, to find out that it was mom.

Wait, Is she crying?

With my dragon sense, I could hear her quiet sobs and sniffles. She usually doesn't cry and always try to show a smile on her face. But as I have observed, she's actually the one who's most emotional.

I turned around and opened my eyes. Only to see her quickly wipe away her tears as she smiled at me again.

"Y-You did not sleep, honey?" Her voice was also cracking a bit.

"....Come." I beckoned her as well.

Mom didn't need to told twice as she came to lie on the other side of Esme and hugged us both, and Nyxie who was stuck between me and Esme.

A few minutes later, Durant also came by, but I didn't offer him to sleep on the bed and pretended to be asleep. A few seconds later, he closed the door.

Poor guy. But it's not my fault he wasn't crying.

After I was assured that Camille was also peacefully asleep, I also decided to sleep after once again resolving myself to break this rule of separation.


The next morning, after breakfast, we were ready to leave. I had to go to the platform urgently. And there was one more thing I had to do before going to the platform.

The Delacours also came to see me off. Fleur would also be portkeying to Beauxbatons, but since there's no train tradition here at France, she can use the portkey in the evening for the welcoming feast. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Before I could do anything, the portkey activated and I felt a tugging sensation on my stomach. The world around me spun rapidly as I was sucked into the space along with Nyxie and Durant. This was my first time taking the a portkey, so I eagerly tried to sense everything that I could feel about this magic. As soon as I sensed something tugging at my stomach, even as everything started to blur, I still brought my hand in the empty air in front of me to sense the magic that was tugging at me. It was like a cord, and the magic was quite different than anything I had sensed before. And then we were sucked into a portalfull of magic.

'Wow.' I was enraptured by the sensation of this new magic. It couldn't be felt due apparation. This was... space magic.




Damn, the things I could do with this magic if I mastered it...

Nyxie also felt it. During this time, I had trained her enough so that she doesn't try doing whatever magic she senses. Especially this and Apparation.

Apparition I'd quite different though. It's near instantaneous and you're basically forcing your body into a small tube connecting both spacesnot opening a portal that contains space magic.

We appeared on the portkey pointwhich was a clearing in a forest with a booth set upbut it was totally desert at the moment.

"Dad, before we go to Kings Cross, apparate to Diagon Alley."

I need to buy that thing from the Alley and send it with Durant.

Durant had at least seen Diagon Alley if not the Kingscross, so we apparated directly to the Alley.

As I led Durant towards the Knockturn Alley ,I said, "Dad, can you please disillusion us? What we're going to buy is illegal and we're going to use illegal methods to get it."

We didn't stop walking even as we all turned invisible. Durant's magic didn't work on Nyxie but it looked like it did to Durant because Nyxie disillusioned herself at the same time.

I drank an aging potion and took out a black cloak and a plain black mask that hid face except my for my eyes. I changed my eye colour to black. I would have used a skull mask, but I have a feeling that Durant won't react well to seeing the death eater masks.

We stopped in front of the shop Borgin and Burkes. On a completely unrelated note, it's quite pitiful to have the name Borgin, because even when typing that name on a computer, it autocorrects it to "Virgin." Just... don't ask me how I know that.

"Cancel only my disillusion and stay back, please." I asked Durant.

I need to do some necessary stuff before I simply buy it. Durant shouldn't be able to see what I'm about to do next.

I entered the store with a ringing sound of the bell. The only thing that could be seen about me were my eyes, which had black pupils right now.

A stooping man was behind the counter, brushing his greasy hair off his face.

"Who are you, and what's your business?"


Is guy's checking if I'm a noob? Asking for identity in Knockturn Alley?

Well I have perfect answer for this one. I cleared my throat.

Then, copying a certain someone's deep and raspy voice, I said....

"I'm Batman."

...With the black mask and black cloak, I really couldn't help myself...

A.N.: I wish you all a happy new year!

Subscribe ptreon tomorrow with starting of new month and new year. The next 8 chapters are already there.