Chapter 95: What goes around comes around

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 95: What goes around comes around

I cleared my throat. Then, in a deep and raspy voice, I said.... "I'm Batman."


It's not Borgin's fault that he was speechless. It's just that, I had to say it at least once.

I looked around the shop and sighed in relief when I found the Vanishing Cabinet still there. "My business is to buy the Vanishing cabinet from you."

I didn't bother talking to him and come right on business. I had a train to catch. While VirginI meanBorgin was thrown off by my peculiar answer, I made eye contact with him.

I had already activated the trigger before entering. As I our eyes met , I did something which I haven't tried in a while, Legilimency.

It's great to have a mastery in it. But it you have a mastery in it along with pure magic? The world is yours as long as you want it.

That's why I don't use it. And... it is my trump card. Yeah... the one I keep mentioning. It has a short range, needs eye contact, and a few other shortages, but, if successfully applied, it is the only weapon in my arsenal that I enough grasp in to take out giants like Dumbledore with complete surety.


Pure magic. It is believed that legilimency is a magic that works more on metal power and will. And that's how it is... for all the wizards who don't have pure magic or magic sense. So, the defenses prepared for it aren't that strong either. They only have one spell left for legilimency, 'Legilimen.' They can't do much in their attacks than what the spell frame allows.

But, after activating trigger, if I can actively add as much pure magic as I want on my legilimency attacks, and shape them how I like through my magic sensing, how much powerful would the attack become?


->Occlumency+Puremagic= Shields as strong as Vibranium. There could be more to it.

->Legilimency+ Puremagic= A weapon that pierce through all occlumency shields, but terms and conditions apply. The potential is still not determined. There could be more to it.

Back to the current situation, as our eyes met, I provided pure magic into my attack and shaped my magic into a very thin, but sturdy spear. Rainbow light flash in my eyes and my attackafter entering his mindpierced straight through his shields.

Currently he was thinking about the Vanishing cabinet. That's why mentioned it. I followed the memory's trail and quickly found out everything about it in seconds. While I was in his mind, through the link, I sent an obliviation to the memory of me ever attacking him and added a Confundus suggesting that everything was alright... and for him to talk politely to me.

It all happened in seconds. Borgin jerked his head back in surprise, but then he tilted his head, "... Sir, what did you ask for again?" Read latest chapters at Only

"I just need a closet for my clothes." I looked around. "How much is that one?"

"Sir, that's not a closet, it's a vanishing cabinet. A real-"

"How much is it?"

"Sir, since it's one of the last pieces available in market, it's price is-"

"Where's it's pair?"

"Sir, this cabinet is-"

"Where. Is. It's. Pair?"

"We don't have it, sir. But-"

"Then do you know who has it?"


"You don't even know that, do you? Then tell me, how is that thing any more useful than a closet? The only thing I can do is to store things in it, oh wait, I can't even do that. They'll just disappear to it's pair."



In the end, not only did I but the closet for quite a bargain, I even got a ancient looking book related to it. I had already known from Borgin's mind what were those things were and their negative points.

Though, I didn't just read the book from his mind, because it would take time.

I turned to Durant as I stopped walking, Durant stopping alongside me.

I waved to Susan as I grinned. "Turns out, the one you were fangirling after was my dad, huh Susan?

I didn't speak loudly, but Susan still heard it as I saw her cheeks turn red due to embarrament.

{Dad, that's my friend. Give her an autograph, ok?} I said in French, pointing to her.

Durant looked at me for moment, then nodded while he gave a light sigh.


This shows just how much of a young master I am. My father doesn't deny any request of mine! That's a certified young master trait.

I dragged Durant over to Susan and Amelia. Susan was now too embarrassed to show her face, so she was now hiding behind Amelia.

"Greetings, you must be Madam Bones, I'm Chris Martin; Susan's good friend."

Amelia Bones smiled and let me be clear, she's not much of a smiler, so if she's smiling at you, it means you're in her good books already.

"Chris Martin, Christopher Maxwell. I've heard a lot about you from Susan. Don't be formal; Just call me Amelia or aunt Amelia."

"Alright, ah...Aunt Amelia. This is my long lost father, Durant Martin, Head of DMLE of France."

"Pfffft." Amelia tried to hold her snicker at the 'long lost' part.

{Dad, this is Amelia Bones, Head of DMLE of Britain.} I said in to Durant French.

"Nice to meet you." said Durant in fluent English as he nodded at Amelia.


Well, why did I bother translating in France if already knew English? Since he rarely speaks, upto now, I couldn't tell if knew it or not.

Amelia and Durant exchanged a few words

, but seeing that the crowd was growing, I turned to Durant, {Dad, you should go already. The crowd is growing and you need to be under mom's supervision for these things.}

Durant's eyes twitched at my words which seemed to imply that he was a whipped husband, but in the end, he didn't deny it.

By Amelia's hand on her mouth and her shaking shoulders, it seems that she knows French too. At least enough to understand what I said.

I felt a bit sorry. I shouldn't have said that in public. Mom would be proud, though. So there's that.

"Be careful and meet in public, alright? No need for privacy charms." I warned him again. He wasn't going to meet Dumbledore in Hogwarts, we weren't stupid. They'd meet this afternoon at Leaky Cauldron, in public, so that Dumbledore doesn't try anything.

{Take care. And be safe, son.} Durant patted my head and smiled. His smiles are rarer than Amelia, so I was glad to receive it.

He then took out a list and began reading, "Also, Don't do dangerous stuff, sleep timely, don't study too hard, brush your teeth everyday, don't skip bathing, change your underwears regular "


I snatched the list from him before it could get any more embarrassing. Did she do this on purpose? You can't be sure with Camille. Anyway, I still pocketed the list. No one would have cared a few years ago. So I know I'm lucky.

Durant smirked, and as he left with a crack, only then did I realize that the guy had actually read it in English! As evidenced by Susan's laughter.

'What goes around comes around, I guess.' Anyway, whatever the case, I was ready for my next year to Hogwarts.


A.N.: "8" Chapters ahead on Ptreon. Adding more as soon as I write them! Subscribe your the new month and new year.